Bush Bashing

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    You are on commenting on a small amount of his problems.

    I suggest you read his resume about all the things that he has done wrong since becoming president. It is over 12 pages long. Nobody needs to prove you wrong, but the facts and the records speak for themselves, he is not capable.

    It is his fault things are going wrong, he is the key person in the top post making the important executive decisions and he must be the one to take full responsibility good or bad. A proven record has been shown that many of his decisions are towards vested interests of large corporations and not in the interests on the common man on the street.

    You seem to also forget that we honor great leaders just as much. A leader is not elected to make such harsh mistakes again and again and again. He should be accountable and judged. Taxpayers are not there to say "sorry you made a blunder, try again next time" and give him a pat on the back or blow sunshine his way whenever he makes a mistake at the cost of millions/trillions of taxpayer dollars and at the sacrafice of all the people.

    But then again you are probably not a full flegded taxpayer yet so would not know what that feels like?

    You may wish to go on living in denial, your living in the States, not me.

    There are just too many scandals on how badly things have been handled by Bush as president. Those are facts that will go down in history and not written by either you or me.

    He has failed in almost every single subject under the sun. If that isn't bad, I don't know what is? I don't have to say anything just provide the links and the facts which are all posted by others.

    After all this is a discussion started up by others and we are all just here to voice opinions. I do not agree with what either UK or Germany have done in the fiasco over Iraq. Many British do not like what their prime minister did either.

    I'm British and can at least say to myself and others that I openly admit I am not happy with the issue and the call made by our pm, I will not hide from that or ignore it.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    KOT, I do not need to prove anything to you, period, Just do some reading on the internet for all the facts. There are so many sources for these facts. It's not that difficult!

    I already named three links "If you read", go find the other sources yourself.

    You should note that these accusations are common thoughout the media and internet with explanations and support and I did not make them up. There are many from respectable sources, if you just do the time to do the reading before jumping in???

    Try to be a bit read up on world affairs and current events!


  • Bill Turner
    18 years ago

    Steve, the people who see his reelection as a threat to global security wouldn't happen to live in countries that: A) Have recently had their ass kicked by this country and/or B) Be next on the list for a little ass whipping would they? The votes of France and Canada don't count. France feels about us the way I feel about my soon to be ex-wife (a warm bath with a clock radio would make things better) and Canada....what can I say....it's like McFrance Lite (my grandparents and mom are from Canada....and I have a strong French ancestry...so don't send me hate mail...I are one...so I can talk smack about them).

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    Bill, Afraid not to a) and b) - most of Europe! and don't worry about your French ancestry because I traced my family tree and my family was also orignally from there a long long time ago.

  • aaron c s
    18 years ago

    steven. u say there are a lot of websites and such about what the presidnet has done wrong but thats facts PLUS peoples opinions. there are also sites that say what he has done right in facts PLUS peoples opinions. the things that you say Bush has done wrong are an opinion that you and most people have. it is supported with facts but its still your opinion that it is wrong what he did. i think the iraq situation is one of the best things we could have done. once we're done over there then the war that started back in 1988 will be over. hes trying to finish what the democrats started.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    King of the Termites, you're a dip shit and and idiot and will always be!

    Your'e calling me an arrogrant prick! Since when did I start insulting you? It shows that you're an infantile ass. Grow up. You should have guessed by now that not many people like you, I guess why?

    You don't even read the threads before you open that smelly clap trap of yours and let loose the garbage. Suggest you learn to read, what an ass! You can't read because I listed 3 sources in my threads, you jerk!

    The topple bush site which shows the Bush resume is not biased, because if you have read the resume then you would have seen that the resume comprises of information from other respected sources and it indeed clearly makes reference to those sources of information. Clearly you do not read, before you speak and are just pulling some no brainers! Duh!

    If you want to read up on some bad things on bush it's simple, just browse through Amazon or Barnes and Noble and you will find many many books written by your fellow country men. I guess you would call those biased or call them Nazis, please give me a break!

