James Frey

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    ok, for those of you who have heard about him and his memoir, A Million Little Pieces, what do you think? Just want your opinions. And if you have read the novel and now find out about the embellishing and lying, did it make you look at the book differently? change like to dislike, visa versa?

  • lisa marie
    18 years ago

    I've heard about that book, and i have been meaning to read it.

  • Lost Soul 691
    18 years ago

    I think that has really set the stage for publishers to be a lot more stringent on their selections. I for one believe this has hindered a lot of other works in progress that might never make it to print now, which is sad in itself.

  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    i first of all loved the book! the second one was ok, but A Million Little Pieces was great. i read it before everything blew up in his face though. but i could relate to it because my grandpa is a heavy drinker.

    there has been rumors that it was the publishers idea to place the book under autobioraphy though. i think they told him that it would sell better that way, or if it has any form of truth to it that it should be there. still that's not an excuse to still go on TV and lie about it and say it's all true.

    also you really have to think about it. he's a drug addict, and an Alcoholic... how much was he going to really remember any ways? drinking and drugs make it too hard to remember everything to the extent he was talking about.

    as the reader you had to have thought that not all of it was true in the first place, and that the story was imbellished to begin with.

    i don't agree with the fact that he lied and wished he hadn't. but i still love the book, probably because emotionally it gives me hope that my grandpa could possibly change. i don't regret reading it.


    18 years ago

    I almost bought that book last night, but I changed my mind. I saw him when he was on Oprah, but I hadn't heard anything else about him.
    What exactly did he lie about and when did Oprah slam him?

    Nevermind, I just read the other thread. I'm now up to speed.

    I'll probably read the book eventually.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    “ok, for those of you who have heard about him and his memoir, A Million Little Pieces, what do you think?”

    I really had not heard of James Frey until this controversy about the accuracy of his memoir started. One thing that I am confident of now is that he will get a movie deal. If random house drops him he will be offered several other book deals from other publishers. The more someone tries to destroy you or an idea the stronger your support becomes.