
  • Hurtingsoul
    18 years ago


  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    I think that it's extraordinarily naive NOT to believe in life besides ourselves inhabiting the Universe. See all those stars in the sky? Those are all other Suns, just like ours. Do you think that there is another planet SOMEWHERE with some life on it? I say the likelyhood is yes.

    I find it interesting that the undeniable proof of UFO existance is being covered up by various governments and science, if there was such proof about ANYTHING less frightening and threatening, it would be accepted, but it took us about 100 years to come to a general concensus that the Earth is round, so in about 50 years maybe people will stop living in denial, or perhaps sooner. We'll see.

  • Mel
    18 years ago

    Yep, Ismail, I have to agree with you on this one. What I find particularly interesting is the fact that no UFOs were ever recorded prior to sci fi and mans' achievements in the sky. Therefore, all reports are merely projections. Abductees are liars.

  • Chelsea
    18 years ago

    How could you believe that there isn't some other type of life in our universe.....I agree it would be naive to think we are the only one's here

  • Dani Ward
    18 years ago

    i believe that aliens are real. scientists are always saying that the chances of there being another planet that is enough like earth to hold life are too small, because the Goldilocks conditions (conditions necessary for our life on earth) have to exist for life to exist. now that's just plain stupidity, just because we have to breath air and what not doesn't mean an alien would have to. that's why they don't live on earth. just my opinion. take care. ciao~lyn