Assistant in clubs

  • Polly
    17 years ago

    I've been a member of this site for probably 3 or 4 years now (it says I joined in 2005 on my page, but nobody can tell me why, to do with changing my name or something??). I can't write poems anymore but still wanted to stay on the site and comment on other peoples poems, discussion boards etc.

    I think I have a few silver awards (?) and I was wondering how you become a mod, or make a club or be an assistant in a club, I clicked the thing that says apply for assistant position but it doesn't actually seem to work. So yeah if anyone can answer some of the questions that would be great.

    - Polly

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    I'm not a mod or anything like that or a senior member
    But i know about that
    You have to be a senior member
    It means you should have a silver on P or become a senior member and vote for the weekly(dont agree) contest,set your club,be an asistant on one
    But i dunno about the mod one

  • Polly
    17 years ago

    Thankyou :) So how did I become a senior member? lol im ever so sorry I just wanted to be clear 'cause I never did understand! x

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    To become an assistant of a club, you MUST join before the group is "public" as an assitant... otherwise, it will not work. It's a glitch in the system.

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    Senior members are just automatic. They just mean nothing too much. Just voting the weekly poems, obviously.

  • Polly
    17 years ago

    To become an assistant of a club, you MUST join before the group is "public" as an assitant... otherwise, it will not work. It's a glitch in the system.

    Sorry I don't understand, please explain xxx

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    17 years ago

    The club can only get assistants before the club gets on the page.

    therefore you can't apply if your poem is on the page for clubs.

    The only way- is to remove the club and move everything/one over and before the club goes public apply.

  • Polly
    17 years ago

    So unless you can magically see clubs that arent there, you have to have a friend who is making a club... lol