Maple's Chatter Box

  • Maple Tree
    2 years ago, updated 2 years ago

    A few years back, our sweet Jane would do a thread highlighting a community member so all of us could get to know them. I thought it was wonderful.

    I decided I would pick a member each week to highlight and Praise. This thread will also give members a chance to share what they love and admire about the poet I have chosen. This will purely be based on the persons poetry.

    To start off the chatter- I would love to highlight- Em

    Where do I begin... this lovely lady is a pure ray of sunshine, mixed with the light of the moon. She is radiant and the reason I say this is because of her beautiful, powerful and emotional poetry. She writes in all styles but the ones I really love to read from her is her Acrostics. She truly rocks this form.

    Em has become a powerful poetry writer in regards to the subject of abuse and the devastation it brings along with the triumphant defeat of rising above the ashes of abuse. She truly is an inspiration to me and many others <3

    *********** Let the chatting begin **************

  • Mr. Darcy replied to Maple Tree
    2 years ago

    Andrea, yes, i remember Jane's thread. I think with the site being fairly quiet, this is a good time to resurrect it.

    Em, is someone i have got to know well over the years and like many of us, this is not her first account. I have seen her poetry develop and, yes, her acrostics tell a story of her life - a life that has been and is far from easy. Despite this, she is, arguably, one of the best supporters of this site and its members. Whether we like it or not, we are a community and Em waves a banner for us all.

    Here is one of her acrostics, that i think you'll agree is typically selfless:

    Poetry attends to Em's
    Lonely state of mind and
    Emits extreme inklings of
    Amazement and love for the
    Supportive, harmonious,
    Understanding and humorous
    Regulars who, wholly and
    Evidently, share her creativity.

    Em, the 'pleasure' is all mine to jump on this 'chat' and big you up, you are a real friend and inspiration. You are just about to enter a new chapter in your life and i wish you every happiness and look forward to more acrostics, letting me know how you are doing. xx

  • Star replied to Maple Tree
    2 years ago

    I dont know her personally, but through her poetry I was blown away so many times. The way she expresses herself so amazing and inspiring. I can tell she’s a fighter and a very strong woman.

    And I agree, I love your acrostics Em, good to have you around here and get to know your through your poetry ^_^

  • Keira Pickard replied to Maple Tree
    2 years ago

    I agree that this is a good time to repost this thread (not that i ever knew it myself:)) as the site is very quiet at the moment.

    Em is absolutely a key member- Her poetry is raw and beautiful, full of powerful messages and ways to deal with tough and difficult occurences. Her poetry is moving whether you know the situation personally, through someone else or not, and that's half the reason they're so good : they're for everyone to feel. She teaches everyone in every situation to keep shining, no matter what.

  • Em
    2 years ago

    Thank you everyone. Andrea I feel absolutely honoured and overwhelmed that you started this chatterbox off with me, truly. I have never felt good enough in life but you guys and gals have changed that and I appreciate you all!!

    <3 <3

  • Maher
    2 years ago

    One thing I love is how Em really goes into detail with her interpretation of other's poetry. I honestly look forward to seeing her take on what I write. Half the fun is in seeing how others on here interpret your work and comparing it to what you intended. Sometimes it's in a way that's a polar opposite to what you intended it to mean,, but it fits! A message of hopelessness can be a message of silver linings to someone on the other side of the world and it's just awesome!

    So Em, break my posts down to dust if you have to to give your take on them. I read every one of them and they never fail to amaze me. We need more people doing this on here!

  • Larry Chamberlin
    2 years ago

    Great thread, Andrea.

    Em has consistently been active and supportive on this site. She amazes me with her candor about painful subjects, such as depression, and yet injects her poetry with a wry humor that not only blunts the anguish but also twists the reader into a fresh understanding.

  • Poet on the Piano
    2 years ago

    Chiming here in to add that Em, you're a treasure on this site! I love your honesty in how you pen your emotions, even the most painful and hard to bear ones. You fight, you keep going, you write straight from your heart. I find strength reading your work, and understanding, as well. You have such a caring soul, and I see this in every comment you leave because you actually take the time to truly read and see the work, not to mention connecting with it on a personal level.

    You're so appreciated on here, can't stress that enough! :)

  • Ben Pickard
    2 years ago

    Firstly, I have to start by saying how sorry I am for Em. Let me preface this by assuring everyone that I am well placed to comment on this as I have done it myself a couple of times. The thing with Em is, every time she deletes her bloody account, essays of womderful comments simply evaporate. It's a tragedy, truly!
    On a serious note, Em is a treasure. She and I have exchanged numerous messages over the years and she has always had time for me, in every possible sense, despite her many personal issues which she wonderfully and openly shares with the other members of this site, thus encouraging others to do the same. And that's really what it's all about for us round here, I guess: sharing in the hope others understand and may possibly be able to offer a little advice. There is no one better than that on this site.