What the f*** america?

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    Before you chalk this ranting up to me being an extremist who thinks talking will make a difference, do read what i have to say. understand right now that i am not taking a political or religious side, this is is not a republican, or democratic note, it is not christian, or muslim, or hindu or whatever. im ticked off because america is completely f***ed up, and no one seems to notice or care.

    what do we know about the official operations and political agendas of the united states? can you honestly, without looking it up, even name the people who represent you in the house, and in the senate? so far as i can tell, politicians have said that they are trustworthy and pure loud enough, and enough times that we feel no need to look into it. they have also scared the general population into paying all of their attention to a terrorist threat, legitimate or no, heres some interesting facts about the united states of america, and a brief list of why we are not free.

    -Starting off, you ever heard of the National Defense Authorization Act? it basically dissolves the bill of rights. it states that the military can legally detain you, without trial, indefinitely and with impunity in "terrorism cases". the united states has been declared an active battle ground upon which U.S. military forces can operate with impunity overriding Posse Comitatus(limits the amount of power usable by local governments by limiting federal military resources which can be deployed by state governments.) and granting the military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate, and assassinate U.S. citizens. (forbes August 2nd)

    -Maybe thats not f***ed up enough for you, so lets keep going. we are all familiar with the drones we have overseas killing the vague entity known as 'terrorists' right? not saying thats a bad thing, in fact if some one wants to kill me, then i love it that the US will defend my right to live with lethal force if necessary. what im not so excited about is that these military grade drones are now being used by police stations on US soil to act as surveillance, and in isolated cases, have a load out. thats right, there are unmanned drones in the skies that have nonlethal capabilities such as tear gas and rubber bullets, as well as the capacity for lethal force (swap the mag of rubber bullets for one with real bullets). if we werent an "active battleground" this and i quote "raises the prospect of unconstitutional force being used on individuals."(CBS DC may 23rd)

    -still not f***ed up enough? maybe we can vote down this kind of law? no, because we arent a direct democracy we have no direct control over laws like this. but we can vote people into office who will change laws like this right? that actually might be more difficult than you think, due to many politicians new best friend, no not campaigning, but voter suppression. its rampant right now, Pennsylvania Ohio and Florida have moved to "purge thousands of voters from its registration rolls." using several different incredibly creative tactics. The first is the requirement of an extraordinarily specific photo id law which makes a specific type of id necessary to vote. more than 1/3rd of the voting population is currently unaware of the existence of this requirement. Florida and Ohio have also both cut their early voting periods. might not sound like a big deal but 1 million voted in the early voting period in 2008. there are several other measures suppressing votes and whats actually horrifying is that this isnt jsut stupidity, its targetted at a specific group of people. the Miami Herald acknowledged that "Hispanic, Democratic and independent-minded voters are the most likely to be targeted in a state hunt to remove thousands of noncitizens from Florida's voting rolls, a Miami Herald computer analysis of elections records has found. Whites and Republicans are disproportionately the least-likely to face the threat of removal, the analysis of a list of more than 2,600 potential noncitizens shows." (republicans can jump for joy at this if i want but please be assured that i would be equally disgusted and pissed off if it were republican voters being denied their ability to vote.) (New York Times august 1st)

    -well why would anyone want to detain me? does anyone actually have a motivation to just suck up random people from the streets, or if i keep my head down and shut up will i be safe? No such luck. the federal government, due to budget shortfalls, is selling prisons to private corporation with a contract stipulation that prisons need to be at least 90% full throughout the term of the contract. so what if there arent enough inmates? will the corporations just take slashes to their paychecks? no, they have more of a tendency to create new inmates. you are more valuable to privately owned correctional facilities if you are an inmate, than if you are a free man or woman. (Huffington Post February 14th)

    -you know whats the worst part though? no one is angry about this, most people dont even know about this. seriously, why dont we care? why arent we standing up for ourselves? you are being discriminated against by the government as a human being. if you say the wrong thing you can be easily classified as a terrorist, or linked to possible terrorist activity, and arrested interrogated and or executed without a trial, and without your miranda rights. we no longer have freedom of speech, we no longer have the right to remain silent.

    this isnt about republicans or democrats. this isnt about religion. this is about your freedom.

    there is something terribly wrong with this country. i dont know what to do. im one person, but im not going to be silent about this. and i know that nothing is going to get done if we dont get mad. spread the word, someday soon, we might not even be able to do that.

    if you have a horrible atrocity that you want to share, do it. spread the word. this is unacceptable.


    Some citations, but if you legitimately don't believe this, do your own research, you will be horrified with what you find.


    (forbes august 2nd "President Obama Signed the National Defense Authorization Act - Now What?" http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2012/01/02/president-obama-signed-the-national-defense-authorization-act-now-what/#comments_header)

    (new york times august 1st. "Voter Suppression and Political Polls." http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/01/voter-suppression-and-political-polls/)

    (CBS DC May 23rd "Groups Concerned Over Arming Of Domestic Drones" http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/05/23/groups-concerned-over-arming-of-domestic-drones/)

    (Huffington Post February 14th "Private Prison Corporation Offers Cash In Exchange For State Prisons" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/14/private-prisons-buying-state-prisons_n_1272143.html)

  • Britt
    11 years ago

    I don't have time to read all this til my break... but are you a prior member? Usually people who join don't have a blockotext rant right away lol

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    Yes im a prior member. i was TSI25 before

  • Britt
    11 years ago

    AH! Okay that makes more sense :) I was going to say newbies don't usually venture out so quickly :)

  • Solus
    11 years ago

    Well most people don't care because they live in their own little bubble, as long it doesn't happen in said bubble why should they care is pretty much the mind set. And that bit on prisons, well they're so over crowded (and have been for decades) that I doubt inmates will be a problem. While messed up, this isn't the first or last time the government has done stupid things. Just so you know I take offense to you calling of armed our forces drones. Some just fight to get back home or for the people next to them, as my mother did in the 80's. As an army brat and with many friends (some lost) in the military I can say that was a very insensitive thing to say.

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    No im not saying soldiers are drones, i was saying military drones, as in unmanned flying war machines such as this guy


    you can read about it here


  • One Man Clan
    11 years ago

    Look up the external affairs
    You'd be dazzled by the amount of bullshizzzz your government goes through during the course of any ordinary day.
    Just saying :p

  • Solus
    11 years ago

    Oh my, I apologize. That's what I get for reading something on two hours of sleep. Again, sorry.

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    Thats terrifying though isnt it?

  • Sean
    11 years ago

    Both europe and the USA have been eroding rights of the average person to such a huge degree over the last decade with yet more liberties on the plate to be taken away.

    Personally i believe there is a world-wide agenda which has been in play in plain sight for atleast 20 years, but particulary since 9/11 - to what end i don't know and who in particular runs the show is forever a untangible mystery once you reach the corporate/bank level.

    What i do know is that the USA is preparing for nationwide revolt on both sides.