• Lost Innocence
    13 years ago

    Ok why and how could i have changed my gender..ok so im Bi who cares....why do people care at all???

  • Tammi
    13 years ago

    Becuz some ppl are closed minded and like to judge ppl for who they are but dontn ever let anyone tell you who you are always be urself and always be true to urself.


  • Lost Innocence
    13 years ago

    Thank tammi.....but i let it get to me way to much:(

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    Hello there LIL MISSY.. LIL MR.. no body really CARES if you're a Bi, if you are a girl or if you are a boy.
    You can be all what you like and no body can speak a word.

    Changing your gender has nothing to do with you being a BI,it has to do with lying on poeple. Excuse me, but I can't find any other word.

    AND I am saying this cause you have asked so be a grown up and accept my reply :

    you changed your gender more than once, more than twice, and after changing your age when you joined that club, you again changed it from a while ago.

    now why and how, no body cares and it is your own business but please lump it, since you very well know what all this is about.
    But don't try to fool people and expect us to be kind, especially ME.
    And do not bite back cause they do not know what I am talking about but YOU do.

    Fool who ever you want, but don't come near someone like me.
    I have asked you to stop pming me after I handled you for so long and tried help you when you actually aren't trustworthy but:
    That's an advice, and this is the first time I go this far.

    Do not push me further ,

  • Lost Innocence
    13 years ago

    You know what why don't you grow don't need to draw the attention to your self!!

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    You are such a cute child, tho I am not sure about your gender and lol drawing attention ? I did not make a thread about myself being bi sweetie after talking via PMS about it.. like you did with me and disliked my replies about changing yout identity all the time.


  • Lost Innocence
    13 years ago

    I never changed my identity!!!!! your messed up in the head or something......k..i just what to stop fighting ok..i get another crap about it were im at, i don't need it from people on here

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    Really ? you did not ? If I don't have respect for those who have SAW it too, I would have called them in here.

    But it seems like you forget a lot, which shows who's the one who's messed up in the head, or that you have brain issues or perhaps memory issues !!

    I mean come on you was a 16 yr old male. Then it turned to 15/female...then its 13/female?
    and now you say your boyfriend is cheating, when he is dying ?
    -You need better stories .

  • Lost Innocence
    13 years ago

    No u need a better life......hes not dieing..i never said that.....he might be cheasting im not sure..thas is what i said

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    See I did say you have memory and brain troubles.
    So I wont bother replying someone who sounds (fill in the blank)
    Waste of time

  • Lost Innocence
    13 years ago

    His life might be ending..he might have chronic leukimia..and doesn't even know it ok so stop puting words in my mouth.....i did say that but only because he acts like he's dieing hes so depressd and he is ungratful of the things im trying to do for him......ok please just drop the scared for him.....he could be sick and he wont even know it......he's not cheating my friend was blowing spoke because she wants him..and i talked to a councilor and she said she will talk to my friend and tell her to stop gossiping...i might have messed up when i was puting to profile together and not even noticed ok..your right it probley said what you thought it did but now it say im female and im 13...i have a really hard life and family that would trade me for my boyfriend any day of the week so please TRY to be nicer..i thought this was a good site were people could exspress them selves with out getting crap for it but if im wrong and not wanted i'll spread the word that this site isn't worth looking into, Britts probley the only respectful one here.....thanks and have a nice day:D

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    Back in the club when you was answering the random questions you said you were too young to be in love, suddenly now you been with someone for a bla bla year ?

    then you asked how to make his life last longer..but say HE acts like it ?

    no ones putting nothing in your mouth you are the one telling things, so we are not supposed to know what you mean and what you don't mean.

    TRY to be nicer..i thought this was a good site were people could exspress them selves with out getting crap for it but if im wrong and not wanted i'll spread the word that this site isn't worth looking into,


    this site is no bet the greatest among the plenty websites found out there, and I don't recall a moment I fought with someone ever here like I am with you now.

    Everybody been expressing themselves and I don;t see any problem that has ever occurred.

    do you?
    -but what some don't know, yet some do
    that this thread had a relation with what went on between me and you in the PMS. Which why I bothered posting over here and replying you.

    and remember I am replying still cause you are going on and on /yet.

    All what you did was not for your sake, and you can't blame me for it. Cause we all have bad and hard moments. you know.

    Doesn't mean it;s okay to go and mess out, and expect people to act like they are stupid just to satisfy you.

