why are we here?

  • swill
    18 years ago

    ever wondered what this life is for? why do we have to live? whats the purpose of life? the meaning? what exactly is it that we are supposed to do on earth? these are all the same questions....what i want is an ANSWER to what you think would be the answer to them, in the form of a poem.

    I liked bob's idea about the prizes, and i shall also post the three winners ( no first second third, all three will have the same standing) in the members message forum. They get recognized, and encouraged, and commented and read by many more people than me.

    So answer me poets, what is the purpose of our life?

    A poem a poet
    Title is a must
    MUST answer the question, which would probably not be a correct one, since it is a mystery pondered by many men sinces aeons, but atleast it should bear your perspective of the meaning of your life.

    On your mark, get set, THINK...deep....okay now you may go lol...

    Contest ends when i decide.

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    ~Senseless Delusions~

    A life of mystery and confusion,
    religion and other senseless delusions.
    We were put on this earth to survive,
    to covet and kill, to stay alive.

    There is no true reason, meaning, or cause,
    pondering the idea of life is time lost.
    All that's important is to have your name known,
    to have your life forever, set in stone.

    Famous or infamous, you won't be forgotten.
    Some will do good and others, do rotten.
    Life should be lived for the attention of others,
    not for God or your so called, "heavenly brothers."

    Nothing can match eternal life,
    not being successful or f u c k i n g your wife.
    I would kill to have my name talked about,
    Loving and caring, I could live without.

    *Just to let you all know, I wrote this poem with the opposite view point of mine.*

    ~Sean Dohr~

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago


  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    To exist in a world of non-permanent beauty
    To try to make sense of it all
    To move through life in ignorance
    Not taking risks, too scared of a fall

    For we all strive for knowledge and power
    We all want to be someone great
    To make the most of all we want to do
    To make our own choices, or following our fate.

    To take in every last moment
    To savor each and every breath
    For every moment experienced
    Will vanish into nothing with your death

    It makes you wonder the meaning
    Of the work you do, fun or mundane
    For no matter how much or little you do
    When we die, we all are the same

    not sure whether this answers the question.... hmm well its about life

  • End Of Eternity
    18 years ago


    I keep wondering most of the time
    sometimes about these relations
    but most of the time about meaning of life

    without love,hate & pain
    this world would go insane
    some people stand upto crisis, some fall
    some treat life as a part of misery
    some people rise & some loose control
    some take life as a beautiful journey
    some tries to ignore their heart's call
    some just know how beautiful life could be
    no matter what, some just stand tall
    and above all
    they wonder too
    like i do
    sometimes about dreams
    or how happy there life is
    atleast that’s how it seems

    *Just wondering*

  • swill
    18 years ago

    **calling all poets, please enter this contest**

  • Lost Soul 691
    18 years ago

    An Answer to What? A Question!

    Is there an answer?
    Surely there must be!
    But an answer only comes from
    a question.

    Without a question
    we can only try
    to grasp in desperation
    for a solution.

    We have the basis
    for a question -
    Don't we?

    Now we must try
    to piece it together
    step by step.
    To form a statement
    of our unknowingness.

    Not easily mastered
    for two intelligent persons
    such as you and I.

    Where does the question lie?
    With you or with I?
    Where is the answer?
    In us or in her?

    A question, an answer
    and life goes on.
    But did we get it right?
    Or is that yet
    another unanswerable question.

    Who knows?

  • swill
    18 years ago

    keep em comin

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    "Why here?"

    This strange and amusing world,
    Filled with love and hate.
    So why are we here?
    Because of fate?

    Six billion people,
    To many animals to know.
    Many different languages,
    Konnichiwa, hi, yo.

    So why this world,
    did we volunteer?
    Why so many,
    why here?

  • Marjan
    18 years ago

    an old poem and not very good but oh well...

    Why do we live? why do we die?
    by Marjan Nouhnejad

    Why do we live? Why do we die?
    These questions seem to have no reply
    But don't get tired. Let's think more
    There should be an answer for sure

    Some live to enjoy
    Some live to rest
    Some live to have fun
    But which one's the best?

    Some live to help
    Some live to give
    Some other people
    Don't want to live

    We're here to give
    We're here to love
    We're here to bring down
    the heaven from the above

    We're here to become better
    We're here to learn
    We're here to help each other
    After that we're going to return

    Return to where?
    Some may ask.
    To our home
    After finishing our task.

    But what's our task?
    Some may wonder.
    To get the answer
    Let's ponder.

    To develop
    our spiritual potentiality
    For this, one should be careful
    of his/her own personality

    By coming to know
    And worship God
    Overcoming life's hardships
    is so easier than anyone can imagine.

  • swill
    18 years ago

    come on, i know there are more coming....i can SEE it coming lol...post post people, post. :D

  • Jackie Marie
    18 years ago

    I will post one once I get out of school. I am in micro class at the moment but no time to put a poem in here.

