*25 titles, you pick*

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    *Closed* *Closed* *Closed*

    I will put up 25 titles and you can write a poem to whoever you like. It doesn't matter if someone already has written a poem to the title. Any style you want;)

    Rules are:
    Must be your own work (duh!)
    Must be to one of the following titles.
    Wright title and title number.
    One poem per poet
    Have fun!

    1st: 3-5 comments and votes, and a place among my fav.
    2nd: 2-4 comments and votes.
    3rd: 1-3 comments and votes.

    The titles:

    1. Never ending fountain.
    2. Always and forever.
    3. Drowning tears.
    4. Say I do.
    5. Love or hate?
    6. The knife.
    7. The rumor.
    8. The animals in the forest.
    9. Darkness and depression.
    10. True love or just a crush?
    11. Horror night.
    12. You rock my socks.
    13. Friday the 13th.
    14. The postcard.
    15. 11 days.
    16. The three little words.
    17. Pick up the phone.
    18. Heaven or hell?
    19. When the clock hits twelve.
    20. The river.
    21. Earth, fire, water and air.
    22. The banana and the orange.
    23. Loving the world.
    24. Schools out.
    25. Any time, any day.

    Go wright!

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    How many poems per poet?

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    ~The Knife (6)~

    Blood drips from my veins,
    like rain from the sky.
    Hits the carpet like a waterfall,
    sitting here, waiting to die.

    I start bleeding profusely,
    after one last slit.
    My body starts to shiver,
    my brain and heart start to quit.

    I can feel the blood dripping,
    not just on the floor.
    It's running down my arm,
    can't feel pain anymore.

    My eyes close and re-open,
    now I can't see.
    My body is breaking down,
    there is nothing left of me.

    I try to stand, but I can't,
    and crash down to the floor.
    Now, I start to see things,
    I've never seen before.

    A bright light and a hand,
    that is held out toward me.
    I think to myself, is it God,
    no way, it couldn't be...

    ...could it?

    ~Sean Dohr~

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    ~Pick up the phone~

    God I miss your voice
    The way it sooths my soul.
    I miss your laughter
    How it rings in my head
    I miss everything about you
    How your voice affects
    The very bottom of my core.

    I can always imagine
    You smiling when
    I talk to you
    I know you grin
    When I say I love you.

    So long it has been
    Since I herd your voice
    The image of your
    Smile is fading from
    My mind.

    I stare at the phone
    That lies on my bed
    I am wondering
    If you would
    Pick up the phone
    If you know it was me.
    I wonder if you
    Would pick up the phone
    And realize that
    We were meant to be.

  • Adriana
    18 years ago

    2.Always and forever

    I will always and forever be with you
    I will always and forever say I do...
    I will always and forever give you my heart
    I will always and forever never tear us apart
    I will always and forever watch our love grow
    I will always and forever make our love show
    I will always and forever cheer you up when your down
    I will always and forever be around

  • swill
    18 years ago

    SAY I DO

    I've always dreamed of that special girl.
    I've always yearned to look into her eyes.
    The day that I finally found you,
    Is the day I found myself too.
    There's nothing that I want more.
    You`re all that I've been waiting for.
    The night before the math project,
    I dreamt about you, believe me
    I dreamt that you said yes
    I dreamt that you and me, were we.
    Till I woke up, when I cried
    To know that it could be a dream that lied.
    Yes, I knew there was no odyssey
    But, for that, at least you would speak with me
    The courage I took to message you, you know not
    When I said goodnight and you didn`t reply, my pain you felt not.
    I made the CD, titled `for you, malli`
    And when you told me thank you, I felt so bubbly.
    I don`t know why I cant take my eyes off of you
    There`s something about you.
    All my friends told me you didn`t like me,
    But deep inside I felt that we could be.
    I always hope we'll be together forever.
    It hurts to think we may really never.
    I write this line and I cry, eyes ablaze,
    Tears running down my face,
    I shudder to think about it, I`m dazed.
    It's driving me insane.
    I can't handle all this pain.
    I can't give up, my heart won't let me.
    It still feels something I want to believe.
    Let me please make this clear,
    By talking to you, I unknowingly got near,
    Then I was confused, now I realize I like you
    Telling you this, is what my heart makes me do.
    Please tell me you feel the same way.
    Cause I've been longing for that day.

    its non fiction, and it didnt work. she doesnt feel the same way. never will....

