
  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    I personally don't do drugs but to each their own...I have many reasons why I don't. I have seen the damage it can do to people's lives and I have tried some and HATED it. But what ever floats your boat, you know?

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Bad, bad, bad.

    My brother and sister have been sober 3 years, and I thank god every day that they are still alive.

  • Gemmie Lou
    19 years ago

    i smoked weed from about 12 to 17 an i never regret giving it up i needed d few braincells i had left and being stoned killed 2 lads i knew and used 2 smoke wiv recently so im glad i quit! i still smoke bwt 10 fags a da ylik so im still addicted 2 1 drug!

  • Maddie
    19 years ago

    i smoke weed occasionally at partys and such.. and i tried shrooms once, bad idea, i was happy for a little then i started freaking out and it was one of the scariest experiences of my life! I think doing weed occasionally is fun, any more drugs i'd never do again.

  • Tessa
    19 years ago

    My dad actually made me try alchohol and drugs from the point that "Just so you know how grose they are." I didn't think it was the right action for him to take, but I'm not a fan of drugs, though I'm okay with some alcohol every now and then. I'm friends with quite a few people who are all for the substances though and thats their choice.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I'm with Vix

    It might not be right for you, but it doesn't mean its not right for everybody :o)

  • Nicholle
    19 years ago

    DRUGS ARE BAD! I've actually never really tried them, but they seem as if they are good for you at that time, but in the long term you will regret it.

  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    Well let me tell what I know about drugs from personal experience most of the people I know that do drugs are locked up [in jail] covered up [in their grave]or sobered up [in their meetings] most have spent a fortune on the drugs that that are spending a fortune to get off of . let me explain why I agree that AN ADDICTION IS A DISEASE. A disease is any unhealthy condition of the mind or body.... that is in the dictionary... treating an addiction with anathor drug is not usually a good solution.... the only proven control of the disease is a spiritual based plan. I have yet to hear an honest long term user of drugs say that they bless the day that they started using. I have been sober a year By the grace of God......God bless you

  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    I can also assure you that if you smoke crack long enough you can find a lot of very intelligent reasons not to want to . I was in rehab with a long term user who told me it does things to your nerve endings that causes long term pain. He wanted to live but had no liver left. without a transplaint he has maybe a year. He said it is not something you want to mess with

  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    I think I heard that distributing crack or cocaine to miners in some of these United states carries the death penalty with a minimum of life without the possibility of parole if covicted..... if you want to be a loser, this should be your drug of choice because if you don;t choose to stop it, you won't have to wait to long
    to lose
    In most cases of addiction, it turns into a hundred dollar a day habit so the first thing you will lose quickly is your money your dignity your family friends, and freedom and then your soul if you had one when you started.

  • cac123
    19 years ago

    I am sure now, that since you gave that dreadfully long speech, many drug abusers will just quit in their tracks, you've changed lives D. Nalley.
    hats off to you!

  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    Well I hope so SUPERMAN in memory of a late love of mine I would like to to share her thoughts on the criminal lifestyle DRUGS DESTROYED HER LIFE . although the circustances surronding her death are still shrouded in mystersy

