For new & ancient members :)

  • nazz
    19 years ago

    Nala aren't u thoughtful! lolz

    I'm Natasha but friends call me Nazz (the reason is unknown)
    i'm a publisher at scholastic Australia and i'm like a total frantic at this site becasue there are so many talented people...



  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Hey newbies.

    Im Kaitlin... or Kristina... whichever anyone prefers.

    Anyway the people from this site are so supportive, just write and be honest and everyone is welcome.

    Everyone is really hard on plaigerizers here too.... and most of them get caught as well, people are pretty observant... so a WARNING to anyone with bad intentions.... Dont steal poetry because everyone will attack you, lol.

    Oh, and we have a built in spell check on the site too. Its a program we call JustPlainMe ;).

    Lots of loves* Kaitlin Kristina

  • bianca
    19 years ago

    lmao Kaitlin,
    hey u guyz i have been on here for a while but not really met ne one... i love to write poetry though, nad i always put my comments in on lots of things. hope to talk to ya guys some time. :P

  • Jackie Bilson
    19 years ago

    Welcome people!

    I'm Jackie B. I visit the forum everyday, partly because I have nothing better to do but, mostly for the interesting stuff peopl have to say. We have really great debates about politics and religion... and also a lot of pointless light hearted topics. Some of the threads get pretty heated but, it's all in the name of debate... usually. :)

    I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do!

  • EpithetPoet
    19 years ago


    My name's Allie and I've been on this site for a couple months now. I love reading the poetry that everyone has to offer because so many people on this site are just so talented, and i love posting my own poetry on this site because people will (usually) comment honestly. Wonderful job to all you poets!

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago


    My name is Eirisa I live in Australia and I work in a eLearning firm. This idea was brilliant Nahla, well done :o) I lvoe being able to get a view into the lives and minds of other people through out the world by reading their poetry, there is some really exceptional poets on PNQ I have been priviledged enough to read and receive feedback from which has been priceless. I have learnt so much from this site and its really helped me widen my perspective as well. Met some amazing people and made some terrific friends!


  • adham
    19 years ago


    i'm Adham (adam) i'm from Sydney Australia and Eirisa i'd like 2 get to know u ;) anyway i'm a mechanic and i love getting my hands dirt ;) lolz.. i betta quit being an ass otherwise Nala will murder me ;) :P

  • Cheyanne
    19 years ago

    Heyz, I'm Cheyanne and writing isn't exactly my forte but it's all good. I'm from the U.S.A. in california. woot woot! expensive though. Ay, and I'm young and wild, watch out now! LoL, I'm known to be a bit crazy...well, silly. Haha, Nuh uh! I'm not sillyz! ...well, maybe a little. :p
    okay, hope to get to know some people here...Oh! and those that have helped me out in the forum with my questions are deeply appreciated. Thx poeplez!

  • nazz
    19 years ago

    lolz :)

    hi cheyanne...

  • Cheyanne
    19 years ago

    lol, hello there nazz

  • Cheyanne
    19 years ago

    Mmm, I'm in a mood for a mini party...
    just gotta get together some people in my little black book and I'm set. Oh oh, Food! and then...MUSIC! Oh Yeaah! PARTY! Mmhmm.
    I mean... hi again. lol... *nervously* eh heh heh

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Bret, Bert, Fella... Oi. All titles I have come to call familiar over the years. Feel free to use any of them!

    Self confessed newb to the site and poetry.

    I like to think that my capacity as a big brother and world wisened bugger can help some of you younger pups though... in all areas of life, because thats where we get our inspiriation to write from after all.


  • Amy
    19 years ago

    hi i'm Amy and i'm new here...trying to get the hang of this site...might not function it propery but who gives a shit?

    so i'm er...14 and i'm from Melboure, Victoria in Australia...

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Dont worry about me Nahla LoL It must be Aussie hey Ahdam LoL We are just so friendly by nature I didn't even percieve that as a come on but a genuine extension of your hand and friendship - hey email me or check out my poetry would love to get to know you too hun!

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    HI AMY!

  • Amy
    19 years ago

    hi Ash! :P hello pplz! hi Nala! where r u? u haven't said nuffn 2day

  • ~*^*~ longing to belong ~*^*~
    19 years ago

    Hi, I'm charlie. I've been here since august and I guess you could say I'm addicted... But anyway... welcome!!!