How could this happen?

  • Matthew
    18 years ago

    Hey poeple, I have a quick question. Now, I had a poem called To My Unborn Child, that was at a 4.9 after about 150 votes two days ago and now its at a 4.5 after about 425 votes. Now even though there was about 275 votes in between, how could a poem just start to suck all of a sudden. That must have meant that almost every person gave it a 4 or below, which is weird because I have 100 and some comments on how life changing the poem was.
    Thoughts, anyone?

  • Matthew
    18 years ago

    Thanks, I'm glad someone still likes it!

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    I loved that poem...very touching. :)

    But as Mike said, votes mean nothing and it is only jealous brats on the computer voting it poorly just so you would make a post like j/k.


  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    That's a pretty good poem, but at the same time don't listen to all teh comments either. Look at other comments, how many people actually comment other than to say-- I loved that poem, or this was great keep up the good work. So as much as the rating is off, the comments are too cause normally you don't see what people don't like about it.

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    ok.. i went to vote it a 5 (cuz i read it an love it) but it sais i already voted??? and i kno i havent voted on it yet, cuz i never even read it yet.. and i havnt voted on anythin here for a few days at wuts with that???

  • Matthew
    18 years ago

    Thanks for the thoughts guys.