Letters to anyone

  • tabithaa
    18 years ago

    Write a letter to anyone....

    Dear "Bush lied, thousands died" Protestors,

    You guys were awesome!!!! Bush sucks ass...Thank you for being awesome....You made my day today while I was watching that *YAWN* speech.....


  • Renee
    18 years ago

    Dear "crazy topic person",

    What the hell is this about? Are you gonna like, send our letters to the people we are writing too?

    peace, naker

  • tabithaa
    18 years ago

    Dear Renee,

    Nope, it's just for fun...thank you for it being called crazy...do have fun...enjoy...


  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    Dear Josh,

    Why the heck did you call me stupid and then say I'm a good friend?!?!?!? You drive me crazy you know! I just want to punch you an kiss you ... and push ya into something.... maybe my arms... *sighs angrily but dreamily*

    Damn why do I hate you but I love you?

  • Nicholle
    18 years ago

    dear ___________,
    i can't even mention your name i'm scared people will find out about you, i wish you were my age, gosh wy does you being older have to change everything.
    love always,
    nicki ;hearts&

  • Nicholle
    18 years ago

    ** ♥

  • tabithaa
    18 years ago

    Dear god,

    Give me an inspiration to write something!!!!! and to not sleep so late and clean my room:(


  • tabithaa
    18 years ago

    Dear Jessica,

    I am sorry about your dog...That is sad.


    Dear death...

    Make it quick and painless for the dog!


  • tabithaa
    18 years ago

    Dear Jessica,

    Thank you...I know of many a people who have died..i shall enjoy that :)


  • sandra
    18 years ago

    Dear Andy,

    Get the hell over yourself already!


  • Atomic
    18 years ago

    Dear Atomic,

    Remember to feed the dog...you remember what happen to your fishes when you were "forgetful".


  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago


  • Knoxy
    18 years ago

    AWW hunz!! I'z love you soo much hehez we sure as hell r gonna be ok :D U'z the ST!! woot woot...Love you baby cakez!! oxox no more
    ~Luv Alwayz Knoxy

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    dear life haters:

    Watch out. You're next.


  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    dear death haters:

    your time is almost up.


  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    Dear People In The White Coats,


    Sincerely, Your Patient


  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    Dear Person In Scary Movie,

    There is a man behind you. He has a knife.


    Sincerely, //ari\\

  • Frankie
    18 years ago

    Dear bed and pillows,

    I miss you very much, I know we haven't been seeing alot of eachother these nights, but thats what happens with new babies. I hope to be visiting you real soon. Untill then, missing you and the dreams we have together!

    Love Frankie

  • ~*Ley*~
    18 years ago

    Dear _________,
    You do not deserve mention in this forum, or anywhere in life. I wish that the next time your name is ever read, it will be in the obituaries. And I hope that you die a painful death, preferably by my hands you fucking bastard
    Your worst nightmare

  • rachyBBY
    18 years ago

    Dear self,
    Stop talking to me.
    Love Always,

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    Dear Plagiarizer,

    Your ass is mine.

    Peaces, //ari\\

  • ~*Ley*~
    18 years ago

    Dear Steve,
    Why...Why do you have to leave to Iraq?? I can't lose you...I refuse...If you die on me...I'll kill you

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    LOL I know Taylor :)

    Freak- I wuffs you. *hugs*


  • Erica
    18 years ago

    i dont know whats goin on

  • Not Bulletproof
    18 years ago

    LOL OMG! These made me laugh so hard...yay happy morning lol!

    Dear kleenex company,

    Thank you for making your tissues so soft, they're my favorite kind of tissues when i need to blow my nose to get those fucking huge boogers out of my nose, and they're the softest against my cheek and absorb my makeup and tears well. Thank you for being there when I need you the most.

    Love always,
    Sarah Gammon.

