stupid people

  • cant sleep
    19 years ago

    dont you hate stupid people? i do. they are kinda funny, but most of the time stupid. thats ok though. are you stupid? probably.

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    m ya probably

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Stupid people are like bugs.

    You poke them around and put stuff in their way, watching them scramble, freak out, and change directions.

    Then you finally squash them when you're done having your fun, because ultimately they'll annoy you if you let them live.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Why is that not a good comparison?

    It's a true comparison.

    I'll take a minute and teach something apparently your parents never taught you, listen closely: The truth isnt always nice, that doesnt take away from the fact that it is truth.


  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    This post is stupid

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Pah, stupid people, well...uh huh *hick* stupid is as stuuuupid does.

    I think it's arrogant to assume the level of someone elses intelligence, it shows most accutely the lack of your own. go figure the hypocrisy of such a statement.

    I think i'm dumb
    Maybe just happy.

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    nada: shut up. That's a fantastic comparison

    I'm going to think of Georgi and Broken in a whole new vision from now on
    (aka: rolly pollies)

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    now I'm definetly picturing nada as a caterpillar
    a big fat green fuzzy one that gooshes when I step on it

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I think it's funny when people make blanket statements like "I know worse truth than you'll ever know in your life," when in actuality there is no proof to warrant such an A. Outlandish statement, B. Incorrect statement.

    No truth is "worse" or "better" than another truth, it is simply factual.

    And we ALL get pushed around like bugs at some point, that's what life's about.

    We all have our stupid moments, but seriously, saying a statement is wrong because it is slightly offensive is ignorant.

    All that aside, could no one sense the sardonic air in my post?

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    No Donald you have, or perhaps your were too stupid to notice? Jokes darling :o) Just stirring xoxo

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    I'm with Donald on this one. I've met people who could barely string a sentence together...people who couldn't do math, or complete simple childlike puzzles etc...but all of them had a skill...a talent or appreciation of something that spoke volumes about thier potential capabilities. You only have to look at the Autistic "idiot Savant" phenomenon to see what i'm talking about.

    If a person is never taught to read...does that make them stupid in comparison to a literature student? Would i be within my rights to insult the intelligence of someone like...Albert Eistein because he most likely couldn't have play the drums or guitar as well i me?

    It's all relative....there are no absolutes with something as complicated as intelligence. AND I WILL STRIKE DOWN WITH GREAT VENGENCE AND FURIOUS ANGER..THOSE WHO ATTEMPT TO POISON AND DESTROY MY BROTHERS...AND YOU....ah forget it.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Nada, here's some free advice for you my friend.

    When someone, it could be justplainme or anyone, makes a value judgement about you that you don't like, don't bite that hook and expel your energies trying to justify your existence as you have above, just crack on with your own understanding of who you are. No one can really know anyone online, words are often misleading...even mine.

    PS... your maths problems and their answers can be found in google and then copied over to here. An unfair indicator of intelligence, particularly as you just agreed it couldn't be easily measured.

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    nada...I suck at math and chemistry. They are my least favorite subjects and I hardly get by an 83% quarter grade in them, so I'm most likely not going to answer your question

    Do I care? hellz no biatch

    (and by the way, it's "caterpillar" is a good comparison...not plural. And I'm glad you teach math because you obviously suck at grammar)

    This site has nothing to do with mathematics so you cannot bring it in as a factor here. If I belonged to some random trig site you could bash me all you want and prove how incredibly pathetic I am in that category. However we are indeed on a literature site, so I have the right to bash and critisize your grammar/spelling as much as I want
    rollie pollie


  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    I think the most annoying stupid people are the ones that really think that they are the smartest people in the world . Who could not love the supposedly stupid character Forest Gump? ..quote...I am not a smart man but I know what love is

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    run forest run!

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    sorry to break it to you, but it's far from being closed down, and you just proved all my points

    "sorry, did i miss something, or are you that pathetic that you don't know that mathmatics is the basis to every other scince, which by the way thank god i'm not an english or litriture teacher i would have been dumber than you... here are some things you must learn:
    1. Screw grammer and spelling, if i'm judged by the way i spell and by my gramers, poor Eisten and newton would have failed dearly in them, oh, btw, have you checked there writing, if you can read it, i would more than happy to congratulate you... geniuses have bad handwriting..."

    did I...not just...state that this is indeed a LITERATURE SITE
    and I already admitted I suck at math
    I never said you didn't need it and it wasn't the "basis" of sciences (where the F did you get that)
    and why are you even talking about it?? because it's the only thing you're good at? I DON'T CARE
    this is a literature site! it has nothing to do with math!
    shut up about it.

    anyway, yes I am aware I am indeed a 'kid' I am aware you are most likely more mature than I am considering you are closer to being an adult and have been around for 3 years longer than I have...but you keep saying how immature I am for my insults. Well, think of it this way,
    you are arguing and throwing insults at a 16 year old girl