    Looking back at my life, I wonder where did it all begin
    How did I end up in prison, and when will this sentence end?
    I used to be a girl, just young in my teens
    I knew I wanted something, but I didn’t know how to dream
    I met a guy, he gave me love, when his arms would hold me tight
    Until I learned he two timed me, I set him right
    Soon I got a job, and earned a lot
    I Bought a car, and a bag of pot
    My friends said let’s party so I went along
    Which led to my leaving home
    Something seemed to be missing in my life, but I couldn’t figure what
    I had my friends, my booze, and my pot
    Next thing I knew I was hustling money to shoot dope
    Hot checks. Guns, stolen cars became my only hope
    I soon became an outlaw, running from the fuzz
    The law seemed to win, by a duel in the parking lot
    They shot me, and warned me to stop
    Far from home I cried alone
    Your charge is heavy, I heard a cop say, confess your guilty, admit the crime
    Maybe you won’t get as much time
    Lying in a hospital, custody patient, half alive, I wondered what should I do
    Tell a lie, or tell the truth
    My mind was weary, with no more pills to pep me up
    I drifted in anguish, no more luck
    My mother soon there, stood by my side with tears in her eyes
    Where did I go wrong girl, you’re barley alive
    I tried to make it home, mom is all I could say
    But life in the city got in my way
    The judge pronounced me guilty, as I stood helpless to the scene
    He said, girl, you can’t carry guns, and pretend to be mean
    My knees felt weak, my head full of fear
    As he said I sentence you to ten years
    Soon as I got there they locked me down, took my clothes, cigarettes, and name
    I told the next inmate this was a shame
    It didn’t last long, because I escaped
    Hunted and wanted became my fate
    Riding down the highway, I heard on the radio
    My name and destination, as my heart grew cold
    I stopped to call home, I said I’m still alive
    The warden did call, my mother confide
    State to state hustling money on the way, booze, and bad memories close by my side
    Sunglasses, binoculars, in case I was seen
    Incognito in a hot machine
    Mom, I can’t run, no more, I had to decide
    Whether it was my life I laid down or my pride
    Going home, everyone was there, including the law I had called the county said meet me at three
    But first my family I must see
    Back in the jail cell filled again with fear and doubt
    I ran again one day when we were out
    Don’t shoot her I heard Bonnie say
    The sheriff running around his car shouting which way
    Down a field, lost bandana and all running down creek and path
    I ran, so hard, I never looked back

    In a junkyard while hidden I heard a cop say
    Surely she didn’t come this way
    When he was gone I made my next move
    Went to a house, found no one to be home
    I only wanted to use their phone
    I looked in the driveway and what did I see
    A nice looking car, and also the keys
    No one seemed to noticed, even though it was day
    When I jumped in the car, and drove away
    Not two hours latter, I ran out of gas
    Ask an old man to help me, and fast
    Before I got through, looked up and the county was there too
    Nowhere could I run, but out the old man’s back door
    When I said may I, he smiled and said OK
    It’s been a long run, the deputy did say
    Come in peacefully, it ‘l be OK
    Dirty, tired and embarrassed, I let him lead the way
    It took all I had, but I decided to pray
    No one would believe me, I knew anymore
    What I had done surely shut freedoms door
    The next few weeks I stayed alone on my knees
    Asking Jesus to let me know him please
    Read my word, I heard Him say
    So I meditated night and day
    Now what Lord, I asked in belief
    I knew I had begin to experience sweet relief
    Follow My way don’t slide from My path
    Give up all the bad habits that you have
    Lord forgive me I repented each day
    You’re not far from victory I heard Him say
    Going to prison, I soon went to school
    I found friends in church were the ones that where cool
    The Holy Spirit became my best friend
    We laugh, and talk, and our love never ends
    Mom comes to see me, she says that she’s proud
    I am a knew creature in Jesus I will shout it out loud
    If you’re lost, lonely, or in trouble like I was
    Don’t get involved no deeper, just look above
    Heaven is in your reach, when you believe
    Is what helps you understand, God is relief
    Love the Lord Jesus Christ by Carolina
    To as many as have received Him
    He gave the power to become sons of God

  • lisa marie
    19 years ago


  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Micheal, can you please refrain from posting your poems at every opportunity in the discussion boards, keep them in your poetry section and if you must, name check them as possible ideas relating to the subject at hand.

    Regarding drugs, i'd recommend experimenting with them if you are curious, especially with natural drugs such as weed and magic mushrooms...just play safe..everything in moderation...even moderation in moderation on occasion.

    I would say though justplainme, that despite the fact it may have been super easy for you to quit crack..it's slightly arrogant of you to claim that you could have done it at any time after taking the stuff for 6 months! especially when you must realize what a struggle it can be for many others outside your own life...and then to go on to say that if you haven't taken any drugs you shouldn't have an opinion on the matter.

