
  • Bill Turner
    18 years ago

    The things in life that have given me my greatest happiness I have had no control over. Love is an example of this. Try as you might, you cannot get someone else to love you (in fact, they call that stalking). You can fake loving someone, but you cannot fake the real feelings and you have no control when it will strike.

  • Forgotten Memory
    18 years ago

    how can we be happy when we have been raised in a material society? when we see soemthing that we like, that we believe will make us happy, we strive for it untill we get it. but, once u get it, most get bored of it and look for something else. hence the majority reason for divorces. something younger, better looking came into view.

    that is not to say we cannot be happy, we can be. but it wont last.

    wether if its when we are in control or not, i do not know. but if we were in control of our happiness and how to achieve it, then yes, we could be happy. but again, once u have everything, theres nothing left to wish for or hope for. so one would probably get bored and look for new, exciting things.

    happiness is fleeting and does not last forever. all we can do is try and make it last as long as possible

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    I have been terribly happy without control once, but that belongs to the past...

    I believe strongly in happiness through love, and to feel as if you have no control at all in a relationship may perhaps ruin the whole thing...

    I dunno..

    I`m too young

  • ness
    18 years ago

    I don't think happiness is controllable, it just happens and we aren't suppose to be able to say when or why. True happiness is like said above contentment. Just been ok with things.

    But no person will ever find true happiness forever, its the unachievable.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    I would like to share a quote from Gibran' Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.

    And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.'

    There is an old Buddhist chant that translates ‘Individual happiness equals world peace
    Many Christians recognize the value of unity in diversity

  • lee
    18 years ago

    sure. I guess we could be happy without control. but not when it comes to everything. just some things you know? cuz if everything were up to us, and we actually COULD control everything, when we made the wrong desicions, it would totally fuck with us. and there's also confusion. sometimes we need to be made to do certain things, and yes, I believe everything does happen for a reason. but sure. we COULD be happy