Chemical Balance

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Does anyone believe that a change of attitude can release natural chemicals that can heal the body homeopathically?

    Homeopathy (also spelled homœopathy or homoeopathy) from the Greek words όμοιος, hómoios (similar) and πάθος, páthos (suffering)

    similar suffering

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Thank you Bob you are a true poet. and a lover of the truth. You have a gift, and you know you must give it to keep it. You are very wise to realize a gift must be accepted. I know I won’t get in trouble with you for capitalizing Giver. To keep with the spirit of Christmas I would love to urge all of the sorrowful to open the gift of joy that lives in the hearts of those that accept it

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Intelligent Design probably took a lot of time. Einstein was a great scientist. My great great. great uncle Moses Lewis Linton studied microorganisms about the same time as Louis Pasteur All begins as thought....

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    God Bless us everyone

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Thoughts manifest much more than random neuron energy. As love manifest more than the rhythm of the heart. Eternity and Heaven manifest more than we can comprehend

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Do we control our minds or do our minds control us?

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Grammar has certainly changed since I was educated. I was taught to capitalize proper pronouns. and God unless referring to a mythical god

    It is interesting that Ryle criticises Behaviorist theory for being overly simplistic and mechanistic
    G.W.E. Hegel's The phenomenology of Mind consciousness 'finding itself' or 'knowing itself' in its world can be understood as discovering the rationality of the conditioning world

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    "Practical intelligence is one that is acquired through practice or action, rather than theory, speculation, or ideals. Where philosophical intelligence is one acquired through investigation of causes and laws underlying reality. I don't think one can be in essence without the other. Though expressed differently, they seem plainly to be interconnected". Maybe I should ask do I control my mind or does my mind control me. It seems that our said mind is constantly being influenced by external influences

    I believe that my fascination with the heart, soul, and mind began with my first love poem. I have learned through these discussions that now there are scientist taking an objective look at the mind as if the mind were nonexistent or at least not understood by the ancients. But science is only the observation of natural events and thus limited

    As J. Harrison finds it hard to separate the mind from the self objectively
    I find it hard to separate the mind, heart, and soul subjectively
    Even if I believed objectively that billions of chemically imbalanced people are soon going to celebrate the birth of a mythical character that was born approximately 2000 years ago I would not believe it was meaningless. I believe in the Trinity and the power of unity

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Soul rebel, you have a friend who has ascended? And this person suns emotions?...or has no need of them?

    how can you call this person as friend is he or she has not emotional connection for you?

    And lets look at all the people of the past who has grown more enlightened...they always love the more they evolve mentally...not the other way around.

    To deny emotion, which is passion, is to deny you are alive i think.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    I know a lot of people who have at one time or another given their heart, mind, soul and strength to drugs and other self-harm. I know a lot of people who have given their mind, heart soul and strength to God. The ones that have given themselves to God usually live a longer happier healthier life. Religion, and science should not be opposed, and truth should always be their goal. If I may quote soul rebel ‘Adversus solem ne loquitor - Don't speak against the sun (don't waste your time arguing the obvious)’ weather we are talking about the solar system or a spiritual system knowledge is always good. It is not what we know that harms us it is what we think we know. Feelings are not moral or immoral and it is only what we do with our emotions that makes them good, or bad. When we learn we are all winners

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    The ones that have given themselves to God usually live a longer happier healthier life."

    ’Are you sure Micheal, are you sure that all who found God are truly happy. Have you asked them?’ Yes as a matter of fact I have ask them I have ask both extremes. One particular story comes to mind. There was a young poet on this site that always wrote dark depressed poems. I read one and gave her a 5 for honesty but in my comment I ask do you think there is something missing in your life? She quickly sent me a private message saying yes there is something missing, happiness. When I tried to share my hope for her through faith and Love. She told me she had lost her faith in God. Most of her poems were about self-harm. As far as evidence for longer lives I have visited many cemeteries of convents and contemplatives, and seen the evidence written in stone
    I have talked with many contemplatives in convents and many convicts in prisons
    And though I will admit that convicts in general are not the most truthful people. I have heard many state that they have found God there, and they have described a freedom and peace they had not known outside of the walls. I have conversed with many recovering addicts and alcoholics that share the happiness they have found in sobriety. They have, through a spiritual program, managed to stay out of jail, and escaped an early grave.