    Would you care to transfer that maxim to every other subject? IE, i've never killed anyone and so i shouldn't have an opinion on murder? After all, even though i think you were getting at the personal experience side of drug taking, both things are acts that bear insight into ones self.


  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    If anyone doubts I have a book just go to amazon.com and type in Chemical Balance in the key word section and my book should appear on the first page. Just goes to show that you don’t have to be a good speller to get a book published. In any case, crackheads don't have 1000 dollars a year that is why they have to rob, deal or kill to support their habit. The literature above that Kevin left. ‘He could have deleted it’ was a poem written inside a prison by a woman I used to know. Her death was a classic drug deal gone bad. Many addicts, in desperation go to these areas to purchase drugs. So there are sometimes people who pose as dealers to take their money . Of course JPM will let you believe that no one ever got hurt in a drug deal. I guess all the dealers that he knows are honest upstanding citizens. Anyway as far as the dispute over the cost I am sorry if I mislead anyone about the exact dollar. If J.P M engages in prostitution to support his weekend binges that is his business but you don’t have to be just plain stupid

  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    "any case, crackheads don't have 1000 dollars a year that is why they have to rob, deal or kill to support their habit"

    Yeah, they break my car window and steal all of my CDs for 20 dollars. Then they buy a 20 dollar rock, and hide out in an abandon building all night. Now who is generalizing? You are sighting an example. But in the federal guidelines which mandate the federal trafficking penalties, the government, seem to view deaths which occur by drug deals gone bad as preventable the
    mandate is not less than twenty years on the first offence but the fine cannot exceed one million dollars even when a death occurs
    Not hardly 1000 dollars a day though. And even still, the crackheads you're talking about live on the streets and push shopping carts around again who is generalizing? Those clearly do NOT make up the majority of crackheads. The majority of crackheads are rich white kids, and Asians. Stop watching TV and live a little, And I respond; . I rarely watch the news
    You're so far just plain stupid off the mark that if you keep arguing about this, you're going to look like the biggest retard ever.
    I can bring up statistics if you need. Our government keeps good track on our crack addicted street soldiers. Our government also keeps track of terrorist and even a crackhead has the intelligence to know when he is the enemy

    I said that you probably suck dick for coke, but I work for a living. I don't have to promote my opinions on some shitty forums, because I make enough money as it is.
    Again how you make your money is your bussiness some of the people I know are crack whores
    that is not the way I make money... and JPM how could it take you six months to figure out you don't like the taste? lol

    And - who said anything about prostitution?
    Bussiness or pleasure I do not like discussing your sexual habits jpm because we are talkin about drugs!!!

  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    Well J.P.M I would rather be called pathetic as to be labeled a liar. I am not the one that has to hide behind a fictional name. The law knows about my involvement with addicts, if they wanted to arrest me they would. I don’t believe everything I read. The fact that you are a liar is not a matter of opinion. Who do you think you are fooling you have your age posted on your profile as 99. I must admit it is hard to resist the temptation not to be angry that someone as pathetic as you would pity me. I humbly accept your pity and offer you mine

    again I ask you please do not to share with us how you supported your binge it is disgusting how you keep bringing that up I have no further comment ABOUT YOUR SEXUALITY..I don't know what you are talking about because. if you've never done it, then you don't have an opinion on it. end of story. REMEMBER YOUR ADVICE TO NICOLE

  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    'Who said anything about pity?' If you were as good at defining words as you are at spelling them. You would know that the word pathetic means to arouse pity.
    'Plus, even if I put my real age, would you believe it?'Is that the best you can do?
    For all I know the picture on your profile my not be you

    I don't actually believe who you say you are. I've never met you, nor do I have any proof of anything you say you are, except to go based off of what you say. I do know you say you have a book and I also know you suck at spelling . touche or what ever you panty waste say I CAN'T MAKE IT ANY MORE SIMPLE FOR YOU. HOW TO FIND THE BOOK
    www.poetrymd.com It would be nice if you could read as well as you can spell.

