Philosophical Question

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    No it would be suicide.


    Of course, this is not ally mcbeal. With genetics being what they are, this theorectical question could very soon become a reality. If a copy of me that had it's own free will was killed by me, then i'd still be ending, without consent the life of another being.

    Which is murder aye.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    In my opinion it is murder. Let us suppose that while we have an ultra sound of a human fetus we can prove that the fetus has free will. We can legally abort a living organism that has the ability to make a choice. Even if we cannot prove the human tissue has that ability can’t we prove that it has that potential?

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    The line between man and machine is also becoming thinner
    Machines, or complex electrical structures are performing task that only the intelligent design that produced the structure could do. If a cyborg becomes a reality do you think humans could design a will for it?

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Can morality be traced to a natural source?
    If we assume that creatures must obey natural laws

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    We may have strayed from the original topic of when is it murder to interrupt the life force of an organism that has human characteristics. Far be it from me to make condescending remarks about myself, but if I told you my brain was the product of billions of years of evolution some may beg to differ. If the origin of any brain is only ‘random selection’ then the word murder has little meaning. We humans as a species seem to be diverse in behavior. We have an instinct for self-preservation, but I believe the human will is far more complex

  • Forgotten Memory
    18 years ago

    "If there was identical copies of you which has its own free will and you kill itWould that be considered murder?"

    coincedentally, there IS an identical copy of me as i am a twin. completely different yet identical at the same time.. different because our free will lets us think different things, but sometimes the exact same or close enough.

    it would still be considered murder as it is a life and different, altho being a look alike, from the original (i am not the original or perhaps i am but came out 2nd)