publishing company

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    hey, y'all are real good at looking out for us newbs, so I need to know, what's the credibility of this publisher?

    Dunance, or something starting with D. I sent an online query and I got a request to see the manuscript fairly quickly. Within a few days.

    I also check their residual rates and it runs 20-40%, and since I recall Stephen King saying he never got more than like 2%, this sounds too good to be true. Now may be it is just that good, they claim to have been around since the 20s, and they're not asking for any money upfront. But I can't help being a little suspicious.

    So, uh, should I send it? I don't see what I have to lose, but I'm still a publishing world outsider. I don't know what all directions this could go. so, before I jump in the water, I just want to know what I'm swimming with.