How can I be happy?

  • Silouette Dreams
    13 years ago

    I've been depressed for 6 years now; and up until recently I had never been treated.. it hadn't even been acknowledged that I was depressed. But life got bad and things built up and I finally broke and was taken to the hospital where they put me on antidepressants and sent me on my way, giving me only temporary counselling. A few weeks later things were getting worse and worse and I was admitted to the hospital where I stayed for 3 weeks. It was hell and a half, worst time of my life. I'm out now, but things are less than ideal. I'm getting counselling and I'm still on the antidepressants but it's just not enough, I need something else. I don't really like talking about this to my family or friends, because it just upsets them. Does anyone have any advice? Can anyone relate?

  • Natalie84
    13 years ago

    Your picture says "live, laugh, love" - or something like that :) - maybe you should take your own advice.

    I have no advice because I don't believe that life can ever be as bad as you've made it out to be. People have condemned my smile theory but I stand firm in my belief that there is always at least ONE thing that you can smile about. Last night I was upset about a couple things going on in my life right now - I went to my friends house and listened to her and mother get something out - I suppose just to just vent to some friends. They told me about a close friend of theirs dying from cancer. In an instance I smiled. Though I was sad for them and for their friend I smiled for me because I couldn't say that anything in my life was that bad. I feel for them and pray that their friend is ok and that they can deal with their present circumstances as the worst may very well happen. However, today I smiled because I am healthy and my husband, family, and friends are healthy and are not suffering as the man from their story.

    Life will NEVER be easy - life will NEVER be perfect. No matter what you're going through you have to continue being positive, you HAVE to continue fighting. When you give up on fighting and trying then your giving up on yourself...why would you do that? Medication isn't going to help, therapy isn't going to help...YOU are the only one that can help yourself. You'll never get better if you don't want to help yourself. Don't sulk - don't pitty yourself - get up and make some changes!

    Hope that everything works out! :)
    Please smile...

  • Sean
    13 years ago

    It's tricky, counselling can take as long as it takes to have any impact - the medication you are on may also take some time too work, if it is working at all; often people try 3 or 4 different types until they find one which does make the difference. Something i'm guessing you're aware of.

    How good are your doctors? Are you able to have a open and frank discussion about what's working, or in your case not working for you?

    I'm a student mental health nurse, if you ever want to drop me a message i'll always try to help. :)

  • Deana
    13 years ago

    Often times the help that some places offer is too short lived and they don't really get to the core of the problem, they are treating the symptoms and not the cause. Sometimes it takes time to find the type of help that you as an individual needs, not all therapies are the same. Don't give up... and search your heart, you may have the answer right inside waiting to be faced. You can talk to me anytime you wish, I work with teens with emotional issues and am three classes away from my psychology degree, I will be glad to help in any way I can.

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    "I don't really like talking about this to my family or friends, because it just upsets them."

    ^ Do you only think it would upset them, do they tell you they don't want to hear about it or say for example they get a angry or cry?

    I was depressed for several years. I didn't go to counseling and I didn't go on medication, I relied on my family and friends to get me through my darkest days. Naturally it hurt my family and friends to see me struggle, unhappy and in pain. When I would talk to them about it sometimes I would break down crying which would make them cry and hug me. When a person becomes depressed not only does it affect themselves or their life it also affects everyone and all the lives around you too, especially your family and friends. There's no avoiding it. That's what family and friends are there for, to support you.

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    I wont make u read a magazine ...simply if u wana happy then u have to tell ur self I wana b happy..not i dnt wana b sad.

    if u wana b happy u neeed 2 think in a new way, u have to know that we came here to go through trials and then pass them. Ur not weak unless u choose to be weak. Life is so hard but life is so enjoyable. dont dwell on things u cant change...dont try to change things happened not regret. learn and smile. u have no idea what i have been many tears i shed when im alone but i wont let sadness accupy me, and i wont let life break me down. Deep inside i am jst not some one to b broken..

    jus shift ur thinking, and ask ur self why all these burdens are coming 2 ur life... why ? cause god wont give u a burden u cant take...b happy god thinks u can DO it !

    sadness depression are but thoughts :) trust in me

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Periods of depression are natural. Maybe a permanent counselor would help, and opening up to people who love you.
    Also, it's important to indulge in things you enjoy - and to feel like you have a purpose. I would either submerse yourself in school work or find a job. What are your passions?

    Depression won't haunt you forever. This too shall pass.