"These are the best years of your life!"

  • Jackie Bilson
    19 years ago

    Why on earth would anyone ever believe that your teens are the best years of your life? I'm half way through it and honestly, if this is the best, I'd HATE to see my worst!

    I mean, skin problems, peer pressure, piles of homework, sex, drugs, drinking, crime, broken hearts, friendships ending, betrayal...what else? I mean, what's the "best" part?

    I'm not ragging on my generat- well, actually yeah, I am. I just want someone older to explain...how is this humiliating, horrible experience THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES?

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    hmm the best part of my life was after my teen years, well late teens (17-20) So far anyways.....Hopefully I still have a long ways to go.......Well see though when i'm on my death bed

  • Brian King
    19 years ago

    um jacki 20 isn't a teen

  • juss an allycat
    19 years ago

    things get more complicated when your grown up though, all this responsibilty and commitment. frankly im loving my teens. dont be to quick to grow up coz you may regret it

  • Timothy r
    19 years ago

    I am older than most of you, so I can say this from experience...SEX, drugs?, skin problems?, peer pressure?...DAmn right it will be the best years of your life....I am 36, and would kill to get those years back..when you are 13-16, life sux..no doubt, but when you are in the world of taking care of yourself, and others, your teen years will seem like a amusement park ride, Trust me. I know you will all read this and think I am nuts, because I did the exact same thing..but hopefullly we will talk 10 years from now and you can tell me what you think then.

  • Megha
    19 years ago

    it IS the best part ,its better than piles of officework,tension all the time,shoutings from the boss,salary cuts,unsuccessful marriages,income tax,electricity bills....................................................................and blah blah blah.....
    i never want my teens to end...i have 2 years left and im gonna make the best of them...ive enjoyed so far...even the skin problems,broken hearts,friendship ending ,betrayal parts......thats wat its all about really its SUPPOSED to be like that,and ure SUPPOSED to crib bout it....thats the 'best' part....
    but u know grass always seems greener on the other side...so ull always feel like growing up ...so do i sometimes.....but i still feel teens are THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    Hey, I'm a teen and I think it rocks! (ok I'm probably the only one who does).
    the only major problem for me is exams, which only happened twice a year, everything else is going out with friends, meeting guys, wistful thinking of the future. But then again, many people probably think very differently.

  • Megha
    19 years ago

    ure not the only 1 shadowed poet!! i think it rocks too!