  • Synh
    18 years ago

    The Rumor(7)

    Sounds of voices come
    They come and sing to me
    Beginning in my sad life
    Soon entering my dreams

    One by one they resonate
    From singing to a screech
    One minute I’m normal
    The next I’m a freak

    My own words are drowning
    No one can nor wants to hear
    Is it that they don’t want the truth?
    Maybe that’s what people fear

    A little white lie never hurt anyone
    That’s what everyone always says
    Maybe that’s why they flow like a river
    Like a river that never ends

    We drink from that river
    Taking in it’s darkest sins
    Then the poison takes hold
    That’s when it all begins

    Now come the laughs
    The sniggers from their ill humor
    They’re all directed towards me
    And it all began with your rumor

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    Any Time, Any Day (25)
    By: ~*Who Cares?*~

    Never knew I could feel like this,
    Like I could just vanish in your kiss.
    Listen to my heart beat, can you hear it sing?
    It says to give you my everything!

    Season may change, winter to spring,
    But I love you, time is nothing.
    Come what might, rain or snow,
    I will love you, just thought you'd like to know.

    When you're around, life's such a perfect place,
    It seems to move with so much love and grace.
    But there's no river to deep, no mountain too high,
    Give me a call and I'll be back at your side.

    So, please AJ, please, don't hold back,
    You are the only thing, that my life lacks.
    Any time, Any day, whether near or far,
    Just come to me, I wish this shining star.

  • Wings Of Flames
    18 years ago

    Horror Night. 11.

    T'was a night of anguish,
    Of which I looked a sight,
    Dressed up as the evil,
    That seeped into the light,

    A pain I could not condemn,
    My love, my life, his lust,
    But first i shall retell,
    Of how he broke my trust,
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    I was the queen of darkness,
    The theme for the dance,
    I spent an hour just for perfection,
    Left in a happy trance,

    I left the safety of my walls,
    And steped out unto the cold,
    Although it was the Summer,
    My soul was yet to fold,

    I was given stares of horror,
    and surprise to what I'd done,
    I must've seemed scary,
    But no prize I had won,

    I found him with my best friend,
    He looked as dark as she,
    Then we left for the enterance,
    Still excited as can be,

    The music bleeding into my soul,
    And vibrating through my skin,
    We moved to the agony,
    But he was yet to sin,

    Suddenly I realised,
    He had left my sight,
    And was with the girl who wanted him,
    With all her strength and might,

    I felt myself break down,
    As I saw them as the two,
    Dancing slow to the rage,
    Of what i was meant to do,

    I cried the tears of thousands,
    And lost the battle down,
    But even though he'd done it,
    In his love I was yet to drown.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Day after the world,
    Had died into my soul,
    I gave him my forgiveness,
    But leaving was his goal,

    But instead of tears,
    I shed a more possessive thing,
    Anger and hate filtered me,
    And I burnt and made him sting.

    Its a pretty crap poem, I do realise that but I thought i may as well give it a go =D

    Tis a true story.
    good luck

  • Sole
    18 years ago

    Loving The World

    I love this stupid place
    The death, decay and frost
    The lies we have to face
    As another war is lost

    Lives and lives are gone
    Away, the good we throw
    But none of this is wrong
    Because society tells us so!

    It's not wrong to kill
    Or destroy a habitat
    Do we do this for thrill?
    Or should it come to that?

    It's the path of fate
    That we must go to an extreme
    Its' not wrong to fight or hate
    So long as we're on the winning team

    This is our view
    On everything that's wrong
    With this stupid world, I'm through
    Somewhere I just don't belong

    I wouldn't fight for peace
    A contradiction is unfurled
    Death is my sole release
    Oh how I love this stupid world!

