Praise for P&Q from an old member

  • HansRik
    17 years ago

    It has been a very long time since I last contributed to this site, and hopefully I will get my (poetry) writing spree after exams. I recently logged in to check what has happened in this vritual world, and lo! much to my surprise, it changed for the better. The introduction of "Account news" is the first wonderful change one notices: the member is instantly allowed to know of any comments without having to senselessly scroll down and up the page in search of that little red number! Secondly, the appearance is much improved, methinks. It has a slightly "galactic" feeling to it. And thirdly, the structure of the forums is significantly better than when I last wrote on them: the introduction of "Search Forums" is a genius idea which I have seen elsewhere as well, and the Sticky threads ensure that everyone knows the rules, or at least has no excuse to not know the rules.

    So, to keep my random rant brief: congratulations on an excellent job in keeing this site vibrant and alive!

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Well, that was pleasant.