show your support:) (concerning goldenknight)

  • heather
    20 years ago

    lol ok i will. Gk i hope it all gets better for u and i will keep u in my prayers at night. luv ya xoxoxo hugs good luck

  • you dont need to know
    20 years ago

    gk, ur a living legend, total respect.

  • heather
    20 years ago

    yup u r

  • heather
    20 years ago

    gk u r just so sweet and i think u r the nicest person i kno. but just remember theres much more where that came from

  • heather
    20 years ago

    hey gk i kno how u feel my dads sister had a boyfriend and he hated him. ne ways it will get a ll better soon try to get to kno your sisters boyfriend and talk to your parents if u r feeling like this its just gonna keep on building up inside and its gonna make it worse. try to like him. k. bye bye.

  • jennifer cheng
    20 years ago

    hey hey hey gk well i hope u feel better life i hard isnt it juss keep ur head up dats what everyone tells me follow ur heart and dreams dunt let them crush you cuz memeba ur a strong perosn no matter wat well ill keep prayin how do u pray???????????????? answer dis lol