    Peace. [Sole]

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    Schools Out

    Exams are over
    No excuses anymore
    I'll see you Monday
    But things won't be like before

    Before all the stupid lies
    The held back feelings, the drawn out fights
    Before I knew what I really wanted to do
    Before I knew all I ever wanted was you

    School's out for Summer
    We have some time for ourselves
    And now that I'm more secure in my future
    Will we ever be able to gel?

    The question of the hour
    All our friends will know
    sooner than me or you
    because they always do

    I love you, and that's more than a grouping of letters
    I love you, that's a promise, always and forever
    Do you love me too? Always..and never

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Very good everyone, I have at least one poem that I liked particulary... Keep it coming;)

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    9. Darkness and Depression.

    My life is filled with sadness
    and i feel like i want to go.
    Darkness and Depression.
    Seem to be all that i know.

    My best friend died three years ago
    She slit her wrist one night
    So Darkness and Depression
    Have driven away the light.

    My sister ran away that same year,
    and was never found again
    Because of Darkness and Depression
    Nothing will ever be the same.

    My father left the year after that
    Just got in the car one day
    Proving Darkness and Depression
    Are forever here to stay.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    come on ppl im curious 2 kno hoo wins post!!! lol

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Jeah people, post some more. I think ill end it after like 20:)

  • PS
    18 years ago

    here is mine:

    18. Heaven or hell?

    Where do we belong?
    in the bleached sweetness of heaven
    or the dark gut wrenching pain of hell?
    God? Have you foresaken us?
    are we made by the almighty
    or do we have the devil's mark.

    destined to crouch in the dark,
    never to feel the the sun on your arms
    or the rainbows dance in the sky
    never to grow old,
    to feel neverending energy
    an older mind in a youth's body
    destined to feed on the
    sweet infatuating nectar
    of the unknowning mortal
    for all of eternity.

    churches do not stop us, the garlic
    and the stakes rendered pointless
    the sunny morning or fire can send
    our souls to whatever end.

    But to whom would we go
    if the world finally ended
    and the endless corpes on which
    we feed to live each night
    who will claim us.
    demon or dark angel
    to heaven or to burn in hell

  • PS
    18 years ago

    ooops double post

  • Wings Of Flames
    18 years ago

    The excitement is killing me!
    good luck, beautiful poetry with even more beautiful poets.
    Rock on

  • Alex xxx
    18 years ago

    Drowning Tears (3)
    By Alex xxx

    I'm laying here unable to move.
    I'm frightened, I'm scared, what can I do.
    No one can see me, not in this way.
    I feel so weak, when I cry each day.

    I want to stop them, but they keep flowing.
    I can't control them, I can't hold them in.
    I can feel them rolling down my cheeks.
    I think my eyes have sprung a leak.

    One by one on the pillow they fall.
    I hold my tissue, I want to stand tall.
    But i lose my breath, I lose my mind.
    The light that was within I cannot find.

    My hands are sweaty, my head all hot.
    I need to roll over, using all the strenght I got.
    I have this feeling inside me, I think its fear.
    I'm drowning my self here with my own tears.

  • Jin
    18 years ago

    Steal blade #6

    I wish I could be that blade.
    It only feels relief.
    It's life of masquerade.
    Must be it's only belief.

    To hide behind such sharp steal.
    Slashing through without feeling pain.
    Touching skins I can't feel.
    Exiting lives, excluding stains.

    No more sensations within.
    Slaughtering is only the beholders sin.

  • Devyn
    18 years ago

    Schools Out

    I've been working on my homework
    all the live long day.
    I've been working on my homework
    even though it's Saturday.
    I can hardly keep from snoring.
    Why's homework have to be so boring?
    I can hear my mother shouting?¦
    Is your homework done?

    Did you work all night?
    Are your answers right?
    Did you double-check your spelling too?
    Will you pass the test?
    You can have a rest
    When your homework's done.
    and then I shout SCHOOLS OUT!

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    well, Im sorry then, some people have done great things to the titles

  • PS
    18 years ago

    hey i like them. i couldve easily used many of them.

