The Pyro Pack: Sending Colored Sparks to Light the Horizon

  • sliim
    15 years ago

    Sure no prob dude =)

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    >.> *has already forgotten what we intend to do

    <.<*sips the yummy juicbox and eats a orange gummy bear from one of the bags of gummy bears I stole from jack last night* >.> is it still stealing if I stole them without asking but later he told me I could have them? got it right XP except now it's thursday for you too XP

    @.@ *cries unconsolably at the thought*
    though I maintain jack would beat rex

    hmm...wonder why...=O bianca is a christmas promise breaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    though you do not actually have his boxers the crime of even thinking of taking them is a very terrible crime and you will be punished.
    hmm..if you're sure. >.> I think I've gotten myself in trouble though...unintentionally...see I have a bad habit of when people say something rude or stuff like that I'll tap them lightly on the cheek with two or three fingers...not even hard enough to be considered a slap..>.> the bad thing is I don't usually even think about just happens...and I did that yesterday..someone made a comment and i lightly tapped her on the cheek...@.@ she grabbed me by the arm and was gripping my coat tightly and was like "What did I say would happen next time you slap me?" and in my head I was like "oh crap didn't even think about that" but we were in an elevator so she let me go cause it was crowded but apparetnly I have 2 slaps still coming from kate..>.> she caught me by surprise and slapped me and I sorta just reacted by hitting her back and now the other person is gonna get me >.<
    I'll get it you'll see
    (you having his boxers) NO YOU DON'T!!!!!!!!
    <.< too bad you'll be too busy distracted with your sex party when I kidnap them.

    hmm...*takes the sticker and stops crying but still looks sad*

    you sure about that? >.> could be another group XP


    I suppose I might maybe...

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    Gah bianca making such a huge deal about your eyes XP just eat more carrots.

    kris was prolly sleeping...if it was after the time I told you I was gonna go lay down. and kris doesn't want sleep. and thinks that "The Human" doesn't need it. *moster hugs you back* thanks tay.

    <.< they don't like you that's not nice.

    and m'k tina just let me know when you think of a pyro name.

    and bianca what the crap? why do you still not have a pyro name?

  • ShelbyLynne
    15 years ago

    Hahaha. I like Carrots..

    Hmm pyroname...???

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    *Has also forgotten what we intend to do*
    Ah well.
    We'll live.

    It was originally stealing.. until he let you have them. >_>
    Except now it's Friday for me.

    Not even.
    Rex would crush him.
    And he would cry.. xD

    I kept my christmas promise!!

    I will not.
    Though I do have his beautiful boxers, I cannot be punished, for I commited no crime.
    And even if I did..
    well.. xD

    Woah woah now.
    Everyone knows soft slaps suck.
    I rather get bitch slapped than get soft slapped. @_@
    If you ever give me one of those, yerr dead.

    (ohh, right.) Yes I do. x]

    The sex party was on Tuesday, silly.
    'Twas a bit disappointing.
    Don't worry, you didn't miss much.
    Though bob does have a nice ass. xD

    *gives 3 more stickers*

    I'm sure. ;]

    << *Forgot what you suppose you might maybe*

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    [Thank You]

    Imma start typing in all caps only to you on msn and tell you the same thing. x]

    Dude, I pointed that out to you a while ago.
    I have not a clue what mine should be, but I have a couple ideas for someone else's and was wondering if you'd put it up for me once decided.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    This is what happens when we have too many sections. we forget.

    <.< ah well I got two bags of his magical gummy bears either way
    <.< why are we keeping track of the days anyway? but it's saturday now..

    he admitted rex is pretty tough...but I believe in him. but I will not make him prove he can beat rex XP and =O you would try to make him cry? you are horrible!!! did. >.> and I believe jack accepted your stick figure challenge XD

    You do not have his boxers..and I will punish you if you take them and if rex takes them he goes in a cage. >.> which jack said you'd eat us both for...<.<
    now you make me wanna give you a soft slap -.- I got slapped again yesterday. "komodo dragoned" as they put it. aka kate slapping me for someone else who wouldn't slap me, just as an excuse to slap me so it doesn't take her number of slaps down. >.> it kinda stung..

    NO YOU DO NOT!!!

    *shakes head* don't really care sorry didn't really wanna go anyway.

    hmm...what kind of stickers are they?

    what if you're wrong?

    <.< me too XP

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    Pssft please don't or I'll..nudge attack you or something cause..I don't usually eat carrots. I'll eat them in things like salads or soups or stuff like that but I don't like eating raw carrots.

    pssft you need a name.
    and depending on who it's for and what the nickname is than sure I'll put it up, if the person agrees to it it's not fair to put up a name if they don't like it or something. you know?

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    That we do.

    Magical gummy bears? xD
    Because I was right on Thursdays or something about Thursdays I think..

