Sterotypes in High School (please answer this post)

  • Soraya Lowe
    18 years ago

    If you're in Highschool, or if you remember what Highschool was like, please respond to this:

    What kind of sterotypes have you heard about people who are similar to you, and what kind of sterotypes have you heard about different kinds of people in general?

    *The reason for this post is b/c I'm doing a report on Sterotypes in Highschools. I would really appreciate your help.*

  • ElegantlyWasted
    18 years ago

    They're the ones that can't decide whether they're cool or not. The snitches who mingle with the preps and then rush to the geeks and gossip. Or the other way around.

    Anyone else was explained above.

    - Cheers;

  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    slut -- sorry i don't really like that word but it really descibes people in our school


    things like those are what are used. but that's just off the top of my head

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    I was in high school between 1996-1999 and the labels were:

    Slutty (oh that just never goes out of style now does it?)
    Floaters (they can float back and forth between almost any clique and fit in just about anywhere.)

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Well in Scotland it was like this at my highschool.

    Rock Kids = this group encompassed goths, skaters and anyone who played guitar, bass or drums. These kids were cool at my school because music was huge and everyone stuck together. I was part of this group...hence the cool tag.

    Trendies= something similar to preps i think...usually quite well to do rich kids with nice brand names clothes who stuck to their own kind..they always seemed smoother and much more socially aware than the other groups.

    Neds, Chavs= these kids are the poorer ones who were raised a little roughly...something like white trash i guess....lots of fights and drugs..bullying etc...thedy wore clothes that imitated the trendies but you could always spot the difference. quite a few rockers came from this group as well.

    Geeks= very rare in my school...and by that i mean genius humans who just academically ruled...i recall one guy who was off the charts in every class...and he was cool and dressed well and wasn't part of any group....though he was partial to violin and so hung out with us rockers quite a lot.

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago


    Hoodies=Thuggers or Loners


  • Purple
    18 years ago

    Geeks might also be assaited with the vidoe game atticks and anime lovers. Or that might be more OCs/some of the other serotypes that hang out in small groups

  • Lyla
    18 years ago

    well at my school we have preps (The athletes and the perfect girls that go with them.) The stoners, Drama nerds (who spend their life in the auditorium), computer nerds that spend their lunches on the computer.....and...ummm....i guess the rest of us are normal lol

  • Lyla
    18 years ago

    oh and the the sk8ers and goths (how can i forget about them?)

  • Feline Fatigue
    18 years ago

    Prepy's, cheerleaders, goths, lesbians, retards...mostly prepy's.

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    preps--I think this group is in every school, and I think you get the idea of who they are now.
    emo/posers--like to show that they are depressed and self mutilate. they make me sick to my stomach.
    rockers--goths/punks/emo I hang out with them, were usually out at the bus stop smoking and listening to blue collar comedy tour O.o
    loners--I guess you could say I'm one of them, I don't talk to many people in classes, and very few close friends outside of class.
    asians--as britt said, no offense at ALL, but they do hang out with each other, and don't branch off.
    Gangstas--also the jocks.
    sluts--usually aren't the best looking girls in the school, just a peice of ass for the jocks.
    bitc*es--I tried to make it clean as possible, but I couldn't think of a more decent name for them. They're pretty self explanatory - back stabbers, like to talk behind people's backs, nobody really likes them or grows to not like them during time.
    ROTC freaks--the guys who are destined to go to war, all about the military and all that.
    stoners--self explanatory, I hang out with them sometimes, mainly because they don't judge so quickly. which is mainly because they aren't really in their right mind to judge me.
    freshmans--a lot of immature girls and guys that just got out of middle school, this stereotype will probably fade through the year but will come back next year when we get new freshman. Very vulnerable little people :-P

    My school is weird though, all stereotypes hang out with each other, I know "gangstas" who go out with "preps" and "rockers", there's not many people in my school and we've all had similar lives because we live in the military, so there's not much difference between us all.

    18 years ago

    at my school there was rougly 800 ppl and there was only a few different "stereotypes" there was the prissys (u no the ones im talkin bout, the ones who thought the sun shined out their ass!!) there were the rebels/druggos, skaters, nerds(well they werent really nerds they were just smart and werent really social) and the ppl who were smart, but they had a gruop of ppl all exactly the same as them and they were friendly to everyone.. thats all i think!