help me pleeesssee he is gone!!!

  • heather
    19 years ago

    omg guys i feel so depressed he is gone my friend died he killed himself please help please before i hurt myself please.
    luv heather

  • Ashley Morris
    19 years ago

    Heather, don't do anything you'll regret. You've tried helped me so I'm gonna try my best to help you. I know losing your friend hurts. I know it does. But hurting yourself won't solve anything. Look, if you need to talk, email me. or I have aim if you that. If you need to talk, or feel like hurting urself, email me, im me, whatever. just don't hurt urself. I don't know if I'll be much help. But I will try my hardest to be as helpful as possible. I promise.


  • heather
    19 years ago

    ok thanks i am suppose to be in bed so i will have to e mail u in the morning g2g ttyl heather

  • Manders
    19 years ago

    Think of it this way.. do you see how you feel about your friend committing suicide.. You are lost, hurt, in shock..

    I have been there.. and let me say this.. Do you want to put how you feel right now onto your family and friends.. It's not the way out..
    My grandma killer herself. when I was in grade 8.. Nothing can explain how you feel after someone you love does that.. But to just end your life after knowing how it felt on you.. is just wrong.

    Your life is more then that.. Believe me when I say that no matter where your friend is right now. he/she is still working out the problems they had on earth. You never get off that easy. Why waste your life because you have a problem or someone died that you love. Because when you cross over you will have to deal with your problems anyways.

    Live your life, and trust me you will never fully get over this day.. but you will come to terms with it. and know that he/she will always be with you.. I don;t think they would want you to follow in there foot steps.

  • ~:.GodeSsOfTemPtati0n.:~
    19 years ago

    death is not the solution to get away from another pain =( been there done that =( gave me none but miseries... hope tomorrow will bring u light =) to see how meaningful life is =) ciao =) smile the cure for everything =)