
  • Theresa Ford
    10 years ago

    Just wondering why i see writings that have been view however no ratings or comments. Also. is there a place here to show your copywritten certificates.

  • Poet on the Piano
    9 years ago

    Hi Theresa! From what I understand, anyone else please add to this as well, in the US your work is automatically copyrighted once you transfer your thoughts onto a certain form, like sharing it on the web. I've also heard you don't even need the little c symbol.

    This site's helpful in further explaining:

    To your first question though, it could be many reasons. I'm sure we all have poems that may have up to fifty views, but only a few comments. Some people prefer to read only, are not in the habit of commenting, or click on the poem, skim it, then are not interested enough or intrigued enough to comment. I think all of us could strive to be better in that we leave thorough critiques to aid the writer. I know I appreciate honesty and when someone takes the time to do so.

  • silvershoes
    9 years ago

    PotP covered this beautifully.

  • Natasha
    9 years ago

    Have to agree.. =D