western civilisation

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago


    There's nothing much to discuss there. You start the discussion and I'll have my say.

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    Yes, that's my opinion too. But I wonder why Gandhi thought it was a good idea because I mean if they had westernized India a lot then that would probably have started a new war.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    yeah I think there was a cultural gap. Not to say that we are anymore civilized farther west, but I think he was not happy with Brtish intervention. Personally I have nothing against the British, but I am afraid it would not even be safe for them in some parts of the USA today . Especially if they were wearing red pants with white stockings, carrying loaded weapons and beating drums. They would be shot before they attempted to collect any taxes. Of course that is neither here nor there. That was then. and this is now.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    thank you JHarrison for clarifying that for all of us . I guess you didn't waste your money going to college

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Well JHarrison I don't blame you for tooting your own flute. Because if we do not toot our own flute, it is usually left not tooted. I thought the joke I made was easily understood to agree with your simple statement. I admit that the sarcasm was not as easy as Ghandi’s profound joke, seeing the term western civilization as an oxymoron I think it is great that Ashley finds civilization easier to define than to spell. The only reason I did not phrase my opinion as simply as you, is that I thought it was self evident that Ghandi was making a joke

  • Mel
    18 years ago


    I like your tooting flute analogy.