Why does it mean so much to you?

  • Baby B
    19 years ago

    I know we all write poetry and it means so much to us.
    How much does poetry mean to you? Both writing it and it in general? Also Why does it mean that much to you? Just curious

  • julie
    19 years ago

    i just like writing a poem then re-reading it and feeling so proud because it was me that wrote it not any one else. it is my piece of art work, my creation!

  • gasping for air
    19 years ago

    its means alot.... ive been writing it for about four years and i love being able to have the talent to do well at it... because if i didnt i wouldnt have a way to vent the way i feel... poetry is a way of letting things go for me... or enhancing the way i feel... like if im writing a happy poem then im enhancing the way i feel, getting it out into the open... if im writing a sad or angry poem then im venting how i feel... it means alot, cuz like i said i would have all of these feelings bottled up inside of me and thats not good...
    loves and hugs
    Manda Lynn

  • Baby B
    19 years ago

    I guess we all pretty much have the same answer to my question. We write for ourselves. We write to make a spot in our lives history. Something to look back on. Thanks for responding guys.

  • StarGirl
    19 years ago

    lol this is a repeative answer.

    People write poetry to express apart of themself that they can't express in the normal world.

  • Brandon Evans
    19 years ago

    I started writing as an escape from a developing drinking problem... Sure enough, it got me straight, but now I'm addicted to writing... lol

    (true story by the way)

  • Baby B
    19 years ago

    I will have to agree with most of you and I think I'll answer my own questions.

    I started writing because it stopped me from major breakdowns and it stopped me from cutting myself.

    It meant, yes past tence, so much to me because it made me even more different from my friends and mostly from my family. They all had sports.. I had writing. It was a dream of mine to write for life. I lost inspiration though. I lost the will to write. But it meant so much to me just because it put me in my own world.

    Thank you all for answering. Thanks.

    19 years ago

    I mostly write about things going on in my life and I feel really proud when I complete a poem. Then later on I can go back and read my poetry and it takes me back to the mind set and feeling's I felt at that particular time. Poetry is an amazing outlet. It truly keeps me sane...

  • N J Thornton
    19 years ago

    I've been writing for so long. At the begining it didn't mean a thing and i only wrote the odd one when i were bored. Then an event in my life which caused me, and the people close to me a lot of pain, made me write more but as a way to vent my feelings. Then i got into the habbit of writing and started to expand my topics from depression, and thats when i started becoming serious and poetry mattered to me. It is my life now, i know i couldn't live with out writing and reading other poets inspiring work.


  • Shaneese
    19 years ago

    It means so much to me because i get to express my self in a way that wont hurt me physically.I like to write it makes me a better person instead of just building it all inside and never doing anythign about it

  • don mohr
    19 years ago

    that didnt sound right-i write spontaneousely, and
    pull from imaginitive ideas-sometimes involving
    past-present situations, memories-i have read quite
    a few pieces from this forum that spark ideas too.
    i seem to believe that as a group we can succeed
    in our personal goals by feedback-commentaries-
    etc. i read/reply all e-mails.

  • Ele
    19 years ago

    poems mean an awful lot to me because they can make me smile or cry so easily. writing can make me feel better or worse an i think that's a really powerful thing to happen. i like to look back over poems i've written over the years and remember the things i used to feel. when i look back an see how unhappy i was it makes me feel so grateful that my life's turned around an i'm truely happy now, it makes me appreciate my life a lot more.

  • Mentally_Unable
    19 years ago

    I don't really know why it means so much to me I just love it...it makes me feel like I have done something great. I guess it kind of makes me feel important.

  • Unseen Exposure
    19 years ago

    Poetry means everything to me. I don't really have anyone to listen to me, and so I put my feelings down in words. It's the best relief in the world, and it's safe. Without writing, I don't know what I'd do. Its an addiction!! I write every single day, and I submit most of my poems here for others to critique. enjoy, relate to, etc. I love writing, even if it's not a poem. Words are my best medicine for pain.

  • Jackie Prahl
    19 years ago

    poetry well it means alot to me because it gives me a place to write anything down and not be judged like a book and when people read my poetry they are amazed that a 15 year old could write such deepstuffand expessially my friends or so they call them selfs are like wow they seem to think I'm this shallow person when really no one knows what I go through on a day to day bassis. Its all what happens to me in my my life no bs reallity crap, just real life here in wisconsin for a not so average teenaged girl. Who is stuck in between all worlds so to speak. Its not only my my friends that make it feel so good its the thought that maybe these people who have passed on and people I write about it might just see how I really feel. I dont know how else to describe it because I cant its amazing to me! Its just shame that no one ever takes the time to vote and give me and kind of compliment to say what I could do to make it better. seriously you have time to read this type of stuff why dont you read and vote or comment on poems cause that is what I do.

  • paperdoll
    19 years ago

    What no one else seems to have mentioned here is the joy in using the English language. Hmm.... *pause while reading that over to realise i sound like an absolute crackpot*..... But what I mean is, using words, using language is an escape, something to focus on and escape the world from, is part of the beauty of poetry. Fitting together the pieces of some kind of perfect jigsaw to recreate your mood, to tell a story: this is infinitely satisfying.

    Perhaps this is what makes writing so damn therapeutic.