Weekly Contest Results 2/24/2020

  • PnQ Mod Account
    4 years ago

    Hi folks! We have results from two lovely judges (and next week we'll have 3 judges determining winners)! Congratulations to Elizabeth, Jack, and Mark for making the front page! -Jane

    Tired (Müde)
    by Elizabeth
    7+4 = 14

    "I love how the opening line is in German. I always find it interesting when another language is incorporated into poetry. It makes me feel that the emotions are very really. The fourth line with all the dashes kind of threw me off, but I get it and I understand why it is used which made it work. This poem shows that Elizabeth is a really strong person. It shows how broken she is yet honest with herself, and because of depression that masked form realizing that.
    The poem is very powerful.
    I want to tell you Elizabeth, you have to treat yourself better so you can treat other better. And you can do this!!!!" (7)

    "Elizabeth is tired. Tired of the inner battles she's always waging with herself . Tired of explaining herself to others and her inner self. She's been people she doesn't even like herself. This whole inner turmoil is, well, tiring. I get it. We all have our flaws, no one is perfect and we are are own worse enemy. Elizabeth knows this and is really striving to be more accepting of herself and in turn more accepting of others. I really liked her frank honesty in this piece, it's very relatable and I found myself nodding in agreement as I read her words." (4)


    fear and loathing on valentines day.
    by hiraeth

    "This with every aspect of it is on another level. If I had not known the prompt behind it, I would say this is either a fear or an insecurity confronting hiraeth in its worst appearance, which in some way it could be. I found the expressions interesting; the saccharine verses, deep growl, molasses dripping and many more. I almost could picture the monster and even smell it. It has a really gloomy mood." (10)


    Forget Me
    by Jack Nightengale

    "Jack paints a vivid picture of lost love. Cast into the graveyard where we go to bury our loved ones and loves he spends his days and nights burying emotions and organs he no longer needs. Setting things on fire reminds me of burning bridges on these past relationships. Nobody is coming back from that kind of damage. He puts the blame entirely on himself, but always remember, it takes two to tango, two to build a relationship and two to let it go." (10)


    Last Call-The Voices
    by Maple Tree

    "Maple Tree writes openly and honestly about her feelings. She longs for more time for a person who is no longer here. She's lost without this person and her inner voices don't let her forget it. Sometimes our inner voices are cheerleaders, pushing us forward. Other times those voices make us second guess our choices and decisions. I'm hoping she finds peace with her voices and the person she has lost and realize just how wonderful she actually is." (7)


    Sonnet o8
    by Ziad Dib Jreige

    "There is a sense of moving on here. There is also a statement is made, although my past is history, and my future is unknown, I shall embrace my present the way it is. I can’t tell if this is a good sonnet, but I know that this poem is beautiful." (4)

  • Brenda
    4 years ago

    Congratulations to all the front page winners and HM's! Stellar writing all around ! Jane, thank you for hosting and our lovely judges for making the tough picks. I understand we will have a third judge this week, yay! Happy writing everyone!

  • Poet on the Piano
    4 years ago

    Congrats to all! Many thanks to Jane for hosting and to our judges :)