Can't accept Assistants?

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    17 years ago

    I made a poetry club and have an applying assistant, but can't accept them. Is this happening to anyone else? I can click the button and get the approval message, saying I have accepted the assistant, but when I go back and check that person is still put down as applying and doesn't show up on the member count. Anyone else having this problem?

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    Have you tried refreshing the page or maybe even logging out and back in?

    Is this for the club Depressed Poetic Cafe (DPC)?

    For some reason, assitants cannot be made in clubs that are already public.

    17 years ago

    The same thing happened when Doug, Bryan and me were attempting to make a club...he could accept us into it as assistants...but it wouldn't show us in the club. =S

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    17 years ago

    Okay, thanks foryour help. And yes, it is for the DPC. One more quick thing about the clubs: I can't seem to start any new topics on the discussion board, I'm actually transfered to another club's empty discussion board when I click discussions. Any advice on this? :D

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    Hmmmm, now that's a weird one about the discussion board. I have no idea about that.

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    17 years ago

    Yeah, when I click discussions, I get "Poetry club forum - Holding On" as the title of the forum... A few days ago it was something like "20 years" as the title... very strange.

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    The club's orginal title is kept, although it visibly changes underneath the Poetry Clubs page. At least, that's what happens to my club.

    When i'm posting something for my club Battered & Broken, it still says The Ninja Turtles-Discussion Board-Post topic.

    Lol. If you don't belong to a club, then you won't know what I mean. If you don't pay attention to the little things, you won't, as well, know what I mean.

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    17 years ago

    Well, thing is, the only title my club's ever had was DPC. And, no one can post messages on it, or even click a topic in the main forum page.

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    17 years ago

    Oh, I suppose it would've helped if I mentioned this earlier, but we only have one assistant, would that be the reason our forums aren't open?

    17 years ago

    The club itself can't open without 2 assistants. After that, you don't need assistants to keep it going really...just a manager. I'm a manager of one, and I only had assistants to help me open it and nothing after that.

  • BeautifulxMess
    17 years ago

    I'm having the same problem. I'm trying to apply but it won't let me...

  • BeautifulxMess
    17 years ago

    Ah please tel me something it trying to be done?

    17 years ago

    Another thing that should be sorted out is the clubs that are no longer running...they should be deleted so it's cleaner on that part of the site and so that the clubs that ARE up and running are easier to find..


  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    Very true. Nice suggestion, m'dear.