    ’And what about those who haven't found God, and others who don't believe in him? Should they live un-happy and un-lucid lives?’
    No one should live an unhappy life, though we all have pain. Christians are required to bear the burden of a man made cross and we all shall die a natural death. But I believe faith hope and love are the greatest virtues

    ’Micheal you seriously need to see the world and how every one lives, and lose the rose-coloured glasses’

    They used to tell me in treatment that denial is not a river in Egypt
    I am sorry if I portray any spiritual path as totally pain free. That is not a reality that I have witnessed. I challenge anyone that makes a promise like that. Even the crudest disciplines realize the necessity of pain and suffering that nature and God allows for the greater good. I still enjoy many temporary pleasures that I know will eventually cause me pain, but not as extremely as I used to. I believe that we were all meant to be ‘chemically balanced’, with no need for recreational drugs. Personally I have turned my back to the sun when the light was too intense, yet never escaped the reality of the light

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    I believe it works both ways. I have had M.E. for over six years though the recent changes in my life have lead to a sudden increase of health.

    Do not forget that when it comes to nature every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    In my opinion enlightenment is truth. I can see many historic events where human emotion has delayed the ascending to the truth. In the physical world we can see adaptation of life forms .It seems that information is chemically contained in a seed or an egg and an offspring is rarely drastically different from the parent. The concept of information being in the constant state of destruction could be easily misinterpreted as information such as natural laws adapting to the creation. I perceive the laws as the creator and it is the creation that adapts to laws . The concept that we are the center of our universe could be perceived as egotistical. We should revolve around the truth rather than the truth revolving around our perceptions I have been guilty in the past of alering my bio chemistry to shun my natural emotions but found it not to be practical

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Soul Rebel we totaly agree on those points

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    ‘In the world of health, it is clear that a sense of spirituality is a critical factor in the healing equation. At a conference on faith and healing, Harold G. Koenig, M.D., psychiatrist and author of The Healing Power of Faith: Science Explores Medicine's Last Great Frontier, summed up the results of hundreds of scientific studies on religious involvement and health. What he found was that religious involvement was positively correlated with the following outcomes:
    greater levels of well being, hope and optimism
    greater sense of purpose and meaning
    less depression and more rapid recovery from depression
    decreased risk of suicide
    decreased anxiety and fear
    greater marital satisfaction and less risk of divorce
    greater social support which confers known health benefits
    decreased risk of substance abuse and
    lower rates of juvenile delinquency’

    ‘In 1996, psychiatrist David Kaiser said, “...modern psychiatry has yet to convincingly prove the genetic/biologic cause of any single mental illness...Patients [have] been diagnosed with ‘chemical imbalances’ despite the fact that no test exists to support such a claim, and...there is no real conception of what a correct chemical balance would look like.”

    The question at hand is depression a physical disease, a mental disease, a spiritual disease, or all of the above?

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    My next question is that if depression, as we seem to agree, is a void or darkness in the spirit, or aura what is the best substance to fill that void with? Webster in one sense defines spirit as a frame of mind. It seems the mind can be observed in the spirit. We can aslo observe depression by behavior

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    good answer

    The most popular and most quoted paragraph in the AA book begins with these sentences ‘And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person place or thing, or situation-some fact of my life unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person place or thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is suppose to be at this moment

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    ‘Perhaps love, unconditional love, but then that would be hiding the weed rather than killing it’

    Love is like the light from the sun wich reaches the weed as well as the fruits and flowers The weed is how it is supposed to be and feels no pain or sorrow The weed has no spirit and cannot accept, or reject the Light

    Couldn't the blemish in the aura be caused by a choice or will of a human?

    Some believe that sorrow plays a role in spiritual healing
    Sorrow is a pain of the mind
    Contrition and amends are necessary for changes in attitude
    Emotions are only as useful as the intellect allows in my opinion
    We can avoid large amounts of useless pain by accepting the useful pain which purifies us

    Some hide the weed and some smoke the weed but only JHarrison knows what that has to do with love

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    There seems to be a trend for a lot of people to have doubt about things they can’t understand. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to understand new ideas I am sure that before the first successful flight many thought flying was only for birds. The earliest chemist seemed to be concerned with altering metals to produce gold and finding a fountain of youth. The pseudo science of alchemy evolved into chemistry as astrology evolved into astronomy. Not many people reject the evidence that the planet Jupiter exist because it was named for a god of Roman mythology. Don’t get me wrong I have rejected educated opinions the same as Wilma Rudolph rejected the medical opinion that she would never walk and went on to be an Olympic gold medal winner in a running sport. My question is; is there a connection between biochemistry and spirituality?

