this war

  • cant sleep
    19 years ago

    is it worth it? the one between iraq and the u.s? what would you do? if a bunch of people died in your country died by someone else's country? what i'm really asking, this war worth it? and if it isnt, then what would you do differently?

  • ScarletHaze
    19 years ago

    send over bush and make him fight

  • Anne Conner
    19 years ago

    You know what I'm just going to give my opinion on this war and I don't care what anyone thinks of it.
    I was eleven years old 0n 9-11. I remember we were told to go to the chaple room where we were quietly told what had happened. That evening we went to a long planned birthday party, but instead of games we watched the two towers fall over and over and over again. I thought I saw debri and paper falling out of the windows, but then I realized those were human beings jumping hundreds of stories from a burning bilding and being smashed to bits when they hit the pavement below. America greived for the rest of the year and part of the next year. Our anger steamed over and we began to try and hunt down the demons who tried to damage our beautiful country. I have a picture of bush standing in the middle of a large group of rescuers and if I didn't know any better I would say that he didn't look like the president. He looked just like an average american surveying the damage. It is an awsome picture. Anyway another picture of the twin towers shows the smoke billowing from the building. The smoke looked like Osama Binladen and he makes the perfect picture of the devil himself in my mind. If we would love our soldiers and let them do there job we have a better chance at the war against terror. I hate to be so neggative but if we loose this war there will never be another america as a world power. I can't write abouit this anymore It's to hard right now.

  • Anne Conner
    19 years ago

    Bob-Iraq was harboring terrorists from
    Alquida (sp?)
    That is all I need to know.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    What war are we talking about?...oh you mean the Iraq invasion?...oh that...well thats not a war...because like Bill Hicks said of the Persian Gulf distraction, a war is when you have two armies you see my point?

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Rise of the dragon... does that creep anyone else out, or is it just me?

  • cant sleep
    19 years ago

    that doesnt make any sense mike. it really doesnt.
    It's like saying, "I've never had sex but I've talked a lot about it." Not the same as being there."
    being where? and the metaphor of having sex versus whatever you are talking about, has nothing to do with each other.

  • cant sleep
    19 years ago

    that is so funny. i love that site. you made it huh? sounds just like you. lol. it brings up alot of confusing crap though. you told that old lady that nobody cares about what she thinks, but i thought that you didnt like bush. im confused. but oh well. nice website

  • Bogie
    19 years ago

    Thank you for the web site address,
    Members a must read, no matter what side or who’s side
    if any side your on. Oh! and you are going to love “Prickeyes.”

    America has hit the snooze button so many times
    it turned the alarm off by tossing it and it flew right
    into the Twin Towers. The last wake up call for all
    nations concerned. The so-called “Holly War” is a sad
    justification and is blasphemy. They pay the family
    of suicide boomers large amounts of money, wtf is that.

    Holly Crap,
    should we snooze and doze off thru the next attack,
    eyes half closed, maybe give them forty winks more?
    Oh! Hell No! I say Kick A$$ just like we are doing,
    and while we are at it “weapons of mass destruction”
    or not, clean it all up Dang!!! look at him run. See ya!

    911, is now their downfall call, directly thru eternal hell.
    The bogus twisted power game Jihad, takes souls to sell.
    The material of the western world that Jihad abominates
    are clearly the tools they use every day in their bull $hit
    war, all them are hypocrites and all nations that help them.
    They raise babies like making booms, using flesh as a
    material tool is sacrilege for the most evil use ever.
    Stinking thinking poisoning young innocent minds that
    should be educated for world peace, they need to go
    back and live in caves before all of them end up in graves.

  • Bogie
    18 years ago

    I got this letter in my e-mail and thought I would share it.

    I Love This Comeback
    One of my sons serves in the military. He is still stateside,
    here in California. He called me yesterday to let me know how Warm and welcoming people were to him, and his
    troops, everywhere he goes, telling me how people shake
    their hands, and thank them for being willing to serve,
    and fight, for not only our own freedoms but so that others
    may have them also. But he also told me about an incident in the grocery store he stopped at yesterday, on his way home from the base. He said that ahead of several people in front of him stood a woman dressed in a burkha. He said when she got to the cashier she loudly remarked about the
    U.S. flag lapel pin the cashier wore on her smock. The cashier
    reached up and touched the pin, and said proudly,"Yes, I
    always wear it and probably always will." The woman in
    the burkha then asked the cashier when she was going to
    stop bombing her countrymen, explaining that she was Iraqi. A
    gentleman standing behind my son stepped forward, putting his
    arm around my son's shoulders, and nodding towards my son,
    said in a calm and gentle voice to the Iraqi woman: "Lady,
    hundreds of thousands of men and women like this young man have
    fought and died so that YOU could stand here, in MY country and
    accuse a checkout cashier of bombing YOUR countrymen. It is my
    belief that had you been this outspoken in YOUR own country,
    we wouldn't need to be there today. But, hey, if you have
    now learned how to speak out so loudly
    and clearly, I'll gladly buy you a ticket and pay your way back to
    Iraq so you can straighten out the mess in YOUR country that you are
    obviously here in MY country to avoid."Everyone within hearing
    distance cheered!

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    Situation: Men like Saddam Hussien and Osama Bin Laden in power.

    Why: Because George Bush's idiot father put them in power and provided them with funding and nuclear weapons

    Issues: Cultural and greed and revenge. Fighting in country amongst a culture and religion they know nothing about. Greed, the oil factor, George Bush and other noted world leaders desires to fatten their own pockets. Revenge, again Mr fuck face Bush trying to fight a war his Daddy created and couldn't handle what makes him think he can.

    Solution: Shoot all these greedy, self made millionaire assholes like Bush and Howard. The sooner the better.

  • cant sleep
    18 years ago

    good point

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    I have only read the last few posts, but I find what you're saying to be quite funny.

    How were the Europeans ignorant? Was Charlemagne ignorant too? They were devoid of morals, not education.

    In short though, you dont care about anything, being so apathetic and all (maybe just pathetic), does that make you ethically devoid as well?

    That's the problem. The Europeans were apathetic towards anyone but themselves.

  • cant sleep
    18 years ago

    belize is amazing. i would love to take over that place! lol. jk. the civilians werent living on reservations, and they were happy. y cant america do that for natives?

  • Anne Conner
    18 years ago

    I thought I would just point out to you all that the US army is volunteer not drafted. If someone joined the army thinking they weren't going to war, well, They were a genius weren't they. I know someone who is actually upset that he couldn't join the army

    I do think that if we had kept ourselves out of the middle easts affairs they wouldn't hate us near as much and the war may have been prevented for a time.