  • Not Bulletproof
    18 years ago

    Dear Chris,
    I love you, so much you will -NEVER- know. From the first time we spoke I didn't even imagine we would ever be together, I didn't think about it probably cos I thought I didn't stand a stand...but now, look, I'm yours and you're mine and it's going to be like that forever. Soon enough it'll be 3 years later and I'll be that much closer to Kentucky and in your arms. I can't wait, I don't want to but I will, I would wait forever just to see you for one day. It would suck to be only one day, but worth it because you're worth it. You're my inspiration to keep living and to be a better person than I am, till one day I am all better and everything will be perfect. We -will- be together, we have to be. I love you so much if I couldn't be with you I would die. I promise you I will never leave you or give up on you like you have promised me. We're perfect for each other and we need each other. I love you so much Christopher. You could never possibly know...I could cry for -hours- over how much I'm in love with you and how worried I am of something happening and I'll lose you. I love you my prince, forever. and I will be your princess forever and for always. You're so special to me...this is taking a lot of space so I will stop. I love you darling, never forget it please, if you ever forget I'll kick you in the ass for forgeting, cos I mean it. Please always take care, untill I can be with your phsyically(sp?) please keep me close to you in heart and in mind. I love you. mwah xoxox

    Love always,
    Sarah Gammon,
    Your princess.

  • Not Bulletproof
    18 years ago

    Lol Cherry! =D "...first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Chris pushing a baby carriage..!"

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    Dear Person-I-Hate-Most-In-The-World,


    Love, //ari\\

  • Not Bulletproof
    18 years ago

    haha. He's Staind_soul. =D I'll bring him in here sometime. =)

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    Dear Sheepie,

    I am writing this letter to...well, let you know how much i....really love you. The times when i used to come over and fluff your pillows, well....they will always chafe my ass for the rest of my days. Probably yours too. But even though this is good-bye to our fluffin days....it's not good-bye to our fluffy love.

    Love Always From Your Fluffy Lamb, //ari\\

    P.s.- If you want someone to replace me to fluff your pillows with you...just ask Renee, she'll be glad to do so.

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    ^People just don't ask, OK? XD


  • Renee
    18 years ago

    Dear Ari,

    LMFAO!!! HAHAHA!!!

    I'm trying extremely hard not to laugh out loud right now, for my dad is watching his beloved tv and will burn me with his fiery dragon breath...

    ROFL!! Why aren't you fluffin his pillows no mo'?

    Take Care,


    Dear Sheepie,

    aww thats so sad...

    if you need a rebound fluffer Renee's always just one dream away...

    Take Care,
    Your future fluffer lover

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    Dear Renee,

    It's thundering so hard here...I swear to God, hard pieces of Spencer's shit is falling on top of our roof....

    I was just fooling when i said i wouldn't fluff his pillows again lmao....i just starting wanting the fluff but all of a sudden i thought, "What if...i could never see Sheepie again?" and my desire for the fluff went down...

    ...and so i typed that letter, just to see what would happen...:P


    Love Yo Insanity Filled Ass, //ari\\

    P.s.- Your dad scares me. (LOL)

  • Not Bulletproof
    18 years ago

    Hahahaha Katie...

  • Not Bulletproof
    18 years ago

    Dear Cherry,

    Hey...what's up?


  • Not Bulletproof
    18 years ago

    Dear Cherry,

    I'm sick, and it sucks. I hope it goes away soon cos on Monday I'm going on a trip with my mother, her bf, my sister and my brother. We're going to a theme park sorta...a sad excuse of a theme park? Lol. =)

    How is your day so far?


  • Nicholle
    18 years ago

    Dear ________,
    your a shit head. and i like you a lot. but you're ugly fucking ex girlfriend came in between and you cheated on me. why do i still like you?
    love always,
    your broken hearted perfection

  • ~*Ley*~
    18 years ago

    Dear Mommy,
    Five more minutes....Please???

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    Dear Mouth,

    You never know when to close, do you?

    Love, //ari\\

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    Dear Freak,

    Where have you been?! Ari's been missing you damn lol...

    Love, //ari\\