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    :-/ Those titles kind of suck. :(

    ^No need for comments like that, if you don't like the selected titles, just don't reply to the thread.


  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    poonam is right, i coodve written 2 many of those also!

  • Wings Of Flames
    18 years ago

    Me as well,
    GHod some ppl are very strange, commenting when it isnt needed or wanted to be heard.

    Theyw ere geat titles, i thoroughly enjoyed writing for one of them,
    Rock on!

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    thank you, at least some appriciate my titles:)

  • brkendown
    18 years ago


    That nite like a nightmar playing over and over agin in my head dark scary and seeming to last forever
    the kissing - i didnt mind
    after all he was my boyfriend
    the tuching - i didnt stop
    after all he was my boyfriend
    but it all went to far!
    after all he was FUST my boyfriend
    the night started just like any other
    kissing, tuching, cuddling.
    hugging, holding - movie going
    i should have seen it coming
    we kiss, this time he brings me in close
    kissing me deep
    he moves his hands one is on my brest, the other off my ass and into my pants
    i flinch its the first time any one has tuched down there
    he just keeps going
    unbuttoning my jeans now
    i feel him stop tuching and start to thrust his fingers intop me ~fingering me
    i push him, but hes to strong, he doesnt buge
    i quite kissing, but he keeps it up
    she smilying - that bastord-
    it stops only for seconds
    it starts again. thistime theres more pressure
    more thrust
    more kissing from him
    i push once more
    still im stuck
    stuck under neath him now
    once more it stops
    my thoughts start to race
    wondering whats going to happen
    he pulls me on top of him
    i try to get off
    he gets on top
    and starts humpping showing me what he wants
    he pulls me on the top once more and once more i try to get away
    hes back ~in my pants he tryes again
    only this time it hurts
    i whisper "ouch" he keeps it up
    i push him whispering a "no"
    he still keeps his fingers in me i push once more and than again with force
    he finaly is done with me and lest me go.
    he looks at me
    he injoyed that i can see the joy in his eyes
    i get up and turn the movie off fixing my jeans and whiping the tears away
    we go to the family room
    he tryes again only this time i move away
    he looks at me and asked if i liked it
    i smile and say "yea.." with sarcasum
    he tryes once more and just like before
    i move
    he look at his watch and saids " i think its time for me to leave"
    out in the garage he gives me a goodnite kiss and drives off.
    back in my room i sit on the bed thoughts still rushing still scared
    at school it came up and he denied ever going out with me
    but not fingering me
    when i asked him what was "that" Saturday
    his reply was simply " that" i do "that" to alot of girls
    im pissed at him, but not cuz hes denieing going out with me but bbecause of what he did was wrong
    and maybe it was my falt
    but what does he think pushing means>
    and hell i dont even no what you would call it !!
    maybe its my falt for most saying "no" more or screaming or what not but why sould i bet my self up? after all, he was my boyfriend, or soo i thought.

  • Wings Of Flames
    18 years ago

    God i mustve checked the contest a billuon times, ahhh
    its slowly killing me this anticipation
    kepp smilin'

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    i agree i chek it like 5 times a day

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Don't worry folks, Ill judge it very soon, I promise

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Tada! I'm done judging... Here are the result;)

    1st place: Wings of flames with Horror night

    2nd place: Sole with loving the world

    3rd place: ~*Who Cares*~ with Any time, any day.

    Congratulations everyone, you did a great job

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Hey by the way, Im opening a new contest, you should check it out.

  • Sole
    18 years ago

    Thanks a lot for 2nd, that's really kind of you. Congrats to everyone who entered - all the poems were amazing!

    Peace. [Sole]

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    woo 3rd!

  • PS
    18 years ago

    nice job everyone

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    yup you did a wonderful job

  • Wings Of Flames
    18 years ago

    holy mother.....crap!
    OMFG THANK you thank you thank you!!!!
    holy crap wow
    thank u made my day!
    thank you so much

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    I'm glad your happy, that makes my day.