    You can't hold any sound intellectual arguments and when you can't win, you start to insult people, well I must say then I'll rewrite my above statements - "Your an immmature jerk, dipshit, idiot and an ass." Piss off!

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago


    If Iraq was such a great job, why is it still an abortion today and you're still in camel dung over there. Hmmm? Guess you must like the aroma.

    From what we see on the world news, you guys are not doing so well keeping control?

  • TinyDancer46
    18 years ago

    God, Steven! I'm fifteen, I'm supposed to be looking UP to adults like you. Instead, I am laughing my head off at your stupidity! I've been reading all of your replies and all the lame things you say. Humm, its very interesting to me that you find the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq so humorous. Maybe there weren't any there.... but what if there were? I'm sure you'd be laughing when our whole country got torn to peices because, like you, Bush thought it was just some hilarious joke! Oh and it's a riot that you are blaming him for Hurricane Katrina! Yep, with a flick of his powerful wand, Bush created that hurricane and laughed at us all, because you know how presidents can control EVERYTHING. And him sitting on his "rump"? He is doing everything he can for them. He even organized something to help the people get in contact with their PETS. OH but sure, that's not caring at all, right? So don't go blaming THAT on him too. Oh yeah, and by the way? Instead of going onto websites that only show his mistakes and complaints written by people like you, how about you go read all the good things he's done for this country? Well, what am I thinking, nobody bothers to read about that, right?! It's all about finding all the wrong things and blaming them all on Bush, right?! God, I never knew anyone could be that stupid. Oh and those brave people fighing in Iraq....Do you think Bush hit them on the head with a bat and dragged them into a science lab, where he brainwashed them into fighting for the war? NO! They are fighting for this country, they are fighting for Bush. They aren't a bunch of guinea pigs in a lab, just doing whatever Bush tells them. They can think for themselves, they know that fighting in Iraq isn't just some huge mistake. Trust me, hun, I've lost a couple of people I loved in Iraq. Was that not hard for me? I think of it every day of my friggin life wishing I could get them back again. I have even MORE of an excuse than you do to sit here pointing all my fingers at Bush saying its all his fault. But do I? NO. Because I'm not some idiot who likes to blame all my lameass problems on someone else. Oops.... but wait.... isn't that what you're doing, Steven? .... humm weird. Guess I just called you an idiot

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    Thank you! At least I am not conceited and if I have a mistake I would admit it. That is what being an adult is about. I don't expect respect to come automatically and never have.

    I did not start insulting others first, so thanks for branding me an idiot. Of course you are entitled to your opinion and maybe you should read the whole thread before making and casting judgements?

    This is a forum where we debate, and if others cannot respect others without insulting them first, then they should expect what they dish out.

    I for one am not perfect and will not pretend to be, but don't judge others before you know all the facts.

    Look around the other threads in this forum. I suppose all other adults are idiots too then?

    Thanks again for your intellectual input. If you Know that KOT has gone to lengths to attack another teenage girl who wrote a poem with her views then I guess you would not have made your post.

    Maybe you can ask Bob about that or some other adult, don't take my word for it as you've labelled me an idiot.

  • TinyDancer46
    18 years ago

    awww crap now i feel bad! didn't mean to be so harsh... had a bad day... had to let it out :D sorry guys... i still am for bush though. but i don't think you guys are idiots and all that... *cheeks turn red*

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    No you have every right to your opinion and I respect it and would not censor it, but as I said you don't have to take my word on the last post.

    Read the other threads, speak to the other adult members before coming to your final judgment.

    I'm sorry you had a bad day!

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    KOT, blah blah blah and blah!

    We all know what you did!

  • TinyDancer46
    18 years ago

    my apologies to steven....

    hahaha i still feel bad i went back and read what i wrote and i was like... WHOA. i haven't sworn in about a year and a half! jeez louiz. guess it felt good to get it all out... but again, it wasn't directed at you. and i'll make sure to read all the threads first! :D

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    No offence taken and you should read the other thread started by Bob called KOT, it will explain allot!

  • TinyDancer46
    18 years ago

    Oh boy!! I just got done reading that....