    Yes, I am horrible.
    I thought you would have realized that by now.
    Rex is fricken' buff too, dude.
    He can break Jack.
    He won't take the challenge because he knows he will lose. ;]

    I'm so gunna beat him.

    Sure, sure.
    I'm the only one allowed to put Rex in his cage.
    You tough him, he'll bring you down.
    [Just fair warning]
    Even with the good wine, he doesn't like being put in a cage.
    He's not an animal. [ o.O'' ]
    I dislike those very very much.
    So, don't do it.
    Or I shall eat you..
    or something..
    What is it with slapping anyways?
    Punching is so much cooler.
    Kicking is fun, too.

    Whatever you say.

    Of course.

    The sticky kind.


    Me more.
    [To whatever this was about]

  • Bianca
    15 years ago


    I'll think on mine after I think on his.
    Of course.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    <.< can this part go now since we forgot then?

    YES!!!! Jack's magical so thus he spreads his magic to his gummy bears >.> and of course his somehow magically taste better than regular gummy bears.
    oh...your brother is never wrong on thursdays something about your excuses for not going for your jogs in the morning and you having leprosy ect ect I remembers *nods*

    *hugs jack* don't make him cry.
    I thought we already discussed that jack is the buff beautiful boy though and he better not break jack or I will cry..then lock him in an underground bomb shelter and not let him out. >.> pssft no he just has bad memories of your doggie.

    not necessarily. neither of you can be the judges so that leaves me to decide who's wins. >.> and knowing jack..he'll be a perfectionist about it XD

    too bad you touch jack's boxers you shall go down and maybe even go in the cage with him. *nods* just fair warning of course.
    <.< telling me not to do it makes it all the more tempting to do it, you should know this about me by now.
    <.< i don't know...but I get picked on a lot...and they seem to want to slap me a lot..for no's just like "wa-bam" out of no where. then they make up an excuse and outnumber me and say if I keep arguing then it shall warrent another slap. >.> are you going to tell these people this so they will actually bruise me next time?

    that's right whatever I say XP

    but..but..but..what do they have on them?

    you shrug cause you know you could be wrong and there could be rebels in your ghosty group >.>

    you just want to win...sheez you're so competative.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    M'k you do that...but if you don't mind me asking, who's are you thinking on besides your own? though I do think I already have a guess.

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    Yes this section can go now.

    Hah, of course he does.
    Makes perfect sense.
    Ohhh yeahh.
    I still have that.
    Doesn't look like mee leprosy is going away any time soon.

    *Throws a stick at him*
    +_+ You aren't allowed to touch my doggie.
    Hah, I bet.
    Rex scared him pretty bad last time.

    Pshh, but you'll choose his!
    So that's cheating.
    We need someone else to judge.
    Whatever, I'll totally beat him.

    Me in the cage with Jack..
    You sure..? >__>
    Of course. xD
    *touches his pretty boxers*
    But you should know me well enough to know you aren't going to do it because of what I will do.
    Nah, I say YOU punch/kick instead.
    That'll earn you cool points rather than their lame slapping points.

    Yup yup.

    'Tis a secret.

    Yeah right.
    They're all good.

    Hah, not really, but okay

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    That one guy..
    with the hair..
    and eyes..
    and everything.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago


    <.< *eats one of his magical gummy bears that I originally stole*
    pssft. *shakes head* *waves a magic wand* ta-dah you're cured XD

    *blocks jack from the stick and hugs him more* don't be mean, yes mean not unkind, mean.
    <.< it was a tramatic experience for him. leave him alone.

    <.< true that puts me in a bad spot as to who's I'll ask tay to judge them. *nods* she's unbiased. but I'll need copies of both drawings *nods* you don't know that jack is a perfectionist at things and likes stick figures XP

    no I meant you and rex in the cage I wouldn't allow you in the cage with jack. >.> you two don't like each other you wouldn't be nice to each other with all this kicking and punching e-mails going back and forth.
    =O oh no you didn't!!!!!! *sticks you in a tiny cage all by yourself*
    >.> I have an idea of what you'll say you'll do...<.< and jack could prolly give me a good idea of what you'd actually do..>.> but would you actually do it?
    <.< I got a negative points apparently for getting lost. I think they just like taking points away and picking on me basically.

    woot I wins

    =O but I wanna know..

    lies meticulous lies

    <.< why so agreeable today?

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    Wait wait..the way you describe him makes me think vampire but that wasn't the person I'd originally guessed..well if I had 2 guesses yes he was one of them but he already has a name and the other one doesn't so I thought you were gonna think of one for him >.> and if you think of a name for the vampire I happen to wonder if it would be very nice at all.

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    It's still there. xD

    A witch!!
    She's a witch!!

    Sorry Kris, I'm always mean.
    Don't worry, Jack's figured it out by now.
    He won't be surprised.