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Yes an example would be if I become emotional or in a rage over a preconceived notion of justice rather than instinctive animal rage my brain may release adrenalin to prepare me for fight or flight

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Yes anyone can aslo observe the effect of a moral judgment of an individual under the influence of mind altering chemicals, or should I say cause

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    We also need to define negative thoughts. A junkie may get temporarary relief, but suffers in the long run.
    The junkie may turn to another drug, but finds himself with another problem In theory it is human nature to avoid pain
    I cannot help but think of a poem of JHarrison inspired by a documentary he filmed on skid row ‘Jesus and Salt.’ It seemed that the addicts had no problem accepting the physical nourishment that the missions offered them. It is not the first time I have heard of Jesus being compared to salt, a chemical that preserves, and purifies. The chances are that the skid row addicts did not get there by following a strict spiritual path. Jesus did not suffer because of his own sin
    'If we take an eastern mystic approach, the higher energy/SPIRITUAL bodies, such as the emotional body - that is where the physical illnesses start. All the bodies exist simultaneously as a whole, though as you feed the illness with negative thoughts it manifests until it materializes on the physical body.'

    Example a lack of trust in Higher Power could materialize as a stomack ulcer gluttony materializes as obesity, and so forth

    We can turn to a healthier Higher Power

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    ’they have proven that depression causes a drop in the immune systems ability to fight deseases so that would lead you to believe that the mind does have some control over how the body heals, speed wise.’

    I agree that depression can contribute to the cause of disease
    A disease is any unhealthy condition of the mind or body
    Clinical depression is classified as a disease. The effect of depression is sometimes more easily observed than the cause. The authorities are not in total agreement on the nature of the mind. Mind in matter and matter in mind is not really a new idea. I believe chemicals affect the mind and the mind affects biological chemicals that are naturally present in the body. I have observed the behavioral changes of bipolar disorders. I have witnessed spiritual healings of those suffering from the disease of addiction I believe the mind is much more than an independent cognitive process. Referring back to my topic; Does anyone believe that a change of attitude can release natural chemicals that can heal the body homeopathically? No one challenged the rare medical treatment of homeopathy
    Moses Lewis Linton, whom established and published the St Lewis medical and surgical in1843, was a strong opponent to the then widely accepted practice of homeopathy. Physicians where also bleeding patients about that time. Homeopathy is based on diluting drugs that would cause symptoms in a healthy patient and administer them to unhealthy patients with the same symptoms. In the chemical realm, alcohol is a depressant that produces short periods of euphoria in healthy people. It has been known to cause the insanity of addiction in an unhealthy person. I believe there are varied degrees a chemical balance and chemical imbalance. I also believe that chemical imbalance and clinical depression is the number one problem facing the world today

    Malfist and any teen sufering from depression I just want you to know that someone cares and understands It is natural to expect what we give in return. and we all face challenges May God bless you all

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Recent psychological research suggests that up to 70%, and this is a conservative estimate, of the aiments that afflict us are mental in original and nature, in that we cause them and can cure them ourselves, with stress being the biggest trigger.

    They call this "psychosymatic illness" and i'd wager every one of you has made themselves ill in this way. I know i have many times in small ways, usually linked to extreme emotional upset.

    Some people, and i know this is hard to accept, want to be ill, or i should say, there is some aspect of their life which is causing them problems, and they cannot or will not deal with it, and they get ill as a result. Of course i am not saying that by thinking positively, you can make yourself immune to any illness, that is a little over the top.

    But to talk of spiritual or religious healing is a little misguided. You would be better to talk of the mental adjustment of the person in question. It's only the belief of the person themselves that heals them, [just google placebo effect research], and not some divine or spiritual entity or power. Only our minds.

    Simple really, and very empowering.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    ‘But to talk of spiritual or religious healing is a little misguided. You would be better to talk of the mental adjustment of the person in question. It's only the belief of the person themselves that heals them and not some divine or spiritual entity or power. Only our minds.

    Simple really, and very empowering.’

