Weekly Contest Results Monday September 21st

  • Meena Krish
    3 years ago

    Good Morning Everyone,
    This week's Winners to grace our front page are Skyfire, Gracy Judith and Kasie.
    Congratulations Winners and those who received a HM ..well done everyone!
    Thank you to both our judges for their time and effort to make this weekly contest
    possible, thank you!


    Seasons by Skyfire (10 points)

    Survival by Gracy Judith (7 points)

    Tranquil Nights by Kasie (10 points)


    Seasons by Skyfire (10 points)

    This reminds me of a poem I wrote a while ago. I know that maybe weird to mention
    but I really connected with it. We go into phases as we grow up or let me say as we
    live on. Perhaps those phases are seasons we live, there are the warm times and the
    cold ones. Just like how seasons change and return so does those time. This is so
    beautifully written.


    Tranquil Nights by Kasie (10 points)

    Sonnets are not at all easy to write, and this one by Kasie is a wonderful example
    of an English (or Shakespearean) sonnet: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme,
    written in iambic pentameter (10 syllable lines split into five iambic feet).
    Here we find ourselves beneath a starlit sky, being embraced by "twinkling stars"
    that subdue and nullify our "thoughts and fears". And we have all felt that, haven't
    we? If not, look away now, wait for the next starry night, lie on the ground and just
    let the beauty of it soak you up and give you the most profound perspective nature
    can offer, THEN come back and read this again.
    In terms of the execution, Kasie has this almost spot on, but not quite. Line 7 loses
    the meter a little. What about "Transforming all my darkness into light"? –
    transFORMing ALL my DARKness INto LIGHT. This would mean the
    unstressed/stressed syllable rule continues like it does so well throughout the rest
    of the piece.
    A lovely sonnet, beautifully written and an easy choice for my ten points this week.

    Survival by Gracy Judith (7 points)

    What a lovely piece of free verse this is - personification, alliteration, imagery
    and metaphors abound, all on the tide of a powerful message: survive the storm,
    and be stronger because of it.
    Gracy has been on the site for a very little time, relatively speaking, but has written
    some profound poetry already and the site would be a far poorer place without her
    work and presence. Well done.


    Midnight Tea Party by Maple Tree (7 points)

    Survival by Poet on the Piano (4 points)

    Porch Light by Violet Raven (4 points)


    Midnight Tea Party by Maple Tree (7 points)

    I love it when poetry reminds of thing, this poem reminds me of Pixar's movie
    Coco. Now to the actual poem, I took it as to someone who even after a long time
    still doesn't feel like they fit in their society, or feeling that they're different and they
    can't find someone similar to them. The coffee stain in a tea party, is what made me
    come to this interpretation, for that even when people don't like tea they still drink it
    to fit in. Another way we could interpret this, is that the narrator of the poem is a
    morning type of person, but is kept up at night by the voices in their heads. I may be
    completely off, but this was powerful anyways!


    Survival by Poet on the Piano (4 points)

    From the beginning, the title itself was impactful. For me personally when someone
    uses a full stop in a title it is always very interesting, and here even more because its
    used after the word Survival. The first line of the poem though made me doubtful of
    it at first, "Hope is a bird" part is very cliche. Then as I went on, the first stanza
    was depressing, it hits hard. I was wondering how many times you were let down
    to make you lose hope in this awful way, and just like you're expecting it would
    happen again, so you don't bother with its loss anymore. I got chills reading the
    second verse. And then you suddenly shift to a second person, this part was interesting
    too. you show how that person doesn't lose hope and gets up everyday even when the
    "the world is burning". Maybe we need people around us to remind us that we have
    to survive. I also interpreted this as "you" referring to the part of yourself that
    must live when deep inside you just want to be hidden away.

    Porch Light by Violet Raven (4 points)

    This Etheree consists of 10 lines of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 syllables and
    Violet Raven does a commendable job of that here, never deviating from her tale
    of love beneath a porchlight and allowing us, the reader, to steal an almost furtive
    glance at what feels like a very personal moment. A lovely poem.

  • Gracy Judith replied to Meena Krish
    3 years ago

    Thank you Meena, judges for your time, selection and feedback...deeply appreciated. Also my thanks go out to Ben Pickard for the nomination…grateful.

    Congratulations Skyfire and Kasie on the well-deserved win! I'm humbled to be sharing the front page with you. Congratulations to the Honourably mentioned. Lovely pieces. Very-well written!

  • Star
    3 years ago

    Thank you Meena for posting ^_^

    Congrats winners and HMs!!

  • Ben Pickard
    3 years ago

    Wonderful, diverse work on the front page this week. Well done to all those involved.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    3 years ago

    Congrats to the Poems on the front page and the honorably mentioned. Thanks for posting Meena and thanks to the judges!