Intelligent Chat: Intelligence

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Is it something that we need to know about, or is it a waste of time. Truthfully, My personal opinion is this, it does not matter how intelligent a person is; it only matters what they do with it. The most intelligent man in the world could do absolutely nothing, not get a job, and be a crackhead. A guy who has less intelligence than a rock could be the hardest working individual and best choice for a job sometimes. All the hype about intelligence means absolutely shit if it isn't applied in life. Just wondering what the rest of you think.

  • Feline Fatigue
    18 years ago

    good point, but everyone has their own strong points and weak points. wisdom and intellegence are two different things, but they intertwin slightly. anyway, intelegence is what you make of it. subjects you like learning about you are strong in, ones you don't like you are most likely weak in.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    intelligence has a lot to do with understanding complex problems and simple problem solving. That is why the IQ test is pretty much problem solving. People with higher intelligence tend to solve problems with teh simplest quickest solution, or know how to understand "unanswerable" problems.

  • Bill Turner
    18 years ago

    As a supervisor, I always liked people who were quick and could think on their feet. Complex problems are usually solved by a team. People who can make quick decisions, based on experience in the field, can communicate them and move on are valuable. Sometimes, truly inteligent people over analyze a problem (paralysis by analysis) and miss opportunity after opportunity. Bill Gates dropped out of college but the man is no dummy. Apple is going to pay him Ipod royalties because he owns the patent to their technology. Do you want him on your team? I would. Street smart, savvy and bold beats book smart any day.