Intelligent Discussion: Being a smartass or sarcasm

  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    i agree with what is said, you can relate it to a teacher the ones that are funny are easy to learn from because it sticks with you and that joke that they made to go along with it, rather then the teacher that sits there and talks all hour in the same tone of voice as everyone is drifting to sleep his subject is harder to remember. but i also find it rather funny when people use sarcasm and you can't even tell, i have a little brother and one of my best friends that have that issue and when they are using it i can't tell but when they aren't sometimes i think they are, least i get a good laugh out of it sometimes.

    well now i'm just rambling on, but that's my thoughts.


  • ReBecca
    18 years ago

    i love sarcasm!!! and yes it is a great teacher. so true that people who seem to lack confidence and self esteem get bent out of shape and think "he's just being a smart ass"....these are also the same people who cant take constructive criticism and tend to be narrow minded, thinking what goes on in their little world is all that there is, and no other way but there own is right.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    Sarcasm is the best way to teach someone because it leaves an impression on people by cutting into a pre existing insecurity or it tests someones confidence. It undermines the intellectual stability one THINKS they have, and by questioning themselves they venture into not only self discovery, which leads to growth, but into discovery of the topic pertaining to the sarcastic comment.

    I'm a big fan of sarcasm.

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    Sarcasm is like being an intelligent smart ass :o)