ugh, I hate rules

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    "I fought the law and the law won"
    SLUV your bubby Bob is cool I am not sure you could exit without him.... no more than I could exist without the laws of nature

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    I Fought The Law (and the Law Won)
    by Bobby Fuller, 1965

    "I Fought the Law (Bob Fuller Four)

    Breaking rocks in the hot sun

    I fought the law and the law won

    I fought the law and the law won"

  • cowgirlstar26
    18 years ago

    yea rules suck but if there were no rules i dont think the world would be in existence but yea i agree

  • lisa marie
    18 years ago

    if there were no rules and government, you would be dead.