    Woooow, I guess you really are on a higher level than I am

    and I am aware I am a total bitch on this site, but in reality (world off of the internet) I am actually incredibly disciplined and my parents are very strict as far as manners and politeness go
    (not that that has anything to do with this argument, sooooooo I don't know why you tried to make that a factor)
    oh, and you can hardly classify yourself as an "elder", considering you are indeed 19

    "what is the point of litriture in this world of ours now... you need it to write and be able to be creative in that writing (for you novilists, i'm truly sorry, you guys do have a life)... so get a life pinkalias, "

    ahhh, the ol' "get a life" come back, never ceases to bore me
    and please, do not say that "literature" doesn't have a basis in this world. I am planning on being a serious author so where do mathematics factor into that? Not to mention without our literature and writing today I don't know where it would be. And you're obviously not a serious poet if you don't think it's important.

    I'm already bored to argue with the rest of your statement, so please remind me of any if you wish me to argue with them, I don't care to read the rest
    (too hard on the account of your grammar)

    toodloo, rollie pollie


  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    o yes and I just read your other comment

    are you insane??? I just said like 5 times, THIS SITE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHEMISTRY AND MATH i don't care! why would I ask you about them? I'm sure you're quite intelligent in that category, do I care?
    shut-up-about-your effing math

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    Count to ten...hmm maybe you should count to 20?

    "Now about the part you don't care, why even bother to reply if you don't care..."
    I meant about the math sweetheart, re-read it.
    "The part about me shutting up with my math, nope, as long as you continue with your bitching around, I continue my mathematics...

    This site has nothing to do with math, then how did they start writing the programs and designing everything on this site if they did use at least a bit of math..."

    Are you a complete idiot?
    I think so.
    Nada, when i said this site has nothing to do with math, I obviously meant the basis and whole point of it. this is...a Are we here to discuss mathematics? no. Are we here to create topics consisting of various mathematical problems or others based on chemistry (and such)? no. This site does not exist for the sake of discussing math and arguing who is better at it
    So, please dear lord, don't mention it again considering it doesn't belong here.

    "now lets prove another point about the age, I think I already said how immature I am to be even entering a pointless argument with you,"
    Sorry, I missed that. however, if we are indeed both immature to be arguing like this, than you can't critisize me about it when you are admitted you are acting that way yourself, now can you?

    "but I already explained my heart has taken in control and I'm speaking out of pure anger, let alone that I can't believe I got angry on a kid like you... "
    See, I have to point this out

    "If you're a bitch in here and a disciplined person outside, then you're telling me that you get all that bitching in here is due to weakness"

    "being defensive has never been a sign of weakness but a sign of pushing the wrong buttons"
    Nada, is it just me or did you argue with yourself?

    When did I ever even mention the word "weakness" and why did you bring it up to my actions, then defend it? hmmm, perhaps you are confused

    "I only said the math thing to prove my point of view"
    point of view of what? all you were doing was trying to bring in a topic that you were actually good at and/or prove my idiocy in comparison to my skill over your's in literature. (which you did, and it's over, so let-it-go)

    "I take everything I do seriously, whether writing a poem, or solving a problem... I do not plan to be a world renowned poet, and I don't plan it as a career, but yet I take it seriously as a therapeutic thing, jotting emotions on the paper and then I started to change that..."
    (thank god, no one would be able to understand you)
    See you participate in it for therapy, which is good many poets do that and I see good things in that. however I take it as a career (or something similar to that in the future) so when you said literature is not a basis in our society, i found it insulting.

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    Alright let's just settle this so I don't end up on too many people's hit lists.

    Nada, you are (most likely) an accomplished intellectual in math and science and I respect you for that
    I insult you for the grammar and literature because this is a poetry site, (and it's what I do)
    Anyway, if by some 1 in a million chance we end up on a random mathematical site, feel free to exploit my weakness in those areas

    adios amigoz

  • Michael D Nalley
    19 years ago

    I was just thinking to relax my mind and I wrote a stupid rhyme


    Stupid is as stupid does
    Stupid is stupid because
    It listens to the voices
    That makes the bad choices

    Wisdom is so calmly cool
    It is wise to love the fool
    He who has not made a mistake
    Is a liar, for ‘heaven’s sake’.

    Who of us has been sent to hell?
    Because they could not spell
    After all the knowledge we gain
    Will some day leave our brain

    Someone said once from this site
    Even if you were to get it right
    The swift will always win the race
    But if you lose it is no disgrace

    The special Olympian held in high regard
    Can be labeled by the stupid as a retard
    The difference between the loser is fine
    When the winner crosses the finish line

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    I'm locking this now, as i feel it's boiled down to a debate thats going nowhere, disuss who's smarter vai e-mail if you wish.

    PS, stupid is a stupid does, and you pair "do" if you catch my drift.