    As far as lying goes:
    You're the one who said crackheads have a thousand dollar a day habit.
    I apologized for that generalization but I will not reveal the name of the detective that told me that, or the addicts for that matter.

    You're just mad because I'm right and I made you look like an idiot. I have no pity for you. Lmao

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Saucer of milk anyone?

    Seriously, why engage if he's such a retard?

    How about we get back to topic: Drugs.

    Anyone need a tranquilizer?

    And tweekers are worse than crack heads, give me a crack head any day over a meth addict.

    My sisters drug of choice was meth, and she was one psychotic bitch for a few years. She's sober now, so is my brother, but I wouldnt recommend drugs, ultimately they kill brain cells.

    And here's a tip: If you dont have many to spare in the first place, dont purposefully kill thousands of them.

  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    I don’t think we have gone of topic at all J.P.M is a classic addict in denial. Anyone who carefully studies the behavior of addicts knows that they don’t like to admit that they have a problem. When someone gets seriously concerned for them they are insulted. Their spirit is very sick.-they lose self-esteem. You see J.P.M. uses juveniles to make him feel better about himself. He should be proud of his ability to spell. It is so immature for someone to place emphasis on spelling and not on the truth. He is just a frightened child wanting attention.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    HAHA, "I don’t think we have gone of topic at all J.P.M is a classic addict in denial."

    Know what denial stands for?


    Sorry, I'm triple A (kind of like triple K), AA by Association.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Michael, seriously, I suggest not participating any longer.

    JPM could keep going, and going, and going, and going, like the Energizer bunny on speed (keeping things on topic).

    With that I'll bow out, because this is absolutely none of my business (besides the fact it's a public forum).

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Ever thought of going into law?

    At the same time though, insults that require you to reach to middle school status ("shut up") probably wouldnt end up scoring points with anyone unless it's a courtroom governed by 5th graders sniffing on magic markers.

    Although you'd be in good company.

    I know you hardly ever have to look up words, but I dont believe you're familiar with a very simple, yet important one: tact.

    Please refrain from beating dead bodies if you can find the maturity in yourself to do so.

    Although I do have faith in you and your intelligence, so it doesnt have to be too hard.


    Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less ;)

    Back to topic: Drugs.

    Anyone else a recovering alcholic/ tweeker/ crack head/ whathaveyou?

    How do people feel about AA anyway?

  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    It is a long story why I talk to detectives. I can assure you that I try not to violate the code. I will leave the forum and my accuser with the illusion that he has won some victory. I am suprized it has not been locked I would not advise you to send your friends over because my state has a way of checking out of state tags lol I really did not think a six month binge could cause that much brain d

    example of your contradictions

    In any case, crackheads don't have 1000 dollars a year, much less a thousand dollars a day.

    This is what you said in the same post
    Most of the addicts are white people who make decent money.

    I am sorry to have insulted you. It must be dreadful to think that a thousand dollars a year is decent money
    Through this discussion you have accussed me of engaging in your profession... your clients may love your dirty mouth but I don't....I am not gay Is it true you can wash your crack and sell it again?
    Energizer bunny? I think he is more like a polarized pussy

  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    Just one more thing hats off to you kaitlin kristina

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I'm not trying to start another fight, be humiliated, or humiliate anyone, I'm just trying to make the forums a more peaceful place :)

    Come on, it's not like drugs arent interesting in themselves to not be able to stay on topic.

    Plus, I dont like being addressed like a 5th grade simpleton with phrases like "shut up," I mean, come on, we're all smarter than that.

    Drugs, drugs, drugs...

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    I'm locking this poor excuse for a debate.

    Now kids, no doubt you will meet each other again on the sacred virtual grounds of these forums. Please try to stay on topic, or at least keep your squabbles to e-mail...i'm sick of this repetitive vindictive crap, and i mean both of you, the sugar coated one and the plain one.