    Mental disorders also are tragic contributors to mortality, with suicide perennially representing one of the leading preventable causes of death in the United States and worldwide. Before I go any farther I recommend that if you believe you have a mental disorder I recommend you seek any help you can get. It seems from the stats the mind can be an enemy to the body. To deny that there can be a conflict between the mind and health is simply erroneous. It seems our minds can guide us in unhealthy directions

    Give me the doctor who can view a patient from the inside-spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and physically-and I'll have faith in his ability to heal me. I need someone to not only observe my seen and unseen parts, but someone who understands their functions and interactions. This is someone who understands the real me. This could only be one Person, my Creator, God.

    The name Theotherapy comes from this principle: that God is the one who ultimately heals though He may chose to use various vessels and techniques.
    I would challenge the reader to find one helpful psychological principle that is not found in the Word of God-forgiveness, resolution of guilt, love to replace fears, etc.
    If people are misguided by faith and religion you might expect to find more written about the unhealthy outdated practice of ‘blood letting’ in the ‘ faith and religion’ section on this site, but that ineffective therapy is more often written about in the sadness & depression section
    I have noticed a strong correlation between the lack of faith hope and charity to depressed suicidal poems

    ................The EGO is self centered and tends to Edge>...............................................................
    >God =....Good....Oderly......Direction...................

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Yo Micheal, go find yourself a high quality Chinese Doctor, and they will as you say, be able to piece together the whole picture of your health, even without being a God. Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual, as they have been doing for thousands of years, long before western medicine started in earnest.

    Strange, but i always thought that those who cut, or most of them do so because they don't feel life is worthwhile and that there are moral and economic high grounds they are being increasingly encouraged to strive for that place a massive amount of pressure upon them. You won't like me saying this Micheal, but i don't believe that surrendering to a higher power is the right way to go lessening this feeling.

    Sure it might work that a person who is depressed, drug addicted or suicidal can feel like they have been saved by God, but what has really happened is that they have given over responsibility of their moral compass to another, thus alleviating the pressure of taking control for themselves. They have surrendered, given everything to someone else...and this is NEVER a good idea, not with God nor anyone if is it any way decreases who you are.

    And this, not matter how comforting, is a bad idea in my book, as it's tantamount to swapping one kind of dependance or outlet for another.

    God/drugs/'s all externalisation, and it sucks on all counts.

    Ps, i thought your little diagram equation at the bottom of your last post was most insensitive and demeaning. Maybe the topic is to you that simple, and it shows in your posts, but for someone actually's not so black and white. Get a grip.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    ’Yo Micheal, go find yourself a high quality Chinese Doctor, and they will as you say, be able to piece together the whole picture of your health, even without being a God. Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual, as they have been doing for thousands of years, long before western medicine started in earnest.’
    It may surprise you that Thomas Merton a writer, poet and theologian was very interested in Zen philosophy

    Strange, but i always thought that those who cut, or most of them do so because they don't feel life is worthwhile and that there are moral and economic high grounds they are being increasingly encouraged to strive for that place a massive amount of pressure upon them. You won't like me saying this Micheal, but i don't believe that surrendering to a higher power is the right way to go lessening this feeling.
    I am a big fan of Frank McCourt’s biography ‘Angela’s Ashes’ it is clear that many Catholics have confused their priorities such as is illustrated by the story. Church authorities have contributed to the confusion. Frankie’s father encouraged pride in his faith yet failed to meet his responsibility as a father. I believe that very few cutters cut because of pressure from God In my opinion the cultural confusion is damaging to the power of faith hope and charity

    ’Sure it might work that a person who is depressed, drug addicted or suicidal can feel like they have been saved by God, but what has really happened is that they have given over responsibility of their moral compass to another, thus alleviating the pressure of taking control for themselves. They have surrendered, given everything to someone else...and this is NEVER a good idea, not with God nor anyone if is it any way decreases who you are.’ There is in my opinion a contradiction in your understanding of God. I was force-fed other peoples understanding of God. This is how I feel. God is beyond the complete understanding of man. Everyone has a personal understanding of a supreme being. A being exists or it does not

    And this, not matter how comforting, is a bad idea in my book, as it's tantamount to swapping one kind of dependance or outlet for another.
    Kevin, it is an egocentric illusion that any man in need of healing is not influenced by a external forces. Mind adjustment is a exernal force, and the origin of the mind has been disputed by as many learned men as the nature of God has. We can swap our dependence for the sun only temporarily before we face the truth.

    ’God/drugs/'s all externalisation, and it sucks on all counts.’
    Drugs can be a useful tool, in healing, a patient when not abused. Surgery is great in the hands of a qualified surgeon. God is ultimately the healer of the wise

    Ps, i thought your little diagram equation at the bottom of your last post was most insensitive and demeaning. Maybe the topic is to you that simple, and it shows in your posts, but for someone actually's not so black and white. Get a grip.

