Calling cards for military??

  • believeinlove87
    12 years ago

    My boyfriend is in the marines. He's currently on ship and I wanna send him some calling cards. Is there a specific kind??

    Idk what to do lol (:

  • Selfrejected
    12 years ago

    Odd that it's not like the Canadian Military we have calling cards from SAT phones on board that every department is issued. And you get 15 minutes a day to talk to your spouse/loved one.

  • believeinlove87
    12 years ago

    Well my boyfriend can buy cards and stuff and call me when he gets a chance. But I don't want him payin for it all. I feel bad and wanna send him some :)

  • Selfrejected
    12 years ago

    The ones I'm talking about are free. Because the equipment on the ship isn't capable of handling a bunch of phone calls at the same time. But the Americans do get 1 gb/s connections. We get slightly faster then dial up. Any calling card would do for international calls. But the minutes are just going to get burnt no matter the brand.

  • believeinlove87
    12 years ago

    Oh. I don't know if they ones he gets are free or not. And yeah they go out alot faster when your contacting the USA.

    We talk from 30 mins to an hour whenever he gets a chance, so that'd be alot of minutes to send, but worth it of course

  • Celtic Warrior
    12 years ago

    If he is a marine, then it would be much easier for him to get a cell phone.

  • believeinlove87
    12 years ago

    He uses his iPhone to text me. But when they are on ship, they can't use cell phones bcuz of no service or wifi for it.

    They can only use the phone on ship every once in a while, but I'm unsure of the calling cards you can send to them

  • Celtic Warrior
    12 years ago

    Oh i see! hmm..well..usually any international calling card you can get at gas stations will work. in fact, I know people who encourage the use of them.

  • believeinlove87
    12 years ago

    I asked him, since he left ship to go back for training or whatever and he said that you can buy Att worldwide pre paid cards.

    But he won't let me buy anything since he will only be on ship for 3 more weeks and it takes 2 weeks to get anything you send ugh. lol