Depressed! Need Advice On Anti-Depressants!?

  • XBroKenXyetXHeReX
    15 years ago

    This may be a dumb thing to ask but does anybody know anything about antidepressants? Or if it is even worth it? I've been depressed for over 3 years....skipping the sob story, but I just wanted to know, becuz I know going to talk to someone isn't goin to help...I already know what's goin to happen...I can't concentrate and I don't need someone telling me to think positive, anyways anything you can tell me would be helpful thank you....plz...

  • XBroKenXyetXHeReX
    15 years ago

    I just wanted to know about the drug...that's all and some doctors will let you talk to them and then give you the drug if you are ferm about it. If your not in it for something [else]. Exspectally when you already turned 18.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    "I know going to talk to someone isn't goin to help...I already know what's goin to happen...I can't concentrate and I don't need someone telling me to think positive"

    If that was your entire therapy session, then you had a bad therapist, a good one leads you to what is causing the problem and a good doc won't just hand over pills and if you find one who does I recommend not bothering, there can be some serious side effects to these drugs, so if you're not going to take it seriously and seek out a professional and not a pill pusher you'll probably just end up hurting yourself more.

  • XBroKenXyetXHeReX
    15 years ago

    I don't need someone to tell me what my problem is, I all already know what is causing it...I just want to be happy...that's all!!!!

    I just wanted to know more about the drug, srry if it was such a hard question to ask....thx anyways.

  • XBroKenXyetXHeReX
    15 years ago

    Thnx for your anwser.

  • Starlight
    15 years ago

    I just had some problems with my doctor this weekend about my depression, well its been years..., you could always pm me.

  • XBroKenXyetXHeReX
    15 years ago

    How about you read my [WHOLE] statement before you make one. I mean I get it, but I just mean read before you type.

  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    I'm only 16 but i have had a severe depression for 5 years now. I always refused counsellings because i didn't want to talk to someone I didn't know. I had a breakdown and asked for it. I quiet for different reasons but it opened my mind.

    As for antidepressants, I don't take them because I have night terrors and well, My dreams tend to get worse with medication sometimes. But they help some people. there are many different kinds. you have to feel comfortable with it though. because if you don't, that may also determine how they affect you.

  • Good Enough
    15 years ago

    Some antidepressant are made for one person but not the other

    one thing u should know is they dont work the second u take them

    it takes time.. weeks even months

    and if u really want to be on the drug u need to talk to a doctor about it and go to therapy so they can monitor ur progress

    want anymore info just message me

  • Viola
    15 years ago

    I'm always for the natural way first, as in talking to a professional, and if you try that for a year and it does not work for you then discuss with a doctor which anti-depressant suits you best. Anti-depressants aren't fun pills though, they have side effects, so don't think it as the easy way out. You have to be willing to work at it in order to get better.

  • YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight
    15 years ago

    1. geodon- works well for me but its normally used for manic or mixed episodes of bipolar disorder. has a some side effects: sleepiness, abnormal muscle movements (such as tremors, shuffling, and uncontrolled movement), dizziness, and restlessness.

    2. lexipro- sucked for me but for others it a nice first step into antidepressants. helps also with anxiety--side effects:
    drowsiness, dizziness; sleep problems (insomnia); mild nausea, gas, heartburn, upset stomach, constipation; weight changes;decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm; or dry mouth, yawning, ringing in your ears.

    3. Prozac (same family of depressants as lexipro) is an antidepressant-i have not tried this but other around me have and say that is not harsh on the body. Side effects are include sexual dysfunction, nausea, nervousness and insomnia, agitation, decreased sweating with increased body temperature

    The most used family in antidepressants are the SSRI family.

    Cymbalta: is a Delayed-Release pill. is used for major depression. from the SNRI family. I have not used any medications from the family SNRI. side effects-- nausea, drowsiness, and dizziness. In many cases

    so there are some but if you need more information just message me