  • Lost Innocence
    13 years ago


  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    OKay...listen. We really haven't talked, but seriously don't let it get to you. I really don't have a problem with gays, lesbians, and people who are bi. It's their own lifestyle choice. So don't listen to the people who tell you who you are or who you aren't. Live your life the way YOU want to live it. Not by the way other people tell you to.

  • XxBabii GirlxX
    13 years ago

    Don't let people get you down. Not everyone cares if your bi or anything. My best friend is bi and I could careless. She means so much to me and I never judge bi or gay people. I don't think it's fair for people to judge. If you ever need to talk I'm here.

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    I don't care to get involved, but let me take a stab at what all the fuss is about.

    From what I've gathered reading everyone's replies, it sounds like someone questioned Lil Missy when she changed her profile from either male to female or female to male (or whatever the case may be) and are wondering whether or not said person is male or female. Lil Missy, on the other hand, misinterprets (whether that is intentional in order to get the sympathy of others or not) and now claims that others are discriminating her because she is bi. In general, this is just one big misunderstanding blown out of proportion. Am I correct?

    Lil Missy, no one here cares whether you are male or female or if you're straight, gay or bi. That isn't the issue and it sounds like everyone's made that perfectly clear to you. What people do care about and is an issue to them is whether you're lying to them and the fact you're throwing a big temper tantrum like a spoiled brat. I don't care who started this fiasco, but from what I've seen of your comments Lil Missy, you need to grow up.

    That is all.

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    I can't fix stupid.

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    And no one would blame you, you're only one person and you can only do so much. From what I gathered from this thread alone, not including all the pm's you've mentioned, it's like talking to a wall.

    "k..i just what to stop fighting ok..i get another crap about it were im at, i don't need it from people on here"

    ^ This could have really been avoided if you hadn't made this spat of yours public. You've brought it upon yourself.

    "grow don't need to draw the attention to your self!!"

    ^ The only one drawing attention to themselves is you Lil Missy. You're the one who made this public announcement and are the one throwing a fit.

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    Nano, Elizabeth is not talking about her/his bi-thing AT ALL.

    It's about all the mess that has been caused.

  • Shellaine shelli
    13 years ago

    At the end of the day this is a POETRY site!! rather than using it to create petty drama use it for something constructive!! like sharing your poetry and getting constructive feedback that can help you better you POETRY!! all of us make friends on the site who we feel comfortable cinfiding in and that is great!! i have some amazing friends (who i met on the site) who i really enjoy chatting to. EVERYONE has their fair share of issues to deal with in their lives and maybe lil missy has such a hard time with her own life that she "hides" behind an identity and tries to make herself out to be the person she feels her family would be more accepting of, I've never spoken to lil missy but i fully agree with the comments left by hannah and babi girl!! its 2011 people, lets leave the lame stereotypes in the past!! whether you're gay, bi or straight, girl or boy etc... at the end of the day you're still a PERSON, with feelings!!

    I'm sure everyone who has posted on this thread has had those days where they wish nothing more than to be someone else. if you don't like lil missy and have a problem with her then don't waste your time on something so unimportant to you!! because everything you say gets reflected on who YOU are!! lifes too short to spend fighting so just live it to the fullest!!

  • Shellaine shelli
    13 years ago

    Ha ha okay

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    The issue between lil missy and whoever else was personally involved was not about whether she was bi, straight, gay or other. It still baffles me that some people are blind to see that.

    This thread is old now and I'm sure has been abandoned by the OP and contributors by now, so there is no reason to keep posting and fueling a fire that was not needed to be started in the first place.

    I don't even know why this thread has been allowed to go on as long as it has, it was a thread clearly made with the intention of making a private feud between two people into a public affair and has created nothing but unnecessarily drama, and still continues to. This thread no longer contains any benefit, it was lost the moment it became personal (in my opinion the thread never contained any benefit whatsoever on account that the OP made a private matter public) and if I'm not mistaken this thread now also goes against the rules (or at the very least morals of some mods). If you ask me it should be locked.

  • Shellaine shelli
    13 years ago

    Okay well I did read the posts and commented from a complete outsiders point of view. Hence me saying that people should focus on the poetry rather than all this drama that has been created. But clearly there is a far more serious issue and this is obviously a personal thing. But I do agree that the moderators should lock this discussion because clearly no good can come out of it. So I'm sorry if anything I posted offended anyone because that truly was not my intention to do so.