Why do you write?

  • LovelyBones
    17 years ago

    Thats the question

  • Normal is the Watchword
    17 years ago

    To tame the voices in my head.........my thoughts

  • Gary Jurechka
    17 years ago

    My favorite response to this question is:
    Because I cannot NOT write.
    Writing has always been a form of self therapy, an expression of emotions too intense to keep inside, an expression of thoughts, feelings, meanings. Sometimes it is simply purging-a cleansing, sometimes I learn something about myself or others or life in general. Sometimes it is merely the noble expression of art. Also for the fun and freedom of it. Mainly it was something that was mine. A release, a passion, a peace.
    I look back over my poems and am reminded of things I'd learned but forgotten, how I felt at certain times, etc.
    Sometimes I can see who I was then, who I am now, and perhaps a hint of where I'm going.
    And though I write mainly for myself (it's helperd keep my sanity many times, lol) and always have (though some pieces are distinctly for others-and I have found sometimes the more personal you are sometimes the more universal the piece is striking a chord in others). It is a great writer, and sometimes the goal of the writer, to touch the hearts and minds of others.
    There are many reasons. As you write, and each piece, sometimes the reasons and the poems change over time. Sometimes not.

    Peace, Poetry & Power,
    Gary Jurechka

  • Sandra D
    17 years ago

    i write to get my feelings out in a healthy way...
    it works!! (for me)

  • Ashleigh Skye
    17 years ago

    to get my emotions out on paper, it makes me feel better afterwards

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    I write because i like it.

  • kaila
    17 years ago

    i write becuz it makes me take out all my problems and helps intsead of leaving them all buched up inside of me

  • KeyKey
    17 years ago

    I love to write because it makes me realize that words are better than fist..... and when you are going through something ruff it helps to know there are others out there like you...... :(

  • this is only the beggining
    17 years ago

    i write to let everything out without letting things out on other people.sometimes there are emotions that are to had to put into words and thats why i write.

  • Gauraw Patil
    17 years ago

    I'm in love... But I'm too scared to tell her... So, I express my feeling through my poems...

  • xo kisses xo
    17 years ago

    to get my feelings down on paper that i am too afraid to show anyone. i try to always act happy cuz i don't paople to see me sad...so most of my poems are sad poems cuz i'm too afraid to show that i am sad. i agree ^^ this is a lot like my diary!!!

  • Boy
    17 years ago

    the feelings expreestheir words.. i write to share my feelings to all memebrs of the community then i feel good

  • jennifer
    17 years ago

    I write because thats where all my awnsers lie later because when i write i dont always know what i write its like i black out for the period of time and just let my brain go so i write to be me!

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago

    I write poems as i think its a good way to deal with how you feel and also i enjoy just sitting writing them

  • The WriTer
    16 years ago

    I agree, I write because i need to get my emotions out, and most of the time no one will listen. so i kno that when i write, i have a chance to open myself fully into something that wont judge me. and when i feel its neccessary to talk to someone, i just let them read someone my poems. and then maybe they will get the clue that i need help.

  • claire
    16 years ago

    Writing something good makes me feel good, and writing my emotions helps to make sense of them

  • Darcey
    16 years ago

    I write not because i want to, i need to. If i didn't i'd probably either harming myself or just overal harm others.

  • Lauren
    16 years ago

    Cause just by the way you write, you write cause you want to express your feelings, and how you feel about someone or love or just random cause, but as you go along, you basicly write cause you love to write, and also, =]put random funny poems which are cool.

    I write because I say what is on my mind, since it is best to let it out then to hold it inside. When Im stressed out I write depressing poems some of the time. You wouldnt believe. But otherwise, I love tpying and writing. Brings me great joy!

  • 19Rusty
    16 years ago

    Lol, why don't I write seriously.

    16 years ago

    I think poetry is beautiful. Every single kind of poetry. I write because it is the easiest way for me to get my feelings out. I like writing how I feel down, but something like a diary doesn't work for me. Poetry does.

  • Kimmie
    16 years ago

    I write wat i cant say out loud its hard to understand but yea

  • The Angel of Secrets
    16 years ago

    I write because its fun, its relaxing, it takes away my anger or whatever feeling I need to release, and because its what I love

  • Mommy And Me
    16 years ago

    I write because writing is the only way that i am able to get everything i need to out. sense i was little anyways.

  • Fan Angeleo
    16 years ago

    I write to let my emotions go, whether I am happy sad angry it really doesn't matter I love writing and reading poetry. Just knowing someone is taking my thoughts in is so satisfying, and to see the
    similarities in thoughts and writing styles makes this so much fun to do.

  • Brittney
    16 years ago

    Writing is my form of therapy. I let out all emotions that I have. I tend to bottle up feelings and not talk about them with people, so I write to get that all out. Post some things here to get feedback on how I'm doing. People here also tend to help with problems without even knowing you. Poetry is amazing!

  • jason
    16 years ago

    I write for people.. i write to entertain.. to help... to encourage.. to show people that they are not alone.. i write to connect to other people who have the experiences like mine... and try to make them feel a little better i write to try to change the world by reaveling where the faults lie.... i write jsut to write because it is somethign i love to do... i write also because one day i wish to start making songs o.o

  • Brittany
    16 years ago

    I write because there are some things that just overwhelm a person. They need to get it out. I also write things that I can't admit...at least, that I can't admit outloud. Lastly, I write because I love it.

  • I love jake
    16 years ago

    I like writng poetry

  • Tricia
    16 years ago

    Because writing is easier then saying what you feel. Have you ever notice that. You can write I love you but sometimes you cant say it out loud. Writing poems or quotes whatever you may be writing. its a release to all that dont have a voice. If its bad good or okay its still their feelings. Still art in all its glory. You ask us why we write. Some of us its a way of life.

  • Jessica Evelyn Maxwell
    16 years ago

    To express how i feel, to show the world that theres a better way of dealing with thinga, to inspire people, to maybe help people.

  • Broken Saint
    16 years ago

    To express how i feel.. isn't that what poetry is about??

  • Mandy
    16 years ago

    I write so i can get my thoughts out in a creative way and so everyone wont think im sad all the time. poetry helps me express my feelings in the best way.

    XO XO

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago

    I fear being forgotten.

  • Richard Machado
    16 years ago

    To see if others feel like I do; to be apart of something, powerful.

  • ShadyPyro
    16 years ago

    I Write To Let My Feelings Out...To Communicate When Normal Words Wont Work...

  • Laura
    16 years ago

    I write poems & quotes to express my feelings ..
    & to write down all my anger & also love

  • Rona Pearson
    16 years ago

    Well...I like to write co'z writting is good.

    Express what we have in our minds.

  • unknown
    16 years ago

    Because it's one of my hobby. ^^
    And by doing so, I can release my mind's burden. ^^

  • Dan Bloom
    16 years ago

    I write because i feel like i have to. Because Writing is worth something more than just words. Its your life you put into it.

  • Mohamed Ghuloom
    16 years ago

    Coz I'm good in it. Whenever I write i get compliments from my family or loved ones. That keeps me going and going. Plus it makes me feel better.