Bitter solitutde

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    13 years ago

    Ok so yeah guys whats new. i hate them atm his name is billy he askd me on a date then blew me off after telling me the night b4 ill see you tomorrow. he even told his friend about me. tired calling his phones off. he was reall ynice blah balh balh i dont understand what i did wrong and im really really depressed and extremly tired of beaing blown off. and nothing is intresting and i dont care about anything. i just wnat to know why. couldent even give me that how nice. whatever.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago

    You don't have to do anything wrong for people to be thoughtless. Your real question should be what's wrong with him? We can't control what other people do, but we can control how we let it touch us.

  • Clown
    13 years ago

    Sad but true, some people just suck at life and just gain ammusment out of being cruel to those who have done nothing to deserve, it, just ignore it, hes not important, you have better things to do in life then worry about his sorry @$$. Dont beat yourself up over it, just tell yourself that hes worthless, and so not worth you being depressed over, find some ice cream, chocolate syrup, and a good movie, and just forget about it, well thats what my wife dose, not sure how well it works, I just drink and that works wonders :)

  • Shellaine shelli
    13 years ago

    Maybe he had a totally valid reason. I'm not in any way trying to justify what he did by blowing you off but maybe something really serious came up which is why he didn't pitch but still thats no reason not to let you know atleast because thats just common curtisy!! but just focus on positive aspects in life like friends, animals (i don't know if you like animals but mine are all my best friends) , family, happiness, peace and inner love. you know if the guy blew you off then its HIS loss and NOT yours!! theres plenty of good guys out there :) but don't measure yourself worth based on something like that because you are worth so much more!! i truly hope you feel better and that things start looking up for you :)