    M'ks, works for me.
    Whateverrr, mine will destory his.

    what are you talking about?
    I love Jack. xD
    *escapes through the secret back door of the cage*
    That would really depend on my mood and whatever else has gone on through the day.
    Maybe you should eat them.. >_>
    I won't tell. <<

    Wait, what'd you win?

    Know what?


    I don't know. Just 'cos?

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    Any name that I would think of for the vampire would be extremely mean and you would not put it up.
    I know that, and so I have and will never even suggest the names.
    No, this guy has hair and eyes and a face and a cheerio tat.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    So...make it go poof?

    <.< witches don't use wands...what are you trying to do, get me burned at the stake? >.> I found the wand somewhere...I'm not magical, but it is.

    he may not be surprised but I intend to block him from the radiation of your mean aura O.o that sounds kinda cool actually..

    pssft not necessarily. >.> you have to send me a copy of it. and I will not tell tay who's is who's to make the judgement even more fair.

    *smacks you with a newspaper* you can't have him. cause I said so. *nods*
    <.< *watches as you get caught in the booby trap and are forced to eat cookies by the meany dungeon master*
    so...pick a day you'll let me get away with it..
    nah I don't eat much remember? they'd prolly hurt my stomach too.

    I don't remember but I know I won wooh XD

    the secret of the stickers..

    <.< *gives you a pointy stick*

    weiiirrrddddddddddddd XP

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    <.< that's kinda what I was thinking...just how you described him was like =O no way she can't be meaning vampire.
    <.< do I know this person? >.> are they already on the list? >.> cause I did have that other guess from the list that was my original guess..

  • Bianca
    15 years ago


    I'm trying to be creative, gosh!!!



    whatever you say.
    *finishes the cookies*
    Not bad.



    *eats the pointy stick*


  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    He's dead.
    I choose Conflagration of Disappointment for Marco, please.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    *watches the poof* O.o

    why only trying? >.> you're generally creative.

    I believe I just won this argument but somehow at the same time it doesn't feel like it..

    don't forget. >.>

    *is perplexed by your acceptance of the cookies as well as everything else*

    <.< *throws one piece of confetti in the air*

    *whispers* so what's the seceret?

    that's not healthy..

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    *scratches my head* I gonna get yelled at if I'm not so sure I'm comfortable putting that up as his name?

  • Bianca
    15 years ago



    good job.

    forget what?





  • Bianca
    15 years ago


  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    Don't forget to send the stick figure picture. *nods*

    <.< I have no idea which thing all those are to so I am creating a new topic all together...>.> *pokes you.

    <.< I have to put it up..cause..I think you know me well enough to understand this one?

  • Bianca
    15 years ago



    You don't have to.
    It's your thread.
    *Shakes Head*
    I don't think I do.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    Sorry for poking you..*gives you a shiny pencil to be forgiven* *whispers* it's stevie's cooler brother but shhh!! don't let him know he's cooler or he'll get a big head and stevie would feel bad.

    <.< it's's cause it's my thread that I feel bad..feels like I'm saying that about marco by putting it up..? I realize that those are your feelings and I won't object to you saying that about him 1 cause I didn't know him as well as you and 2 because I know a small piece of what you've gone through..I won't claim to know how you feel, you know that isn't what I mean when I say I know a small piece, I won't say I understand, cause that just pisses people off cause no one can fully understand someone else's feelings..I just..I know enough about you and him that I won't argue with you, but I know I barely know anything about you two..I just don't want to put it up cause the thread is my responsibility in a way and so it feels like I'm saying that about him, but I don't want to offend you by refusing to put it up...if that makes sense at all? I don't wanna be a butt by not putting it up..but >.> do you understand or do I have to keep trying to explain?

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    Stevie has a brother?

    Yeah, I understand what you're saying.
    It's okay.
    I wrote him a poem instead,
    so I'm good.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    Shhhh!!!! it's a should plan them a secret reunion XD like a surprise.

    *nods* m'k >.> now you can think of a name for yourself.

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    Maybe I should.

    I don't think I need a name.
    I'm just not feeling the creativeness today anyways.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    <.< and you could have...a scooby doo cake >.> because scooby doo is just amazing XD

    <.< you can't be nameless forever or I'll just put up "the nameless pyro" or something or "the lazy pyro ninja" *shakes head* let me know when you do think of something cause my nicknames kinda suck.

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    Yup yup. xD

    I'll think of something eventually..
    or not..

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    >.> I want a talking doggie...

    lol eventually XP I'll keep poking you for one then just to be annoying.

    =O >.> she went poof and disappeared..

  • The Sky is Falling
    15 years ago

    Uh boo :P Hiya

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    =o sky you haven't popped on in ageesss >.> yet again..

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    I have a talking doggie.. o.o''
    He speaks to me. xD

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    15 years ago

    <.< and which of your doggies is this? >.> rex, tito, or floppy >.>

  • Bianca
    15 years ago

    Floppy is female..

    And his name is Rikichiku!
    [My dog that talks to me.]