Intelligent Chat: Voices in your head

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    I wonder what you and other people mean when they say they hear voices in their heads? Do you actually hear them as you do real voices?

    I'd say the subconscious does exactly what it says on the tin, and thusly stems from the brains need to have a drop off point for all the extraneous thoughts and feelings we can't handle, won't accept or don't have time to process during our day to day lives....and if these thoughts are strong enough then yeah i guess they could resurface as voices. I thinks it's a natural part of our minds balancing act.

    I only ever get stuff like that if i'm in a state mentally which i guess would be akin to deep meditation...but thats the whole point of that..letting it all out for peace of mind.

    Do you pray often Plain?

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    I believe that God talks to us all often. I know that many times we do not listen. Some are offended by this belief because they have a poor understanding of spirituality and God. It is human nature to define everything with our finite minds. And what we cannot grasp by our human nature we sometimes define as nonexistent. I have even seen in many cases humans attributing to God the blame for the things that should be attributed to evil. But I believe that the simplest definition of God is good orderly direction and that voice is in everyone

  • Mel
    18 years ago

    If we want to bang on about Freud, then we'd have the notion of the 'id' the pleasure seeking principle; the 'ego', that which is the self; and the 'superego', that which moderates our 'id' and keeps us in check - or out of check whichever the case may be. I think, if I remember correctly, that Freud believed that the 'superego' was the silent voice that we all hear in our minds. This, he believed, was more often that not parental in origin and fixed by our responses to them (the parents) in the first five years' of life.

    Other, more up to date theories look up the work by Lacan and Kristiva.

    Strangely enough, and sadly enough, I don't have thoughts of my own on the question of the subconscious, due to the fact that I'm tarnished in my thinking by Freud and the above analysts.

  • pinkalias
    18 years ago

    I think it's the teachings of "right and wrong" that developed a permanent place in our heads. I think that consciences developed from being taught moral rights and obligations, and what is required to keep peace (or that which is in our control). When I hear that little voice, or feeling I guess it is more so, it is a feeling that has implanted itself through years of what is "right" and what is "wrong" and what my moral standards classify them to be.

  • Mel
    18 years ago

    That's what I meant above with the Freudian 'first five years' thing.

  • pinkalias
    18 years ago

    I'm sure you did, I'm just far too lazy to read previous posts most of the time.
    But yes, I agree.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Know thyself.

    I can think of no better way of doing this by talking to myself (in my head as stated by everyone else) silenty. I never stop and find myself speaking out loud. if I did I think I'd be a bit worried.

    I won't go into all the Freuds and other explainations as we all know them or at least know of them.

    I do wonder if our larynx moves as if we are talking though. That would be interesting to know.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    I think that it is a form of God, but on a smaller scale.

    I'll be back to post about this one later.

    Great topic, by the way. The intelligent chats were getting stale.

  • Mel
    18 years ago


    Mmmmm, now if those little voices in my head, that flood in there constantly, belong to God, then he's taking the piss out of me big style! He's making me look a twat with my ex; He's taking me out on the piss (boozing) far too much and he's offering me work that, well,....he wants me to stop this rant right now. Gotta go.

  • Vegetable
    18 years ago

    I talk to myself in my tricks my mind into felling like im getting stuff of my chest. im not but my mind is a little slow, so it helps.

  • Lipton
    18 years ago

    Ugh, sometimes I hate my mind...

    I'll literally have thoughts in my head, fighting with each other. It's a little difficult to explain, but it happens. Sometimes, I get fed up with the bickering, that I just shut 'em all up, and go to sleep... I have my most thoughtful moments in the few hours before I go to bed.

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Ha, thats a classic plain! A woman getting jealous of the voices in your head because one of them might be female!

    I've had ladies who've been jealous of dreams that i've had, but that is slightly different.