
About DarkCrystalbtrfy

Poetry isnt just some words scribbled down on a piece of paper... Its my life

Profile of DarkCrystalbtrfy

  • Age : 33
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Illinois
  • Joined : Jul 29, 2008
  • Last Visit : 6 months ago
  • Poems : 160
  • Comments : 94
  • Quotes : 132
  • Posts : 203
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By DarkCrystalbtrfy

  • My Siren song will lure you,
    Into depths unknown...

  • Tired of the constant irreversible pounding
    The surf of my thoughts...

  • Oxygen (1)

    I feel like I'm trapped
    Within this box that I have made for myself...

  • You think you know me,
    And maby you once did...

  • So true it holds to the passion in my heart,
    You bring your pen, ill bring my heart...

Latest Quotes By DarkCrystalbtrfy

  • They say blood is thicker than water
    Without water blood thickens
    You're blood
    Is more likely to kill you
    Then Water.

    8 months ago
    1 0
  • When life gives you lemons you make oranges and leave everyone wondering how the heck you did it

    14 years ago
    0 0
  • Im not laughing at you
    Im laughing with you
    Wait are you laughing?

    14 years ago
    0 0

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