Is it wrong?

  • Boy
    16 years ago

    Hi everyone!!

    is it wrong to delete you old poem and revised it and then submit it. the point of revised would be for better grammer or anything else. well usually people do not do so. but i am just asking.
    i am talking about revised and submit not about edit the poem.

    16 years ago

    Alot of people delete their poems if they are not happy with it and then resubmit it. I'm sure it is fine. :]

  • PnQ Mod Account
    16 years ago

    But why not just edit it?

    16 years ago

    ^^ That's what I was thinking.

  • Normal is the Watchword
    16 years ago

    Leave the original. Fix it up and repost the same poem with the edits [leave the original alone] with the word Revised next to it in the title.

  • David
    16 years ago

    Then wouldn't it really be a new poem. i would delete and submit again. cause if you keep revising then you will have like 2 or 3 or 4 poems that are really just the same.
