Met and fell in love on this site...

  • Michelle
    19 years ago

    For those of you who don't know..(I posted this quite a while back somewhere) ..and who knows if you really care anyway?? :) My fiance Craig and I met on here last February and after talking for a couple weeks via email, went to Yahoo messenger..Craig didnt even have it at the time sohe loaded it up, eventually got a cam and we talked that way for a while..He is from
    England and I am from Wisconsin...soon after we started talking on the phone and that turned into hours a day..thank goodness we found some really cheap calling cards..but not until after a really LARGE phone bill came in the mail!!! :)...soon we decided we HAD to meet so around May he booked a ticket for July 2nd until the 18th...that was one of the very best days of my life, meeting him in Chicago!! After a week or so we noticed on his visa waiver to get in the country that he could stay up until Sept. we changed his ticket, he quit his job, and stayed until Sept 26th!!! We are engaged and currently going through something called a fiancee visa..a process taking at least six months or so..but we are about halfway through it..when he gets his visa he can come back to the US to live and then we are getting married..possibly next April or May...thank you SO SO much Janis Krumins for creating this site and who knew a few comments on poems would turn into a future marriage? We are sooo happy and the best part is neither one of us were looking or intended this to happen...I see other people on here in similar alot, write poems to one another, etc..hope it works out as well for you!!!! Just in case you were interested... :) :) :) Have a good weekend everyone!!!!(ps..I am more than likely leaving while I have a 6 week layoff from my work..going Nov 30 or Dec. 1st until Dec. 15 to visit Craig and his family in England!!!) If no one is remotely interested in this, sorry...Im just SO so happy!!!! :) Michelle

  • Mephastophilis
    19 years ago

    :-) OMG- Your story is soooooooooooooooooo cute and you two look great together. WOW. What a beautiful, sweet almost fairytale like story. it's nice to hear such a romantic story that worked out because there's so many sad and depressing ones out there. It's the kinda thing that gives us singletons hope that one day we'll meet that guy/girl who we're absolutely crazy about, who we're willing to fly to another continent for just to meet them. God i'm getting all setimental now and i don't even know you guys but i wish you ALL the LUCK in the world. xmollyxx

  • Andrea
    19 years ago

    awwww, that is so wonderful! Congratulations, I hope the two of you will be very happy together!

  • Michelle
    19 years ago

    awww thanks guys, it means alot...we are SO happy but it's HORRIBLE to be apart...he gets up at 1/2am his time every day so we can speak in my evening...and then he's up for the day..tries to get to bed around 7/8 his time so he can sleep..isn't he so sweet??? :)michelle

  • Timothy r
    19 years ago

    I think its great, I see it happening more and more..good luck in the future.

  • StarGirl
    19 years ago

    Congradulations!!! ^_^

  • Gracie Jo
    19 years ago

    Congrads to both of you! =)

  • Michelle
    19 years ago

    awww thanks everyone..means alot!!! Got a ticket booked...going across the pond for the first time ever...visit my honey Nov. 23-Dec.8th...can't wait!!!!! :) Michelle