What is beauty???

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    What is being beautiful? for me being beautiful is loving the way you look. accepting your body type. but my family thinks differently. they think someone who is beautiful is someone who is size 0-5 and anything above that is consider not so pretty. i am size 11 and i think i look beautiful. but i hate when my family members who are size 3 say omg i look so fat. and in my mind i am like wow thy must think i am a cow. i am an active person who eat healthy but i have always been a curvy person. and i think curvy people can look beautiful to. but in television and everywhere else you see everyone being size 3 and it makes me feel ugly. like i can never look at pretty as them. how can i explain to my family that i love the way i look and when they talk about being over size 5 is perfectly fine. and what makes someone look beautiful?

  • Dark Secrets
    12 years ago

    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"<< I liked to start with that quote because that's how it is really. Beauty has different standards in different people and cultures. Some cultures (like Sudan) regard obese (not size 11, but really obese, like 200 something kgs obese) women as sexy and beautiful and that is what they look for in their wives. Other cultures regard long necks or small feet as beauty... So, it depends really.

    For me it is as you said; outer beauty comes with confidence and attitude. But in the end inner beauty is the thing that counts.

    I think people now are becoming more aware of what they think is beautiful more than what the media thinks is beautiful. As long as you're healthy you don't need to change your size or looks. Still, there are some exceptions.

    For your situation with your family I'd say ignore their comments and keep yourself away when you feel the environment is getting negative. When you start to ignore and not fight back, they'll stop. Still, I don't encourage you to fully ignore them; make them see that you're beautiful, through your attitude, clothes and let your personality shine. Bring a friend along, one who would tell them that you look beautiful and make them see it, because they may not listen to you, but they'll see it when others talk. Even if that doesn't work. Be proud of yourself... I think you look beautiful! :)

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    I do know that many cultures see have people who are beautiful like having the long neck. we might think its weird but for them its something beautiful and they embrace it with they way they show respect and honor of being who they are.
    but ii think that quote of "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is so true tnxxs i need something like that.
    and yes i love the way i look i would just like if my family accepted me for they way i look cause i love being a curvy person. but its hard not to ignore my family comments when they keep always talking about me comparing myself to my cousins. because all they eat are salads and ii like it too but ii will eat food cause some food are really good.
    but thank you so much it really does make me feel alot better about my self.. =)

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    12 years ago

    I've tried to form myself into what everyone said was "beautiful". I was a size 7 and a guy I was dating said I wouldn't be beautiful enough unless I loss weight, mind you I weighed 140 pounds at 5 foot 10 so I wasn't big, I lost 50 pounds. I spent so much time when I was younger obsessing over gaining a few pounds to looking as perfect as I could. I starved myself and worked so hard at it I did damage to my body from lack of nutrition. Took me years and a lot of work but in the end? I found that what makes true beauty comes from within. Being comfortable with yourself, liking your body at least (still working on the liking myself at times though) comes through in confidence, you know you look good, you feel good with how you look and that shines as beauty :)

  • Decayed
    12 years ago

    They I feel myself very fat when I look at commercials!

  • BlueJay
    12 years ago

    Beauty is a word with a false definition. Because everyone is bound to see it differently. Though I don't see how such a thing can exist when people ruin what it should be. True beauty should be from your own opinion and not altered by anyone or anything else. I don't mean to contradict anyone and I don't necessarily mean to agree with anyone either. This is purely an opinion and I'm sure most of you will dislike that opinion, but it should be stated, for all to hear.

  • Azrael
    12 years ago

    Beauty means different things to different people, but it is not all about looks. It involves way more than just that, take celebs for instance. They have looks but look how many are divorced and alone, looks did not help them. Look at Donald Trump, not much on looks but has lots of money, but he too has been divorce many times.

    As long as you are happy with who you are and this is not based on anybody else's opinion of you. Remember you have to live your life they don't have to live yours. Be happy with who you are. As the saying goes "you can not please everyone", so just be happy with you.

  • PaperHearts
    12 years ago

    Every one is beautiful

  • BlueJay
    12 years ago

    I know I already posted, but I would like to add something though it doesn't really fit with what I said earlier.

    Everyone decides their beauty differently. If you believe you are beautiful, so will others. If you appear to be happy and or confident then people will easily see the beauty that you posses, even if it isn't on the shell. Because everyone is beautiful in some way or another. It may be something small like someone's eye color, or something huge like structure (for the shell) Yet inside no matter how small the area of beauty may seem like nothing at all, but no inner aspect of anyone is small...

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    Everyone is beautiful.. true love is skin deep...
    and ii think everyone should be told they are beautiful everyday we would have a better world... and a much nicer society. and alot less hate.

  • Kuro
    12 years ago

    "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

    one person might look at something/someone and say "i dont like it! or call it worthless."

    but another, it can be the most beautiful and valuable thing in the world.

    beauty is relative.

  • Ms Happiness
    12 years ago

    Beauty is found in the heart.
    There are ppl who r not gd looking, but still beauty is found on them.
    There is this story that happened to a frnd of mine" once a guy talked to her in twiter, they started talkin and talkin, for long time, but he doesnt know how she looks like. Then one day he told her: I dont care abt how u look ugly or beautiful, I think u have a beautiful heart. Then there relationship growed, and they loved each other. They started goin on dates," now its been 2 years and a half for them. And they still in a strong relationship.

  • Sean
    12 years ago

    The most beautiful thing is something or someone who doesn't know they are; atleast to me.

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    Beauty is confidence
    Beauty isn't all about looking hot.beauty is on the inside and out :)