what is you favorite scaary movie

  • Bri
    18 years ago

    Hide and Seek was good
    and so was War of the Worlds.. but it was more like a messed up action movie.
    I liked the Boogey man and the Ring

    I thought White Noise sucked and the Grudge was more of a comedy than a horror story.

  • Greedy
    18 years ago

    The Grudge, Pet Sematery, The Excorsist (did i spell that correctly?) and It.

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    Pet Sematery, definitely have to agree with the popular consensus. the FREAKIEST thing about that movie for me though was the hospital scene with the guy with the half torn off skull...plus the trucks. Semis freak me out.

    Event Horizon and The Hole were also equally freaky. I loved the way The Hole began. Thora Birch covered in red walking past all those 'missing person' flyers. sweet.

    I thought The Excorcist was nothing more than low-budget kiddie porn. I have a hard time being scared by Fantasy. I scare more by suggestibility and trick-cinematography. Like the products of Alfred Hitchcock and M. Night Shamayalan. The Others was also very scary, but not as good the second time.

    Of course, the movie that left it's deepest scar upon me wasn't what you'd call a horror, but it was definitely horrific: 8mm.