    I have no idea what you are talking about

    Ps the God of my personal understanding is loving and merciful
    I don’t know of any reason God could not use a Chinese doctor as an instrument of healing
    But there must be another reason so many have the void of the soul called clinical depression

  • HansRik
    18 years ago

    Science explains that emotions are the result of a change in the concentration of chemicals. This has been backed up by several years of research. This, therefore contains an element of truth, but perhaps there is an external force (ourselves) who induce this change, rather than the chemicals per se.

    Additionally, Chopra, backed also by reasearch, has shown that self-healing can take place. It is all about the attitude you have. If you want to die, you will; if you want to be cured, you will. As my dear friend says, "Much about beating this thing (cancer) is about the attitude."

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    'Science explains that emotions are the result of a change in the concentration of chemicals. This has been backed up by several years of research. This, therefore contains an element of truth, but perhaps there is an external force (ourselves) who induce this change, rather than the chemicals per se'

    The mind could easily be compared to a computer because we use many of the same words to describe their functions, memory, calculations and so forth. I am sure emotions could be affected by some chemicals, internal and external. I am also sure a poet can view the mind more deeply. Could we not say that electrical computations are the result in the concentration of electromagnetic force? The vehicle for the electromagnetic force must be refined to be effective in the computer. A disorder of many forces affects the performance of the device.

    So far in this discussion we have not used the term; ‘chemical-dependence.’
    Chemical dependence is a disorder that begins in the mind, but the mind that depends on unhealthy chemicals usually accepts them willingly. Mind altering drugs take control of the mind because of the nature of the mind. In my opinion it is not as simple as some people think it is to reverse the process of chemical dependence.

    I personally believe unhealthy attitudes can be also a disease of the soul.
    My bias may be due to the fact that I have not witnessed longterm control of chemical dependence other than a spiritual program

    'Additionally, Chopra, backed also by reasearch, has shown that self-healing can take place. It is all about the attitude you have. If you want to die, you will; if you want to be cured, you will. As my dear friend says, "Much about beating this thing (cancer) is about the attitude."

    Yes a agree that positive attitude is very important in healing

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    I've never heard of a person who was healed by unusual means, who didn't want to be healed in the first place, and who, probably in sheer desperation gave themselves over to whatever influence they perceived was attempting the heal them, be that God, a therapist or drugs.

    The key point is not the medium but the faith of the person.

    It's interesting to note that things like Reiki have little of no effect on people who think it's BS.

    This is how i feel about faith healing in genereal, particularly if it involved a supposed higher power.

    Micheal. I thought the use of >>>>>> these as indicators of people who cut, and then your little equation afterwards was slightly if such things can be summed up or in any way explained by such things.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Let me explain that a can assure you I did not imagine that anyone would associate>>>>>>>>>>>> with cutting I was trying to illustrate two acronyms
    Ego…[Edge God Out]…. God … [Good Orderly Direction] Everyone has there own perception of God. Your perception seems to be that God is a non-exiting entity or a placebo created by man to put Chinese doctors out of business. Meantime in the real world suicide is the number one cause of preventable death of teens. Should we conclude that there are not enough Chinese doctors to go around or that the depressed teens are not going to them?
    I used > as an equation. You could use it to illustrate Chinese doctor greater than God or Chinese doctor> God. I have not read any dark poems blaming Chinese doctors for their clinical depression. But I have read poems that are blaming a supposed non existing entity

    ‘The key point is not the medium but the faith of the person.’
    That is very true. Love is also a requirement for health. I have not read a self-harm poem that implied that they wanted to die because they loved themselves so much. I have read some that put all of their hope in themselves as if they could regain control of their happiness by their strength alone. This seems to be a temporary illusion. I agree that faith is very powerful if one believes their life is meaningless it probably will be

  • Kevin
    18 years ago


    If Chinese medicine had the sociological place the God does, then I garantee you there would less depression and social unrest, even less suicide. But as we all know, Chinese medicines ability to heal people on all levels is not esteemed as much as the Christian gods and it's unfair of you two compare the two in terms of results or causes of such ills.

    You generally tend to say one sentence that adresses the issues i bring up....and then you write a whole paragraph on a subject related but not directly in reply to what i've said...and as such, i do not ever feel you are trying to engage me and my ideas.

