World Poetry Movement (poetry contest)

  • Lofallenve
    12 years ago

    Has anybody ever entered this contest?
    I did a couple weeks ago and just got my letter on my poem "Round and Round" being published in the newest edition.
    My friend had his published in a recent edition. Plus the poem is entered in a contest too. :) I'm rather excited and proud of myself.

  • Sylvia
    12 years ago

    I did a google search and it looks like that group might be scammers, just trying to take money from people.

    This link is about World Poetry Movement.

  • A lonely soul
    12 years ago

    Scammers indeed! What a nerve, to make people believe they have won and make money of them. Plagiarism cloaked in sweet honey.

    But, Lofallenve, do not be disappointed. This poem was very worthy, from my recollection, was nominated and won a HM, in the first week of my judging term. Coming from a newcomer, it was surprisingly well written, perhaps one of your best. So keep writing and perhaps one day you will win right here. Good Luck.

  • Lofallenve
    12 years ago

    O.o It got an HM? I didn't even realize that it did lol.

    I have also seen the books in Barnes and Nbble, plus Amazon. Would it curiously, be a scam if sold in those stores?

  • A lonely soul
    12 years ago

    I think you have to judge for yourself from the posts on the link that Sylvia provided. I may have gone overboard, but it does smell like a pyramid scheme, to some extent. They do publish you, and sell, but who are the buyers of amateur, unknown poets? Yourself and your family and friends. So, yes you do get published and pay for it yourself, it seems. What would you call this....if not a scam?
    Here are some interesting excerpts from the published authors:

    "... And yes everyone who enters is a semifinalist. Be wary because the next step is to invite you to an overpriced 3 - 4 day poetry gathering with promises that never quite happen."

    '....They do not provide a phone number
    They do not provide any other books their company has published
    The price for their book is absolutely ridiculous, especially since all of the poetry in this is written by amateur, unknown writers
    Their is no information provided online about them and their previous work"
    ".....And most of all, these books are very expensive, .. it is impossible to locate anyone who knows of World Poetry Movement, and their books of "the finest poetry." I have a feeling they accept everyone who enters, so their may be multiple book titles. If you order the book they may send it to you, but it will most likely not be sold in stores. Only to those who have poetry in the book."

    So judge for yourself, one could be a published author, as others mention, but would one be famous? Would these books be collectors editions? or used to teach in classrooms? The business model that they run treads a fine line between a scam and a "publish and own your published poetry"....I do not at all disagree that it will certainly give a boost to one's morale....and so forth to see one's writings in print, to own and cherish for life, and gift to family and friends. But then, ......let you be the judge.

  • Lofallenve
    12 years ago

    It does make a lot of sense. I have to agree with you on it being a scam. I haven't bought the book or anything else from it. Nor am I going to. THank you so much :))

  • Sylvia
    12 years ago

    When I first started writing, I joined a site, got a letter how good my work was, they wanted to publish one of my poems. Was delighted. Then was notified the book was getting ready to be published how many copies did I want. I only bought one at 24.95. Never saw that money again and now 6 years later, no book either.

  • Lofallenve
    12 years ago

    Which is very odd, seeing as my friend who entered got his book. o.o
    But I'm not spending money to buy anything from them. Thats just ridiculous lol. :P

    12 years ago

    I was published in a book like this when I was in high school. It cost me like $50 for a copy of the book and you wouldn't believe some of the rubbish that was printed. Looking back my poem wasnt great either.
    I did get a bunch of mail inviting me to the weekend poetry conventions....invite only due to the publishing. But it was a horrendous amount of money for the tickets and stuff.