  • swill
    18 years ago

    okay confused, i'll be waiting :) everyone else pick uup your pens and get busy, tut tut!

  • Sole
    18 years ago

    What Is Life?

    What is Life?
    Is it breathing the sweet air as you run and play?
    Is it the lovely scent of a newly baked cake?
    Is it reminiscing on a beautiful day?
    Is it summer fun, down by the lake?

    What is Life?
    Is it spending time with your best ever friend?
    Is it the thrill of the newly discovered?
    Is it writing long letters to send?
    Is it looking into the eyes of a lover?

    Life is;
    Dying in polluted air we cannot see
    Becoming poisoned by the devils bake
    Reliving a painful memory
    The freezing winter we cannot escape

    Life is;
    Missing someone who said they'd stay until you die
    Finding nothing, when you prayed above
    Writing a letter, and recieving no reply
    Losing someone you love


    Peace. [Sole]

  • swill
    18 years ago

    awsome poem, but i swear i'll kill you if that really is the truth of life. damn. im ....confused.

  • swill
    18 years ago

    get busy and WRITE i want poems cmon...

  • swill
    18 years ago


  • swill
    18 years ago

    cmonnnnnnnn now im getting angry....

  • Loulou
    18 years ago


    Lifes Movie
    by Tabby

    Times change when days go on
    And so do the people you know
    And whispers of the past are gone
    And knew ones are now aglow

    Now we wait for what lies ahead
    The future holds our lives at hand
    It can be good or something to dread
    We have no idea from where we stand

    And sometimes we wonder why
    The future has to always be the same
    We wait for that time when we die
    But till then we play lifes game

    And As our life starts to burn out
    Like the wick upon a candles top
    We begin to see what lifes about
    But then our breaths suddenly stop

    So as we lay in our dying bed
    We see our past life go by
    Like a movie it plays in our head
    It ends and now we begin to die

    In every person it is the same
    The future is a question of Why?
    And each person plays lifes game
    Just as each person attends to die

    (this poem is about how I think of the future and life)

  • ~*so*over*him*~
    18 years ago

    i hope this counts....

    ~*~pushing through~*~

    sometimes life come at you fast,
    it all may be a blur
    and sometimes you may wonder why
    your even in this world

    you may feel like you are worthless,
    like your just wasted space
    you may curse and scream,
    and want out of this place

    at times life is hard,
    it may throw you a curve ball
    and then you may feel trapped,
    like your back's against a wall

    the obstacles in life might choke you,
    keep you gasping for air
    and when you cry out for help,
    everyone is too busy to care

    this life may feel so hopeless,
    and you may find no reason to live
    you're broken and you're tired,
    and you have given all you can give

    but even when times get tough,
    just keep pushing through
    your life may turn around and your wounds will heal, and the gray sky will turn to blue

    when you feel like you have no one,
    and all your momentum is gone
    just dig deep down and find the strength,
    and just keep pushing on

    because i know what it's like to be broken and hurt
    and i know what it's like to lose
    but sooner or later you come to a point,
    a time when you have to choose

    do you surrender to the pain and hurt,
    and let this life get the best of you?
    or do you toughen up and look ahead,
    and just keep pushing through?


  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago


    erm... realized mine didnt really answer the question lol

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    i guess this would be MY latest definition...

    The World Is My Control Room
    by PreciousIllusions

    You have only so much control
    If it can happen, it will go WRONG
    You never make a sound
    but in my head
    you come in loud & clear
    The radio plays another song
    for broken hearts
    & tired swans

    Assemble is destructive
    in the torture chamber suite
    This couldn’t be more unexpected
    Fly on the seat of your pants
    & other media clichés
    Friends helping friends
    What it’s all supposed to be about
    Play it back
    Some confusion & doubt
    We’ll keep going until
    the tape runs out

    Throw it up
    in the spotlight
    Cut it loose
    I’m moving on
    I start to feel it on my own
    & make the city feel like home

    The silence rings so LOUD
    in tune with the sorrow I found

    Record to edit
    you said to me
    Play it back again

    Stop Rewind
    I think I’ve come undone
    Breaking my intentions
    I keep losing track

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    how much longer?


  • swill
    18 years ago

    i'll get to judging in a couple of days..

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    looking forward to it,
    by the way, what memmebrs message forem?


  • swill
    18 years ago

    Hi People....so sorry I was like yearsss late to give the results… but here they are finally:
    I know I said I will choose three winners with the same standing, but I have now decided to keep places.
    Tatatata Tada!
    1st place – Marjan
    2nd place- Sole
    3rd place- PreciousIllusions

    These were the people whose poems answered the question to a certain degree…especially marjan, that poem is something to live by. All other poems were really nice too…it was only that I loved these people’s definitions of what life really is for. Thank you. I shall post the winners on the forum soon
    Love, Dhaval
    P.S.- Ruby, the forum is a place where all kinds of threads and messages can be posted, and almost everyone from p&q visits it, so you get recognition….

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    ohh ok! thanks for holding such an interesting contest