    You are too vague and general with the things you say Micheal. If you have a mind to reply to the things i've said, could you do it in a more direct please.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Kevin you have the right to your opinion, but to refer to the mystery of the ‘Trinity’ as gods is very misleading. I believe outside of supposition and the magical world of [IF] ‘that we both can see how things are rather than what they should, would or could be. I am inclined to agree with you Kevin, if you are implying that the world would be healthier in the spirit of unity Taoism began as a complex system of philosophical thought that could be indulged in by only a few individuals. In later centuries it emerged, perhaps under the influence of Buddhism, as a communal religion. It later evolved as a popular folk religion. It speaks of a permanent Tao in the way that some Western religions speak of God. The Tao is considered unnamed and unknowable, the essential unifying element of all that is. Everything is basically one despite the appearance of differences. Because all is one, matters of good and evil and of true or false, as well as differing opinions, can only arise when people lose sight of the oneness and think that their private beliefs are absolutely true. This can be likened to a person looking out a small window and thinking he sees the whole world, when all he sees is one small portion of it. Because all is one, life and death merge into each other as do the seasons of the year. They are not in opposition to one another but are only two aspects of a single reality. The life of the individual comes from the one and goes back into it.

    I was watching scientific program called the rise of man. From the evidence they concluded that Neanderthal man coexisted with modern man, the religious group survived.

    yet religion has never been even as black and white as the yin yang
    This Simbol(Yin-Yang) represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called "yin" (black) and "yang" (white), which cause everything to happen. They are not completely black or white, just as things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist without each other

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Yes we do and the negative and positive forces of attitude affects our spiritual latitude. I was amazed that yesterday after researching yin yang someone I know opened a Christmas gift. The gift was a CD with the yin yang symbol on the disk in the white was Tai in the black was Chi the symbol is connected to Chinese astrology as well as Chinese medicine.

    Soul it is also interesting to note the term bipolar is also used to describe a chemical imbalance or mental disorder difined by extreme highs and lows

    Here is an eastern view of attitudes
    Yield and overcome;
    Bend and be straight.

    -- Tao Te Ching (22)

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    Talk about lack of balance! Someone is playing around again with the threads!

  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    i already tried to contact one of the mods, in the feedback forum. hopefully they can do something about it soon.


  • Truest Lies
    18 years ago

    My dad, a nutritionist, told me that research shows that most cancers are caused when someone goes through intense emptional strength, such as losing a loved one.
    There have been many causes where, as an example, a father loses a son, then almost immediately afterwards is diagnosed with cancer.

    I have also seen people who are determined to be happy, and to succeed, to overcome illness and stress...and they do.

    //Truest Lies//

  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    ya i believe that the mind has a huge effect on healing of the body. i'm working on an Anthology project in English and i chose the topic of healing and almost everything that i've read about it is mostly mental healing and just moving on with your life. people need to let things go and accept what's happened to them in order for themselves to heal. it's very intresting i'm glad i chose this topic.


  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Accepting but not condoning wrongs that have been done to us. could be viewed as a purely mental process. But to let things go on, may or may not be healthty depending on the circumstance. Is our essence our mind divided by memory intellect and emotion. and which of these is stronger? I have read opinions that the will and soul are products of the mind. I think that the pain of the mind called sorrow is useful for spiritual healing if our essence soul or attitude is rejected by good people. I don't know who am qouting but it has been said that there is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us . Why should we single out the rest of us. The only balance I can find comes from humility and accepting a power greater than myself

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    I have been thinking about the relationship between, calculation and meditation, intellect versus emotion. How many poets would be offended if I commented that they were number one? How many on this site would be offended if I rated them with the same number on this site?
    3 How many of us can honestly say that we have never been angry over being humiliated? The brain of the electrical device I sit before projects a cartoon paper clip that simulates human emotion. Even though I am writing about this imaginary entity all it can do is look bored, and confused. Sometimes it looks away. Sometimes it scratches its imaginary head. My point is we cannot even reduce the mind of an animal to mere random electrical impulses. Perception seems to play a vital role in how information is interpreted by the mental processes. I dare say that even the most egocentric human mind would not seriously proclaim that it created the sun or any natural laws that make its existence possible. My second point is that the evidence shows that modern humans have gained more strength in the belief in a higher power. Some anthropologist see religions as the pillar of societies. Now there are those who see this as a threat to the general population. Why is that?