Suffering from my mistakes...

  • SilentSuicide
    15 years ago

    I'm well aware when someone makes a mistake, there is usually consiquences that must follow. However, now i have not sufferd so much from a mistake in my life.

    See, about a month or so ago i had sex with a really good friend of mine, it was indeed unprotected. I'm having a lot of symptoms of pregancy..and i did miss my period. i took a test on my 3rd day of being late and both tests came out negative. yet i know there is still a chance, and i'm so scared.

    It was wrong of me to make the mistake, but now i have a boyfriend i'm really happy with, and the fear of being pregant i'm pretty sure will cause him not to wanna continue our relationship. i didnt cheat on him, but just the fact i could be a mother....may be too much for him.

    I need advice, i am so terrified, i already have severe depression and anxiety new stress is not a good thing right now.


  • Wishmaster
    15 years ago

    Wow. tough stuff, that's a very VERY scary situation. I would still wait it out for a while and break the news

    hope all goes well

  • SilentSuicide
    15 years ago

    Thank you, as do i<3

  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    Wow. So is your current boyfriend the one you had sex with?? What I would do is wait it out and see how things go. how long had it been? Store bought tests arent always the best thing. My sisters best friend took 3 that were negative and she has 2 kids to show for it.. She is very happy though.

    Maybe you should go to the doctor and have tests done there...

  • SilentSuicide
    15 years ago

    I have considared that, the hpme tests are not the best resource. Unfortunally at my age i wouldnt be happy, give it a few more years and talk kids.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    About the only time home tests are wrong is when they are negative and even if it is positive you should go to the doc. Life happens, you don't even know if you are so no sense worrying about it until you do.

  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    Well at the age of 16 you are allowed to go into the doctor and get this taken care of without them telling your parents. At least here in Washington you can I don't know about everywhere else. Lol. I hope everything works out well for you.

  • YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight
    15 years ago

    This is such a scary situation for someone at your age. i wish you the best of luck. if ever you need someone to talk to just message me


  • Shery
    15 years ago

    I hope everything turns out for the best

  • SilentSuicide
    15 years ago

    Thank you so much. i started my period i'm in the clear. =] ; learned a good lesson too. Condoms for me for now on. thank you all for your support<3

  • SilentSuicide
    15 years ago

    Indeed. any girl who feels it will "bring her closer to her partner"....take it from me, it does bring you closer, but the so much more of a terror.

  • AmberSherrellxxIve Been Sitting Here Trying To Find Myselfxx
    15 years ago

    Yes condoms are the best policy,even when you're on birth control.I was on birth control for 3 years but my fiance and I didn't use condoms and my birth control failed even though I had been taking it every night at the same time for 3 years.What happened with me is they switched my birth control to a generic brand and my body didn't take to it.

    So now I am 4 months pregnant, but I'm not upset about it.I was to begin with, but there's nothing I can do about it now.The more I think about it,the more excited I am about being a mom.

    But I'm glad things worked out for you.=]

    && for every girl out there who doesn't use condoms because they are on birth control,take it from me,it isn't fool proof.So if you're not ready for a baby, use a condom.

  • SilentSuicide
    15 years ago

    I hope that all works out for you. =] ; yeah, if your not ready to bring something into this world, just wrap it up. and i'm not even on birth control, tho im supposed to be on it, for othr purposes beyond the whole sex thing

  • AmberSherrellxxIve Been Sitting Here Trying To Find Myselfxx
    15 years ago

    Then you should deffinately get on it.It helps with a lot of different...well...womanly problems.-lol-It's a really good medication,just don't trust it 100%.