    "I attacked "another" teenage girl? I didn't attack anyone. I merely posted my opinion and the rat pack jumped my ass for it. So much for freedom of speech. Oh well, you bitches will realize what true freedom is when the time is right... lol"

    KOT? I just did what you did too. I attacked someone for saying something I was against.... and I just said it out of anger about something else that had happened. and now I realized that I was wrong, and I can admit to it. Why can't you just admit that you were wrong when you commented on that girls poem?!

  • aaron c s
    18 years ago

    Steven you are a very smart individual who has a lot of opinions based on facts. that is very good. but it is one sided facts. im not calling you ignorant or aything but ur kind of acting ignorant. look at the other sites, like the girl whos sorry said, that are about the good things. research it thoroughly like you have done with the bad things. weigh the good and the bad things together and look at the big picture not just the things that will effect us now but will effect us for years to come. if you do this then you will see that Bush is not a bad president at all. just go do the same type of research you have already done.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago


    Please do not try to patronize me as that is exactly what you are doing!

    First off you do not know a single thing about me and you have gone and assumed that I am acting ignorant and have not done any research or reading up on the matter. The prior statement saying I'm not ignorant and then going on to say that I am acting ignorant is flip flopping. Bad assumption.

    Secondly, if you cannot live with opposing views in a debate, which is what this is then that's just tough and I'm sorry for you.

    Thirdly, whilst I respect your views, I think it would be wise for you also to respect opinions and views of others before you accuse people of not knowing what they are talking about. I have not made such assumptions about you have I?

    Fourthly, it will take more then a patronizing tone in a thread that does not say much about the issue at hand to convince me. If you have something constructive, then bring it to the table, if you do not then leave it out.

    I do not go around saying people are kind of acting ignorant but would welcome true itellectual input instead of skimpy side tracking.

    Back to the subject: If Bush is so great where is the hard evidence?

    Medicare - Is a sham!

    Social Welfare - Look what he's done.

    Status of Economy in many States - Do some research and you will see what damage he has done to so many States and the economy.

    Scandals - Involing many large corporations and protectionism is rampant and obvious, exposed in so much of the media both locally and internationally.

    His cabinet - Full of scandal and monkey business going on. Hmmmm? Maybe that is what you think is good. Mickey Mouse and his team would do a better job.

    Iraq - He can't clean up the mess, it a total shambles, the troops seem to have a hard time keeping things together.

    Exposure of CIA undercover operative - by people in his cabinet out of revenge, now that's a big joke in itself!

    Katrina - Need I say more????

    Protection of the environment - Well we all know his performance in that issue!

    Handling of energy crisis - A joke!

    I could give you well over 12 pages A4 size (small font) of Bush "No, No's", how many positives could you give?

    And also by the way, if you analyse the policies and actions Bush has taken on various issues, many have large consequences on not just domestic America, but the world for many years to come and unfortunately it is adverse impact. For example his inability to do things positive in respect of environmental protection.

    I am yet to be convined by some smart input and would regard pussy footing irrelevant to the topic at hand.

  • aaron c s
    18 years ago

    i am going to go do some research and i will get back to you. be ready to read something big nest time. just give me some time. im sorry i called you ignorant. i shouldnt jump to conclusions.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    I won't hold my breath and when I have the time. By all means post away your list of positives, that way people can compare.

    After I see your list and if I have the time to post a long list of negatives, I just may. However others are also encouraged to post pros and cons on the debate, remembering to stick to the debate on hand.

    Here are some books to read: -

    The Truth by Al Fraken

    Lies by Al Fraken

    Bushworld by Maureen Dowd

    Chain of Command by Seymour M. Hersh

    The Politics Of Truth by Joseph Wilson

    Plan Of Attack by Bob Woodward

    Obviously On He Sails by Calvin Trillin

    Losing America by Senator Robert Byrd

    Worse Then Watergate by John W. Dean

    Coinspiracy Of Fools by Kurt Eichewald

    This is already beginging to become an old debate, but you may post away your views and points which all will respect. - peace