My boss yelled at me

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    Well apparently my boss thinks that Im not very nice to the customers . haha i work at walgreens. searously it sucks and im really upset. I like to do my job well and 4 him to say that about me just really hurts. app. theve gotten complaints about me. im nice i dont see what people have to complane about. im super upset about this.

    *thoughts comments*


  • Krista
    15 years ago

    ^^I agree.

    If there have been complaints, then something needs to change.
    Just remember, customer comes first..blah blah blah.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    15 years ago

    Exactly, if you HAVE been complained against, you're doing something wrong apparently. i've worked at macys for a year and several months, and no complaints..while my coworker who is very negative all the time has many complaints against her.

    reevaluate yourself and figure out what you are doing wrong and change it before you get fired over it!

  • Dark Secrets
    15 years ago

    Some bosses are jerks and like to make themselves seem powerful and if you can't get another job you'll just have to keep quiet and try to do your work better, otherwise just quit. But then again you said customers complain, what do they complain about? find out and try not to do whatever you've been doing that seems offensive to them.

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    Well the thing is when i asked what i was doing wrong they said everything that i HAVE aready been doing;. i dotn understand.>? so i see where you guys are comming from like i could see if i was beaing rude to customers but i havent been. i love to help people and make there day a bit brighter. i just dont understand what im doing wrong if im aready doing everytihing thve been telling me?

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    And i like beaing a good employee, i like to go to work so i dotn see that as a problem eather

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    Then ask them more specifically as to what it is that you are doing that's wrong; ask for constructive criticism.

  • uuhhmmss
    15 years ago

    My boss never yelled at me but my customer does and its so frustrating...
    i work in a call center and i guess we are paid to hear the ratling customers

  • Starlight
    15 years ago

    Its a job, seriously get over it lol
    as long as you get paid who cares.

    "welcome to the real world"

    I don't think a bosses job
    is based on kissing ass i think you are haha
    jk. What ever floats your boat go for it
    just don't end up like jenny in B.C Shes, i
    believe still dancing in her new black dress.

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    14 years ago

    PEOPLE look at the date when this was first posted!!!!!! i got ovr this a LLLLOOONNNGGGGGG time agoooooo... other then that lol