What you think?

  • Michael D Nalley
    12 years ago

    That is mighty white of you Kevin
    I have found that the distinction between God and religion is as vast as the distintiction between religion and race. We are are members of the homoerectus group and the last time I wished to discuss the ten suggestions
    While I was in the penalty box with my friends my enemies said I should be banned
    I was going to discuss Sharia with Noir before I was moderated

    To my close friend RSJ who has shown me the true Spirit of Love while we have searched for the truth together knows that both of our religions have laws that are said to be recorded by the very earliest civilizations that are best known as the law of Moses

  • Kevin
    12 years ago

    I am honestly very interested in reliable information that explains the Islamic faith as being one of peace.

  • abracadabra
    12 years ago

    You want reliable information on a religion? Errrrr...

  • Mello193
    12 years ago

    You cant just ask people there opinions because no one is right in this situation, only you can decide what to believe in. its all up to you. and no mortal human has any knowledge of God's existence whatsoever. so no one would be able to answer this question. read the bible, the torah, gospel of filth, what have you, and then decide. :)

  • Yrem Crish
    11 years ago

    I always believe that God is real...

  • Formidable Muse
    11 years ago

    I believe God is real. But he is someone you have to find for yourself, you cant listen to what other people think of his existance. If you give him the chance, you will know that he exists because you will feel him in your heart.

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    Has it occured to anyone that this is exactly what to post once just to get everyone riled up?

    that maybe, we here in poems and quotes, might not be the authority on divinity, or secular thought?

    that maybe, if they wanted to figure out legitimately what to believe they would not just ask random internet strangers what to believe?

    that maybe, they are sitting back with a tub of popcorn and watching religious fundamentalists and devout atheists take jabs at eachother like some unglorified, private boxing match to which no one is going to win but the spectators?

    food for thought.

  • Kevin
    11 years ago

    This place is a harmless place to discuss hot topics. If anyone gets upset at a debate that takes place here, then perhaps they are not ready for any kind of debate in the real world.

    I consider discussions here as practice.

  • Michael D Nalley
    11 years ago

    "I consider discussions here as practice."
    I used to be a practicing Catholic as many devout atheist may also admit to. I may still be practicing though I will never be perfect on my own
    I tend to quote comedians such as George Carlin ""I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death." When I felt I was a practicing online evangelical I felt on the defense. I dare say if we went through most dictionaries and removed the words that were attributed to a god literature would be exciting to me as reading a tube of tooth paste . I have learned to Love those who will never admit to practicing any Faith and Hope they can learn that the material world does not have to oppose the Spirit .I think that even secular faith is useful and essential to man made creations

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    On that point i actually think we can agree entirely, life without faith of any kind in anything, without hope, or the language to convey either would probably be a pretty soulless society. however that doesn't necessarily mean that we have to believe in a god, there are things, like human morality in general, that are just as efficacious at inspiring art works.

    i also dont think that not believing in a god removes the opportunity for using the religiously based words such as "god" in their many connotations and nuances from being used in art. i would say there is surely a vehement atheist somewhere who has used god in one of his poems, and i can say with certainty that Nietzsche uses the word with great prolifity in the twilight of the idols without believing in him. the quote "God is dead and man killed him." is a good example of this.

  • Kevin
    11 years ago

    I know video's don't change people's minds, but I happen to think these two video's raise excellent points for why those like myself just can't bring ourselves to have faith in religion.

    Sam Harris Vs Dr Lane Craig

    (this is a 10 minute cut from one of Sam's responses.)


    Christopher Hitchens


    I'd love to hear some feedback on these, especially Hitchens.

  • Formidable Muse
    11 years ago

    I agree with Kevin and Michael.

    This is a safe place to discuss things like this and it's quite interesting to see people's responses.

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    Thats entirely my point. its interesting to watch. its amusing to watch people battle over this, occasionally it might even be informative but i think the main reason to instigate this sort of hot topic is just to be amused by it which i find mildly despicable

  • Michael D Nalley
    11 years ago

    Subjective vs Objective

    Subjective information is one person's opinion. In a newspaper, the editorial section is the place for subjectivity. It can be based on fact, but it is one person's interpretation of that fact. In this way, subjective information is also analytical.
    Student research papers are usually subjective, in that the writer formulates a thesis statement and uses sources that support that thesis. Bear in mind that there is usually another equally valid viewpoint that can be supported with other sources.
    To be honest I feel like I was taught you don't have to think like me, you can just go to hell The paradox is that astrologers who were not so egocentric are believed to have sought a Heavenly King while most believed the earth stood still while the universe spun around us
    Objective information reviews many points of view. It is intended to be unbiased. News reporters are supposed to be objective and report the facts of an event. Encyclopedias and other reference materials provide objective information
    There is power in unity in diversity The wise learn power through humility and they are the heroes of the truly enlightened . Keven taught me that no one desires to be mindless heartless and soulless while sharing information and you believe that reward and punishment would have its advantages in a cyborg
    No one could communicate spirituality alone Do you find this youtube dipicible?Madonna - Frozen [Official Video]

  • Kevin
    11 years ago

    So the bible is the subjective opinion of a bunch of prophets who hung out with Jesus and then wrote down what they thought he was on about....7 decades after he "died".


  • Darren
    11 years ago

    I dont really, but I catch myself thinking about it soemtimes.

  • Michael D Nalley
    11 years ago

    No matter what our Faith I love to believe subjective opinions have altered the course of mankind, sometimes for the good of humanity

    BTW thanks to those who voted me Most abstract/out there PnQer:

  • dan
    11 years ago

    life is a two way street.