To Janis: please help, my friend is frustrated about her suspend

  • ~ღ~ jeSSica ~ღ~
    17 years ago

    My friend mkhoviyeun got her account suspended because she was anxious to get her account back, so she keep on trying different possible passwords to log on. After like 10 times trying different possible passwords, her account got suspended. Is there any way she can have her account back?? or is it suspended forever?? Please reply asap! Thanks!

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Um, Janis, you wouldn't happen to still have my old account...would you? Daenyres Stormborn..spelled a little differently than my current name. The log in was "bodyandsoul". I really miss that account :(, and I'm sorry for breaking any rules. I have been so good ever since then! I'm such a good member, anyone will tell you! :-D eh heh...Janis, I will do you a favor, anything, if you give me that account back! Please?

    I will beg (more) if I have to!

    Thank you, revered master, for reading this.

  • ~ღ~ jeSSica ~ღ~
    17 years ago

    Thanks Janis!!
    By the way, she forgot her password and email, is there any way she can get a new password to log on her account?

    P.S. where can we read submission guidelines?

    Thanks for replying so fast! Have a wonderful day!

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    Please read our submission terms and guidelines. By posting material (poems, comments, quotes and/or forum posts) on this website, you are confirming that you have read these rules and agree to comply with them. Violation of these rules can result in suspension of your account,

    Submission terms and guidelines are subject to change at any time, and it is your responsibility to check these terms and guidelines regularly.

    You must be the AUTHOR of poems and quotes you submit here. Do NOT submit texts that are not yours. It is a violation of COPYRIGHT LAW.

    Do NOT write in the TITLE of your poems requests for COMMENTS and/or VOTES. Do NOT use any SPECIAL CHARACTERS to make your title stand out.

    Do NOT submit texts in CAPITAL LETTERS.

    Your poems and quotes must be related to the CATEGORY you have selected.

    Do NOT submit texts on the subject of PORNOGRAPHY, VIOLENCE, or overly OFFENSIVE texts. EROTICS and/or PROFANITY should be submitted only in the category of EXPLICIT POETRY (if you are under the age of 18, you must have parental consent to post and/or read texts in this category).

    Submit each text only ONE TIME.

    Save your poems on your computer before you submit them here.

    Check your poems and quotes for SPELLING and GRAMMAR ERRORS before submission. You can use our spell checker tool to fix errors.

    "Poems & Quotes" will have full RIGHTS for editing and rewriting of submitted texts as necessary. "Poems & Quotes" reserves the right to not display or post any submissions we deem inappropriate or unacceptable. By submitting material to "Poems & Quotes", you agree we can display, modify, transmit, distribute or delete your posting without needing prior or further consent from you. Submissions may be removed any time at our sole discretion. Authors who submit their poems to us retain their copyrights, but grant "Poems & Quotes" irrevocable world wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute their submitted material in printed form or by any other medium, and forego any payment or compensation for the submitted material.

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago

    "I'm such a good member, anyone will tell you!"

    ^You humour us, Jane :).

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago


    Just go along with it, please? Everyone knows I'm harmless, just a pain in the butt 89.2% of the time.


  • silvershoes
    17 years ago


    Poems & Quotes" will have full RIGHTS for editing and rewriting of submitted texts as necessary. "Poems & Quotes" reserves the right to not display or post any submissions we deem inappropriate or unacceptable. By submitting material to "Poems & Quotes", you agree we can display, modify, transmit, distribute or delete your posting without needing prior or further consent from you. Submissions may be removed any time at our sole discretion. Authors who submit their poems to us retain their copyrights, but grant "Poems & Quotes" irrevocable world wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute their submitted material in printed form or by any other medium, and forego any payment or compensation for the submitted material.

    ^Is it just me, or is something wrong here? That is really, really scary. By submitting ANYTHING here, we are submissing to having ANYTHING we submit taken from us, altered, distributed without notice..etc. That is just wrong, no?

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Janis kept the "printed form" because there was an idea to release a yearly anthology at some point. If he made this publication, he'd ask everyone before putting their poem there and every author would receive a free copy. It would be a small book consisting maximum of 100 poems. It would be more as a recognition to the really good poets who are on this site than anything else.

    And as for, "By submitting material to "Poems & Quotes", you agree we can display, modify, transmit, distribute or delete your posting without needing prior or further consent from you. Submissions may be removed any time at our sole discretion."

    1) Display - Display such as on the website
    2) Modify - Modify such as editting your poem
    3) Transmit - Transmit your poem via the newsletter
    4) Distribute - Distribute your poem via the newsletter

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    When putting the title of a poem down, is it okay to put in dashes?? I dunno if they are "special characteristics". Now I'm afraid that I've violated so many rules and my acount will be suspended! Ah! I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

  • Daenerys Stormborn
    17 years ago

    Janis!!!!!!!! You unsuspended my original account! I'm on it right now, and I'm almost in pathetic! THANK YOU Awww, this account has so many good memories, I'm so happy. Thank you so much! If I can somehow, ever do anything to...return the favor, show my appreciation...I will do it. I thought I lost some of these poems forever...Oh my god! You are my hero!

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know that sounds dramatic, and everyone is going to make fun of me...but hey, since when have I cared what others think of me!? Hahahahahaha, thank you Janis. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    I just want to kiss you.

  • Daenerys Stormborn
    17 years ago

    I was in a bad mood, and now I'm smiling like an idiot.